How much RAM and Disk do you have in Prod?

I was talking to a friend and said there aren't _that_ many companies with the scale to truly justify FAANGesque solutions. I've only had two projects where a server couldn't just hold all hot data in 256gb. For most, services I've seen, a laptop + hard drive would suffice.

I'm curious how big the DBs you touch are, how much ram all your microservices use or other such metrics.

2 points | by veqq 4 hours ago


  • nejsjsjsbsb 9 minutes ago
    I don't know, probably need to get finops to run a report to find out. More than 256gb but scaled out. Don't need a single virtual machine with that much for most things.

    I imagine you rarely need a lot of RAM like that on one machine except for ML and some specialist stuff. Maybe a CDN node. Not sure.

  • jeffbee 3 hours ago
    The responses will self-select for people with trivial requirements. Nobody with real resources will divulge what those resources are.