User: WalterGR

  • Created: 5580 days ago
  • Karma: 4363
  • Hi. I'm Walter Rader. In 1996, there were no slang dictionaries on the web that took user contributions. So I created one. I called it The Online Slang Dictionary. It still going after nearly 25 years!

    I'm a Software Engineer with more than 15 years of experience across all stages of the software development life-cycle. I've worked in a variety of industries; at companies huge (100k+ employees,) small (30 - 60,) and tiny (my own); and have shipped code in 10 languages.

    As of October 2022, I am actively exploring new opportunities in the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento metropolitan areas.

    My resume is available on LinkedIn:

    You can reach me at


    Here are some cool features of a couple of my more visible sites:

    * Usage statistics

    * Vulgarity ratings

    * Maps that show where slang is used

    * More of the interesting features are listed here:


    * An analysis of the offensiveness of English works in the Project Gutenberg corpus.

    * This analysis used >250,000 vulgarity votes cast on The Online Slang Dictionary.

    * Analyses of more corpora are in planning.


    * Put a pin in a global map for a word or phrase. (Think: "hashtags plus location".)

    * This site powers the "I use this word - put me on the map!" feature of The Online Slang Dictionary.
