The Daughter of Dawn [1920] (2024)


46 points | by js2 32 days ago


  • js2 32 days ago
    I came across this film on Criterion Channel last night:

    On YouTube (linked from the submitted article):

  • system7rocks 32 days ago
    Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge is an amazing place. The closest Oklahoma gets to mountains, but one of my favorite places in the world. I knew about this but have never had a chance to watch it.
    • lemonberry 32 days ago
      I took a Greyhound bus through Oklahoma years ago. The green grass and red clay earth of the gullies was just beautiful. I've always wanted to go back to explore. Thanks for tip and another reason to visit.
  • Mistletoe 32 days ago
    Had not heard of this movie. Thank you for posting it. Some of the first Native Americans I actually recognize in a movie. What a wonderful story.