Catgrad: A categorical deep learning compiler


63 points | by remexre 2 days ago


  • abeppu 5 hours ago
    So, learning about the categorical structure is interesting, but is there a specific advantage to seeing these concepts directly informing the implementation vs as a post-hoc way of explaining what autodiff is doing? E.g. Tensorflow is creating and transforming graphs of computation. Despite being written before most of the categorical work cited was done, isn't it doing the "same" thing, but we just wouldn't find names or comments in the code that closely align with the categorical work?
  • tripplyons 5 hours ago
    How does this compare to the XLA's ability to compile full training steps from JAX?
  • catgary 4 hours ago
    This is a nice project, but “You only linearize once” is more-or-less the type theory version of “Reverse Derivative Categories”, so JAX really does this already.
    • statusfailed 1 hour ago
      (author here) the goals of catgrad are a bit different to JAX - first of all, the "autodiff" algorithm is really a general approach to composing optics, of which autodiff is just a special case. Among other things, this means you can "plug your own language" into the syntax library to get a "free" autodiff algorithm. Second, catgrad itself is more like an IR right now - we're using it at to serve as a serverless runtime for models.

      More philosophically, the motto is "write programs as morphisms directly". Rather than writing a term in some type theory which you then (maybe) give a categorical semantics, why not just work directly in a category?

      Long term, the goal is to have a compiler which is a stack of categories with functors as compiler passes. The idea being that in contrast to typical compilers where you are "stuck" at a given abstraction level, this would allow you to view your code at various levels of abstractions. So for example, you could write a program, then write an x86-specific optimization for one function which you can then prove correct with respect to the more abstract program specification.

      • nh23423fefe 45 minutes ago
        can you expand on "write programs as morphisms directly"

        I'm someone super interested in category theory and ITT, but I can't quite parse what you are trying to convey even though I think I have the prereqs to understand the answer.

  • bguberfain 4 hours ago
  • cyanydeez 1 hour ago
    i always find it fascinating when projects like these can seem to find a proper overview for the AI curious non-PhD students.