User: lacker

  • Created: 5920 days ago
  • Karma: 13803
  • Current status: looking for aliens.

    Previously, the founder of Parse (YC S2011), the simplest way to build a mobile app. We were acquired by Facebook in 2013 and had a few exciting years there.

    Unfortunately, we shut down the hosted Parse service in January 2017. Fortunately, a lot of the Parse magic lives on as open source:

    Before Parse, I founded Gamador (YC W2010). Millions of people have played Gamador's casual games.

    Before that, I was a software engineer at Google working on search algorithms.

    Before that, I was in grad school at Berkeley bouncing around between computational biology and AI.

    You can follow me on Twitter:

    My email is just my hn username at gmail.

    [ my public key:; my proof: ]