• a_cardboard_box 5 hours ago
    > Background/Objectives: Egg consumption in adults has been linked with a modestly increased risk of all-cause and CVD mortality. However, evidence on adults aged 65 y+ is limited.

    So, according to the authors of the study, it has already been established that egg consumption in adults is linked with increased mortality, but they wanted to see if this is still true for those 65 years and older.

    The study found lower mortality in those who reported eating eggs weekly compared to those who ate eggs never or infrequently. It did not establish causality. So it could be that eggs improve the health of the elderly, or it could be that healthy elderly people are more able to cook for themselves, and people who cook for themselves are more likely to eat eggs. The study does not distinguish between these possibilities.

    • aradox66 3 hours ago
      The same findings have been made with other animal protein in general, the going theory is that animal foods are protein dense and protect against sarcopenia which is very well established to contribute a lot to all cause mortality in the elderly.
      • stubish 1 hour ago
        It seems almost impossible to get the elderly to eat enough protein. Even those aware that they should be changing their diet. A lifetime of habit and greatly diminished appetite means pushing protein dense foods. I've very grateful for studies such as this, to help with my thankfully scientifically minded seniors. If you can only fit in a spoonful or two, you have to make it count.
      • aradox66 3 hours ago
        The protective effects against sarcopenia end up outweighing the negative cardiovascular and cancer risks past a certain age
        • nradov 18 minutes ago
          Which negative cardiovascular and cancer risks are you referring to?
    • snailmailstare 3 hours ago
      This answer seems plausible, but I also see no control for people who eat eggs through their entire life being more likely to die prematurely or those taking measures like not eating eggs being deeply unhealthy.
  • tensility 3 hours ago
  • SirMaster 2 hours ago
    Really? They tell us this now in the midst of an egg shortage???