User: slowenough

  • Created: 1813 days ago
  • Karma: 313
  • this account proud recipients of a ban for standing up to bullies, by YCs impartial ministry of "Truth"

    remember folks, not accepting a bully's abuse in silence is a violation of the HN guidelines

    apparently HN needs a fresh supply of willing silent victims.

    remember, don't be a sucker, stand up to bullies no matter the petty censoriousness of HN

    Artist working mostly in code.

    Self taught "coder" since 1993. 36 yars as of 2019.

    I guess I'm a heretic now?

    Down votes are badges of honor. One brave enough to stand against the madding crowd and speak a truth few dare to hear!

    I was born in Australia, lived in East Asia the last 9 years and I'm Pro China and Pro USA. People seem to hate that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯