User: keepamovin

  • Created: 336 days ago
  • Karma: 6236
  • happy

    i like skydiving, snowboarding and surfing. and Utah, Washington, Oregon, Colorado and Idaho for outdoor activities.

    for creative work I pushed the browser further at BrowserBox and DownloadNet at DOSAYGO. Find it on GitHub. If you want a license contact

    Business chat:

    Life is suffering, so you need some people to cry for and suffer for it. The important thing is to not make yourself one of those people, unless you want to be.

    In more detail: the universe honors all the things. From the randomness of existence, it’s not all order and beauty. There is ugliness and pain almost as a necessary other side to that. And because that is important and cherished too, you need some people to cry and suffer for that, thereby honoring that side of existence. The universe will always require this. There is no way to create a perfectly happy society, without elsewhere creating a roughly equivalent amount of sadness and pain. This is the principle of balance, or the principle of the conservation of suffering. Maybe, be careful of those who want to bring any form of utopia, or even marvel at progress’ unabashed capacity for improvement. There’s always a cost, and it will be born, importantly, honorably, by someone, somewhere.
