Show HN: Using YOLO to Detect Office Chairs in 40M Hotel Photos

I used the YOLO object detection library from Ultralytics to scan over 40 million hotel photos and identify images with office chairs. This helped me create a map showing hotels suitable for remote work.



The whole process was done on a home Mac without the use of any LLMs. It's based on traditional object detection technology.

222 points | by nomad86 20 days ago


  • windows2020 16 days ago
    This is like an automated version of 'Commercially Available Chairs in Star Trek' but for hotels.
  • jll29 16 days ago
    IMHO There is a huge gap for affordable hotels for normadic workers and business people.

    Hotel rooms suck when you need to use them for work. Typically there are massive beds and I travel alone if for work. There is no proper chair, no writing table at all or one too small, and the sockets tend to be in the wrong corner of the room.

    If I was an entrepreneur outside of software looking for a gap, I might have invented a hotel chain for work stays. But I'm not, so here is the idea for you to get rich with it (so I can stay there one day).

    I like the OP's idea of using ML models to gather intelligence from hotel photos. For years I took a photo of nearly every hotel room with my laptop on the desk so that I could go back and re-book the rooms that were suitable if there was a conference in the same city again in the future.

    • chefandy 16 days ago
      They know what they’re doing. Most hotels ‘are’ built for work, but they’re built for what most workers use them for: work travel. Though probably common for developers, I’ll bet it’s pretty unusual for the other like 96% of people to want to do deep work in a hotel room. Especially if you’re on the road for work, you’re probably the sort of worker that needs to physically be somewhere remote to accomplish a goal, which makes it even less likely you’re going to be doing deep work in your hotel room. Most have “business centers” where you can bang out a zoom call, rally the troops before a meeting you flew in for, print something out for a presentation, or whatever. I’m sure most professional use cases are far better served by those accommodations than amping up their rooms for the handful of people that need to be in a room by themselves sitting in one spot for long enough for the chair to be a big factor while they travel.
      • godelski 16 days ago
        Hanlon's Razor

        I think there's a simpler explanation: most people don't do work when they go to hotels, they do the work like you are discussing. Doesn't mean they are intentionally being hostile to remote workers.

        One thing I've realized about the world is that a lot of people do things just because others are. "Momentum is a bitch." I will bet you very few people are thinking this way, at least very few that make decisions. And the ones that do probably think it is not worth the money. There's a ton of things where markets don't exist simply because the environment doesn't exist, so the people that can make the environment don't because there is no market. It's the whole "build it and they will come" thing. People are very risk adverse. People are hard to move. Would hotels benefit from this? Probably. I mean even not just considering nomads, most people work from their computers[0].

        But it very easily could be one of those things where there's push because there's no market and there's no market because there's no push.

        [0] The way people have been talking about working at CES has sounded silly. There was a LTT video where they mentioned how WiFi used to be better in some locations so those rooms were more desirable and the hotel's solution was to make it standard for everyone. They seemed to be suggesting that they brought down the quality rather than balanced.

        • chefandy 16 days ago
          I’m not sure how what I said could be interpreted as suggesting they are hostile to remote workers.

          And I think there’s a very good chance hotels would not benefit from this. Maybe in a tech center, but that’s a tiny fraction of hotels. Good office chairs are designed to be very adjustable, but they do tend to break when people twist one thing too far the wrong way because they don’t know how it works, and it would probably take staff 10 minutes just to figure out it was broken rather than just misadjusted. They’re also expensive as hell, and charging a guest $3000 because their luggage got caught on and tore up the mesh seat is probably not going to fly. Small higher-res monitors are also more expensive than huge TVs, and as or more delicate. The staff would spend more time than is probably worth it telling gran and gramps that they can’t use the “little television” like that. All of this stuff has to be handled with smoothness and grace 24/7 by a desk staff that don’t regularly use these items in their professional lives. You can’t just say “it’s a computer monitor gramps don’t use it” and hang up the phone. Many people also consider office equipment ugly, and how the room visually hits when you walk in is a huge consideration. Some weary overworked travel-worn office drone would probably want to jump out the window if they opened the door to their safe place of respite only to see a the better part of a corporate workstation looking back at them.

          Designing experiences can be complicated and difficult, and that’s even more true because many of the most important aspects of it aren’t even consciously perceived by the intended audience. They all just fit organically unto a unified experience.

          • matt-p 16 days ago
            The best solution to all these problems is to have a extra 'co working' room that any guest, or for a fee anyone, can use and just bill an extra $15/day to use it (or whatever) including the coffee machine.

            Working and sleeping in the same room is actually not that great for you most the time.

            • chefandy 15 days ago
              Most hotels that I’ve stayed in recently have one that they call a “business center” or similar. They’re the new hotel gym.
              • matt-p 15 days ago
                Most that I've stayed in don't but often have pools and gyms. I suspect it comes down to if they're targeting a 'business traveler', for example it's definitely a thing in 'corporate' hotels or ones by a airport.
                • ghaff 15 days ago
                  I have very rarely used a business center in literally years of days traveling on business. Maybe I've printed a few pages over time.
                  • chefandy 15 days ago
                    I’m pretty sure they either fall under “useless features that sound sort of useful when you’re booking a room,” or “alleviating your guilt for not getting a cheaper hotel room on someone else’s dime.”
                    • ghaff 14 days ago
                      Probably mostly the former. It's cheap to provide in a larger hotel and some business travelers sort of expect it even if they basically never use.
                • chefandy 15 days ago
                  Most of the hotels I stay at are on the east coast, so that might make a difference because of how much business travel there is there, but even the more family-focused ones in touristy areas have them.
        • FredFS456 16 days ago
          > There was a LTT video where they mentioned how WiFi used to be better in some locations so those rooms were more desirable and the hotel's solution was to make it standard for everyone. They seemed to be suggesting that they brought down the quality rather than balanced.

          This was from their podcast 'WAN Show' a week or two back, specifically about hotels in Las Vegas.

      • gruturo 15 days ago
        I agree with your point, generally, but after COVID-19, remote working is opening new use cases: I occasionally like to travel to somewhere nice, far away from the office, and work from there for a week, because I'm now allowed to.

        So I too now care about a decent chair, desk and maybe even a tv I could turn into a second screen. Wifi can be there or not, I bring my own connectivity just to play it safe, this is now quite cheap. Bonus if the place is a couple time zones away from my office so I have my mornings or afternoons free.

        I'm not a huge fan of AirBnB but it's been more reliable than hotels for a few of these factors: hotel TVs are locked-down and many won't accept an HDMI input, assuming there's a socket at all. Normally you're not offered (barring extravagant prices) more than just a bedroom, so the chance of table and chair being any good (or existing) are not so good), etc.

        • chefandy 15 days ago
          As far as business investments go, I’d need to see some really solid market research showing enough people were willing to choose a hotel for these amenities in-room rather than a one with a “business center” as many currently have, a coworking space, coffee shop, or even a public library. People wanting specialized private spaces like that don’t generally look to hotels to meet their needs, and considering how quickly hotel room outfitting expenses scale, it really has to be worthwhile. For example, an in-room stationary bike would probably be cheaper and more popular than a good office chair and monitor, but it just doesn’t make sense because enough people will be satisfied with an in-hotel fitness center. I think its really easy to assume our use cases are far more universal than they are.
          • elicksaur 15 days ago
            As someone who has thought about this remote style, but hasn’t done it, I don’t think I’d want to be in the hotel room much. I’d much rather find a coffee shop to work from where I can get some of the vibe of the city while still working.

            Otherwise, you’d only get a few hours per day in the evening of experiencing anything you couldn’t do at home, so what’d be the point of spending home rent +hotel +travel for the week?

            • ghaff 15 days ago
              I suppose it depends somewhat on why you're there and how well you can work in an ambient social environment. Mind you, I don't really disagree but, if I'm focused on a computer screen, I'm not sure how schlepping my laptop to a random coffeeshop is that different from being in my hotel room.
    • __MatrixMan__ 16 days ago
      I usually stand at the ironing board (they're typically height adjustable). Keyboard goes on board, laptop goes on trashcan which is on board (just to get the screen higher). I usually bring some paracord so I can tie the whole contraption to something heavy so it doesn't wobble. Sometimes I'll use the cord to hang a second travel monitor from some nearby art--still working on a proper harness for it.

      It's fun. I occasionally get work done too.

      • Tempest1981 16 days ago
        lol, sounds janky but fun. Would like to see a picture.

        I'm surprised ironing boards are so readily available.

        • fragmede 15 days ago
          the world will come to learn about hand held steamers eventually.
        • KolmogorovComp 16 days ago
          Not really, businessmen/women usually need their stuff ironed.
          • echoangle 16 days ago
            And they are ironing their stuff on their own in their hotel room? Isn’t there a service for that?
            • ghaff 15 days ago
              Costs money (which may or may not be reimbursed) and time. Providing an ironing board and iron are cheap and, while doubtless less common than it used to be, is probably something some number of people expect. (I've never personally used them in a hotel.)
            • blincoln 15 days ago
              Hotel laundry services of any kind are unbelievably expensive in my experience. Usually US$10-30 per item, or the local equivalent, with e.g. socks and underwear being at the low end, slacks and collared shirts at the high end. Dry cleaning, of course, is a significant premium beyond that.

              I thought it was just a US thing when I was younger, but I've found it to be true even in other countries.

            • appreciatorBus 15 days ago
              Sure, but if your company isn’t going to pay it, then you are going to prefer to iron it yourself. :)
            • lazide 15 days ago
              Not at 2am when their flight lands, and they have a meeting the next morning.
            • throwaway173738 15 days ago
              Yeah if the hotel is nice enough then usually you can have suits and shirts pressed for a fee. If they don’t have on-site “wash-and-fold” then they probably won’t press clothes either.
    • GuB-42 15 days ago
      Hotel rooms are simply not designed to be places to do work in. They are places for you to sleep in, so of course, the bed is the centerpiece.

      I took a look at business hotels in Japan. These are hotels explicitly designed for work travel and nothing more. Small rooms, bed, shower, but not much to actually work. And it actually makes sense. If you are on a work trip, why would you want to work in your hotel room? The whole point of a work trip is to visit a work place, that's where you are going to work, not your hotel room. In fact, from my limited experience of work travel, doing more work is the last thing I want to do when I am back at the hotel, it is often an exhausting day, and there is a good chance I have to get up early the next day, so the hotel room is for relaxation and sleep.

      If you really want to work in your hotel room, or do anything other than using the bed and shower for that matter, you are probably better off with "apartment hotels" and short term rentals. If available, student residence rooms can be a minimal option for working and sleeping, that's what they are designed for. Note that there are also hotels with co-working spaces.

      Maybe what you want, that is essentially a short-stay student room for grownups will happen one day, but I see many obstacles in making it a "get rich quick" investment. It may not be a great hotel for those who just want to sleep (or have other kind of fun). And if you want to eat in there, you will lack the amenities an appartement offers. And if you are not alone, a co-working space may be a better option.

      • 2143 15 days ago
        I was going to say what I’m about to say as a reply to the parent, but then I saw your comment mentioning Japan.

        The rooms in Clayton Bay Hotel in Hiroshima absolutely has a nice proper work desk and a work chair. So if anybody here is ever in Hiroshima Japan, you now know where to stay :)

        Not sure if this applies to all room types though.

        Disclaimer: I’m not related to that hotel in any way other than having stayed there one night some years ago.

      • codingdave 15 days ago
        You are assuming that the work place you are visiting is your own company. Most of my travel has been for consulting, demos, and such things. You go to someone else's workplace to meet with customers. It is not a place you can grab a desk and do your own thing. So when you need to prep for the next meetings, your hotel room is the perfect place to do such a thing.
    • ekianjo 16 days ago
      I travel a lot and I agree that most hotels suck for work. But the primary function of a hotel is to provide a safe place to sleep. If I want to do work, my best bet is to stay late in the office where I spent the day, since most people will leave at some point. I get good chairs there, large rooms and monitors if I need. It's much better than trying to retrofit a small hotel room into something else.
      • throwaway173738 15 days ago
        Yeah and even if you’re a guest of the office I can’t imagine most places would shoo you out after your business with them is concluded.
        • ekianjo 15 days ago
          Yeah, most of the time you just need to ask ahead of time and people will accommodate.
    • choilive 16 days ago
      Depends on where you're looking.

      There are usually plenty of "business" oriented hotels near airports, business parks, central business districts, convention centers, etc . (And that definitely reflects on the trip office map). Touristy areas have more tourist/traveller oriented amenities.

      • seb1204 16 days ago
        The one with a room they call business center which has a printer and a fax machine?
    • ghaff 15 days ago
      I used to travel a lot for work. Hit about 180 days one year. (OK, about a month of that was vacation.) I'm not primarily a developer but I do a lot of writing. Honestly, I've never felt particularly constrained from doing that on the road but, then, although I have a nice home setup, I don't need that nice setup to work.

      And I like having a king bed even if it's just me. (I do like having a desk and some sort of office chair though even that isn't really critical most of the time.)

    • lodovic 16 days ago
      I think companies such as WeWork or Servcorp try to fill that gap. I don't like working in the same room that I sleep in - you have to keep the room tidy for video calls, handle housekeeping, and hope that the seat won't break your back. The rent-an-office locations are usually pretty well equipped with good desks and large monitors.
      • ghaff 15 days ago
        When I was traveling a lot that would have seemed like way more logistics than I would have wanted to deal with--and I doubt my company would have covered. Presumably if you're traveling on business you're in the location for some other reason than working on your computer for most of the day.
    • amelius 15 days ago
      By the way I have also found that most hotels suck at draining water from the shower. Usually after only 5mins the bathroom is a complete mess. I suspect this is on purpose, so that guests don't use too much water.
    • oefrha 16 days ago
      For all the problems of AirBnBs and co., every single one I ever booked was better for working with a computer than every single hotel room I ever booked within 2x price.
      • bfeynman 15 days ago
        That seems like nonsense. Hotel chains and esp business travel ones it'svery standard for hotels to have desks and a chair. Not saying it's that nice but those are way cheaper than airbnbs usually
    • Scoundreller 16 days ago
      Once I specifically booked an airbnb because they promoted their 17" LCD with hdmi, usb-c and dvi inputs. I'm like, why don't more offer this?
      • CobrastanJorji 16 days ago
        I think the answer is the first word in your sentence. How many times have you stayed at a hotel? Now how many times have you stayed at a hotel because they promoted a good work space? Both cost about the same to run, and one has a much greater need.
        • notahacker 16 days ago
          Plus people that do like to spend much of the year travelling around doing deep work are (i) relatively likely to book short stay apartments instead of hotels and (ii) relatively unlikely to be particularly fussy about working environments since they're actively choosing travel over convenience and optimal working environments
          • ghaff 15 days ago
            If I think I just can't work without multiple monitors and a high-end office chair (and maybe printer), I probably won't travel or I'll get a co-working space of some sort. When I traveled a lot for work, it was some combination of the event/trip was my working and/or I just worked on my laptop wherever.

            I'm semi-retired now but I'm temporarily staying in a Marriott property (Springhill Suites) that does have a usable desk and office chair which is just fine for writing at for me--though people with very specific requirements probably wouldn't like it.

      • intelVISA 15 days ago
        Plugging in random USBs is brave!
    • idoescompooters 15 days ago
      Hotels all have 30-day maximum stays. And they always use the cheapest bandwidth pool so internet speeds are not good. And it's shared.
    • kristoffervh 16 days ago
      Take a look at CitizenM. I travel a lot for work and that is my go-to place due to how tailored it is for also getting work done.
      • veeti 15 days ago
        In my experience Holiday Inn Express usually has a good computer chair too.
      • petepete 16 days ago
        I like CitizenM, the only negative is a lack of kettle in the room.
    • citizenpaul 15 days ago
      >I might have invented a hotel chain for work stays.

      That's basically what wework is. I know you can't officially sleep there. I don't know what they would do if you slept in one of the 24/7 access plans though.

      Also you are vastly overestimating the amount of "work" people do in hotel rooms that are not in tech.

      • ghaff 15 days ago
        I worked for a mid-size tech company for many years and did a lot of travel (not as a developer). Sure I'd check email and maybe do some writing. But, while I liked having a halfway comfortable chair, I was pretty much content to work with my laptop on my lap if that were the only option. I wasn't great at focusing on writing an article for one of our in-house pubs say, but that had very little to do with work amenities and more with the fact that I traveling to attend an event etc. so I had a lot of distractions.

        (For an extended trip to a single location where I was only intermittently at a customer etc., maybe I'd consider asking for a co-working space but I never did and don't think I'd have gone to the trouble.)

    • wslh 15 days ago
      In many hotels there are other spaces where you can work beyond your room.
  • MaheshNat 16 days ago
    Why stop at just office chairs? Why not detect all categorizable objects in every photo and rank based on that?

    Could also crop just the object detection regions of each image, run those cropped images through CLIP/SigLIP, then UMAP and HDBSCAN to view a 2 or 3 dimensional latent space clustering of office chair types.. might reveal some info as to what kinds of chairs exist in what geographical regions. Could use a VLM to auto-tag each cluster given a couple images from each one. Could run PCA on the CLIP embeddings and have some sliders for each principal component.. maybe the first is chair color or size or whatever

    much data = much fun

    • myself248 15 days ago
      There's an Internet Movie Car Database, and independently, an Internet Movie Firearms Database. Surely there are more.

      I feel like they should be one database with object_type=car and object_type=firearm respectively. And then I can finally search by object_type=vacuum_cleaner and find out the wild-looking ball-shaped vacuum in that sci-fi movie whose name escapes me...

    • nomad86 16 days ago
      I tried to detect models of specific chairs, but it's very difficult. To train the AI model, you need many photos of the same type of chair, and on the internet, you can usually find only one stock photo of each chair.
      • pinoy420 15 days ago
        Make synthetic dataset with reposing
  • bambax 16 days ago
    This is pretty cool; however this account has been repeatedly posting this same story since 2023 and never anything else... weird

    • bemmu 15 days ago
      Well, it's been a while since it was last posted, so seems fine. Interesting how it only caught on once it triggered some techy interest.

      I can understand why. My thought pattern was also like "oh YOLO, I know that, interesting to see some application for it, oh cool idea, upvote".

  • maalber 19 days ago
    Interesting idea and execution! So basically you wanted to find hotels where the rooms have office chairs and a desk? Or just in any of the images, e.g., a lobby?

    Side note; I love how YOLO, a deep learning based model, is now being referred to as traditional object detection. Template matching gang rise up.

    • dylan604 16 days ago
      > Or just in any of the images

      I just looked at hotels I'm familiar with, and images with highlighted chairs were not limited to the guest rooms. Some are definitely from shared spaces at the hotel.

    • nomad86 19 days ago
      In our hotel photo database, we have everything: rooms, lobbies, bathrooms, pools, exterior shots of buildings, etc.

      I trained an AI to recognize ergonomic chairs, but sometimes there were errors. For example, a chair in a hotel's SPA was always identified as an ergonomic chair. That's why we manually reviewed all 50k photos to verify them.

      • ec109685 15 days ago
        This desk is pretty useless, despite having an office chair:
      • dylan604 16 days ago
        > I trained an AI, but sometimes there were errors.

        I edited that down to a proper summary of AI in general

      • arnolmido 19 days ago
        50k manually? How long did it take you?
        • nomad86 19 days ago
          I don't know, I assigned this task to trusted specialists from India.
          • maalber 19 days ago
            Wow, manually reviewing 50k photos is a lot! Would you be willing to share what the cost of that was?
            • nomad86 19 days ago
              I created an app similar to Tinder that facilitates manual verification. Around 60 photos can be verified in one minute. The whole process took about a week and didn't cost much.
              • BobbyTables2 16 days ago
                Sounds like YOLO verified the work of the specialists too! (;->
            • karamanolev 16 days ago
              Doesn't sound that much. When I was playing with datasets, for simple tasks I only took around 3 seconds to classify an image. That's 1200/hour or on the order of 40 hours of work. That can't cost much when outsourced.
          • moralestapia 16 days ago
            RLHF in the wild, nice.
  • ncruces 16 days ago
    I've checked locally. Most of these aren't really hotels, but short term rentals.

    I don't have an huge issue with short term rentals per si. They are an important niche for tourism when you take the whole family, whereas most (esp. city) hotels are not really appropriate for a family of 4 or 5.

    OTOH, (esp. city) hotels are usually fine for the business trips they were designed to cater too.

    This leaves us with “digital nomads.” Helping these find ways to put additional pressure on the housing market through short term rentals will only cause locals to get politicians to further restrict them.

  • _august 16 days ago
    Nice idea! What did you use for your hotel dataset source? I've been wanting to work on travel based app idea with hotel integration, but seems like most providers (like lock down their data.
    • splonk 16 days ago
      You can sign up as an affiliate with both Booking and Expedia to get API access to their data. It's meant for people who are going to run their own hotel booking sites with Booking/Expedia content, so it's not quite as trivial as a random free signup, but it shouldn't be too hard to do for a real business. OP's site appears to be affiliated with Lexyl, which owns some other hotel booking sites, so I assume they already have this access.

      That said, I would consider scraping, even with API access. In some ways the API access is both limited and binds you to their terms of service, and depending on the legalities in your jurisdiction, scraping could be more effective.

    • dylan604 16 days ago
      > What did you use for your hotel dataset source

      Do you hear that noise? It sounds like something is scraping

  • anticensor 16 days ago
    Another use of YOLO, beating CAPTCHA puzzles:
  • ggm 16 days ago
    How did you go with duplicate detection? (For context, aside from being amazingly generally useful to anyone with non trivially edited images, lots of hotel chains reuse content)
    • cenamus 16 days ago
      Perceptual hashes are very good for that, maybe with some adjustments for mirrored images and some crops
      • punnerud 16 days ago
        Can use dhash that is more robusts to compression, crops and color changes. Mainly look at the features in the image.
      • ggm 16 days ago
        Yes. Most of the systems I used a couple of years ago (immich for instance) were still quite immature.
  • instagraham 16 days ago
    I have no programming expertise but I'm looking for ideas that use YOLO to detect stuff like this. I was thinking of a way of automatically tagging and collecting data from my daily commute dashcam/GoPro footage - number of EVs, demographics of traffic, etc.

    I want this to be a project that teaches me the ropes but since I need instant gratification, I'd like if the result also offered value to others.

    The one thing I want to avoid is cleaning up data, since spreadsheets give me the ick.

    • IanCal 16 days ago
      Have a look into Sam, groundingdino, groundedsam

      You can use that to take images and generate annotated segmented images/masks that you can then train a YOLO model on. I've done this for prototypes before and it's a very quick way of getting started as you can hand off the really annoying annotation work to a machine.

  • javiercr 15 days ago
    Awesome! How long did it take to run locally on your Mac? Any details you can share about the stack used for processing (other than YOLO for detection)?
    • nomad86 15 days ago
      Thx! Downloading all the photos took the most time. Object detection process took only several days.

      At TripOffice, we use simple and widely-used tools: Python, NextJS, and MySQL.

  • Tepix 16 days ago
    Even shared workspaces often get this wrong. On their pictures i see desks with crappy chairs and no big monitors to connect my laptop to. Bizarre.
  • bemmu 16 days ago
    What I'm most curious about is how does one get 40 million hotel photos? Is this offered through some API etc.?
    • teruakohatu 16 days ago
      I was also wondering this. The hardest part about this would be scraping 40m photos.
      • nomad86 16 days ago
        All major booking sites share hotel photos with their partners.

        We are in several partner programs, but now we mainly work with HotelPlanner.

  • franga2000 16 days ago
    From a few minutes of clicking around, most of these "office chairs" look entirely unsuitable for longer periods of work. I've also never seen a hotel room without at least a basic "school chair" and those are far more comfortable than a lot of the plastic slab or designer clamshell things I see in these photos.
  • tminima 15 days ago
    Hey, cool idea. Would you be able to tell me the tech stack for the whole app? I want to build a similar application for some other use case. I have built a static map with all my labels using leaflet in Python. To turn it into something like you have, what technologies will I need?
  • stevesearer 16 days ago
    This is really interesting. I’ve been looking for a way to automate the next step in this process after you know which photos have chairs: knowing the model and manufacturer of each chair. Unfortunately training a model suitable for the long tail of possibilities is beyond me.
    • a2800276 16 days ago
      Ok, I'll bite: why have you been looking for ways to identify the make and model of hotel chairs?
      • stevesearer 15 days ago
        I run and we currently identify visible products manually (not just office chairs).

        This allows us to show our readers which specific products are in the photo they are looking at which is a service we offer to the manufacturers.

        It is advertising, but like hyper-specific and relevant to the photo you’re looking at.

  • mcculley 15 days ago
    This is a great idea. What I have found worse in hotel rooms is not the chair, it is that the desk is at a stupid height relative to the chair. I use a standing desk at home and would love an easy way to use a standing desk at a hotel without carting around a tripod.
  • dchuk 16 days ago
    I travel extensively for work. Where are you guys staying that doesn’t have a basic desk and chair with outlets and stuff ready to go? Even the most basic Marriott property has a totally comfortable workspace in every room
    • tobi_bsf 16 days ago
      I travel extensively for work, and in Europe this is a real Problem. I stayed in Steigenberger Hotels in a "Business Suite" that does not had a chair and a desk. Marriot properties like moxy for instance are guaranteed to have no desk in the room.
    • OfCounsel 15 days ago
      I stayed at the Hyatt Centric in Boston. Take a look at the photos - no desk or chair.

      Moxy (Marriott) hotels tend not to have desks either.

  • thenthenthen 15 days ago
    What can YOLO detect actually? I am interested in satellite imagery, what are the options in this field?

    Disclaimer: i am working for myself, i have no money, a 15 year old laptop and obsessions

    • aduffy 15 days ago
      YOLO is a pretty simple and flexible architecture. Like most of these models, you can label some data and just freeze the intermediate layers and just retrain the final predictor head.

      Checkout as well darknet, which runs at really high fps on super cheap hardware

  • tobi_bsf 16 days ago
    You should remove pictures that contain multiple office chairs, i saw a lot of pictures that got properties marked as postive beeing their business centers or conference rooms.
  • echelon_musk 16 days ago
    I would like to do a variation on this theme where instead I scan pub photos for pool tables and create an index in London.

    It can be hard to find a pub with a pool table these days!

    • ghaff 15 days ago
      Heh. Other than a place in SF that had a bunch of pool tables near the Moscone, haven't seen one in a bar in ages. There used to be one in the bar that we hung out at in my grad school.
  • nejsjsjsbsb 16 days ago
    You posted this in 2023 too. Thought it sounded familiar!
  • drewbitt 16 days ago
    Some hotels I clicked on are being recognized for their 'business centers', that one crappy little room with two ancient desktops and a printer.
  • Suppafly 15 days ago
    There is a project that helps the government identify locations in child sex abuse photos, I wonder if a project like this could help.
  • idoescompooters 15 days ago
    Unfortunately digital nomads aren't going to be staying in hotels. Maximum 30 days, plus terrible internet. is better suited because they are all non-hotels and have verified internet speeds.

    Previously posted on HN:

  • vergessenmir 16 days ago
    How do you get access to 40M Hotel Photos?
  • ungreased0675 16 days ago
    Do you have any insights on which hotel brands have the best chairs? Is furniture standardized across brands?
    • nomad86 15 days ago
      I haven't checked it, but such data should be easy to get from our database.
  • a2800276 16 days ago
    How happy are you with the results?The execution is great, but I feel the idea didn't really validate well. Every single sample ended up with pictures like this: ( While I'm impressed at how accurately you can detect chairs with wheels, that doesn't seem to be an indicator of an ergonomic workspace. Quite frankly, I would have preferred (and been fine with) sitting on the bed with my laptop in every hotel I clicked on.
  • pknerd 16 days ago
    I wonder how good Gpt and Claude could do it. What would be the computational cost difference?
    • nomad86 16 days ago
      At first I wanted to use Google's Vertex AI for this purpose, but the costs were too high.

      Besides, in this case, we would also have to upload 40 million photos to the cloud for Google to evaluate what’s on them.

      YOLO is the best for such tasks; it works locally and is really fast.

  • camhart 16 days ago
    Did you do anything to retrain the model, or just use it out of the box?
    • nomad86 16 days ago
      We manually labeled almost 1,000 chairs in various photos to train the model.
  • MaheshNat 16 days ago
    How much did you end up spending?
  • lispforlife 15 days ago
  • KrustyTheDev 15 days ago
  • diimdeep 16 days ago
    Without at least some technical details and insights from process of doing so this is just ad for your website. And it does not even work in country with 146 million people, but author is from "democratic" european country so not surprising.