User: bherms

  • Created: 4988 days ago
  • Karma: 1438
  • My name is Brad. I've been working as a software engineer in San Francisco for ~ 9yrs (2020) and was formerly in Indianapolis. I play guitar, rock climb, play disc golf, hike, camp, watch a lot of movies, read even more books, and have several other little hobbies. Day to day, I'm a web/application developer specializing in ruby development and currently working at Coinbase as a Sr Engineer. In previous roles, I co-founded and ran Soothe as CTO for 1.5 years, worked at Bleacher Report on mobile API's for 2.5 years, spent 4 years at Hired, was an original team member at StyleOwner, worked on wizard tools and CMS stuff at iGoDigital, and did front-end development work for Matchbook Creative. If you want to know more, send me an email!