User: Ods25

  • Created: 2379 days ago
  • Karma: 1
  • Location: Milton, FL

    Remote: Yes

    Willing to relocate: Yes

    Technologies: x86/ARM/MIPS, C,C++,Java,Python , GDB/GEF/PEDA, IDA Pro/Radare2/Ghidra, familiar with data structures & algorithms. During my AA I did a Robotics Programming class so I'm familliar with Arduino, microcontrollers, and am currently teaching myself Lattice FPGAs with an upduino.

    Currently focusing on the following projects:

    1. learning more Reverse Engineering material with Dennis Yurichev's book at 2. Learning React with "The Road to React" book to try to get into fullstack development. 3. Seeing what my Robotics University Group is up to with their projects.

    Education: Have completed an AA in Computer Science, now currently a half-time Elec. Eng. / Comp. Eng. dual major student, pre-covid I used to do half-time tutoring for C++,Java,Python, and Mathematics for Pensacola State College over 1.5 years. Also previously at PSC I was the Exploit-training and Resource Officer where I would teach Cryptography and beginner Exploit-dev to students using .

    Resume link:!Scott%20Butts%20Resume%20-%202020-11-30.pdf

    Linkedin: (I have articles, check 'em out!)

    Github: (I have projects, check those out too! Currently helping a friend force a JRPG battle system into a Virtual novel framework called Renpy.)
