User: i-care-not

  • Created: 1842 days ago
  • Karma: 1
  • Society is now fundamentally broken. It has been fragmented, shattered, atomized, and is no longer recognizable.

    I've kind of reached a breaking point. I'm not interested in participating in, well, pretty much any of it anymore.

    I can't pretend to do this. It's just all a sad joke at this point. Why spend another moment on the hamster wheel. I'm done. It's over.

    I shall sleep, and sleep forever.

    And if I wake up again, disturbed from the dreamless slumber amid rock and soil, microseconds later in another body with no memory of the futility only just recently witnessed, or trillions upon trillions of years later, the member of some distant evolutionary addendum to an alternative form of life begat by the substrata of stars yet unknown, I care not.