An Illustrated Guide to Maritime Signal Flags


76 points | by gaws 4 days ago


  • function_seven 4 hours ago
    So I just read the other thread about the K language[1] and how it's so-very-concise syntax made the author feel certain ways.

    But that has nothing on this! From page 70 of the International Code of Signals[2], we find that PG 2 means, "I am dazzled by your searchlight. Extinguish it or lift it."

    Not bad, but what if you reply with "AX 1"? Lots going on there! "Shall I train my searchlight nearly vertical on a cloud, intermittently if possible, and, if your aircraft is seen, deflect the beam upwind and on the water to facilitate your landing?"



  • GJim 4 hours ago
    I have a copy of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Code of Signals on my bookshelf.

    3 letter medical flag codes include:

    MKH Foreskin will not go back to normal position

    MKI Patient has swelling of the testicles

    MLF Patient has Delirium Tremens

    It's a comprehensive book to say the least!

    • greggsy 4 hours ago
      I wonder how many times MLF has been used for a ship’s captain?
  • acidburnNSA 4 hours ago
    Fun fact based on the bottom panel: the peace sign (inverted y) is based on the flag semaphore signs for N and D, originally standing for Nuclear Disarmament.
  • wrycoder 5 hours ago
    This is from 100 Rabbits. Great job!!

    One of my favorite flag signals is, “Nothing can be done until high tide.”

    • ahazred8ta 2 hours ago
      US1 Nothing can be done until daylight. US2 Nothing can be done until tide has risen. US3 Nothing can be done until visibility improves. US4 Nothing can be done until weather moderates. US5 Nothing can be done until draft is lightened. US6 Nothing can be done until tugs have arrived.
  • UniverseHacker 2 hours ago
    This seems like a great system, but in many years of sailing I've never encountered it actually used. For the most part is only possible to be used by large commercial vessels, but those vessels already have a dozen other redundant communication systems that are clearer and faster. Operators of small private vessels aren't likely to even know this system exists, not alone carry all of these flags, a code book, and a system for hoisting flags.
    • tialaramex 20 minutes ago
      Yes. Anything serious is internationally required to carry (and many smaller things would be required by local laws, or strongly advised to carry anyway) a modern digital maritime radio - the technology is called DSC, Digital Selective Calling.
  • NKosmatos 1 hour ago
    Nice cartoonishly font, clear language, nice graphics and fast to load… why can’t more pages be like this one?
  • cbsks 4 hours ago
    Interesting that “Oscar” is pronounced “OSS CAH” and not “OSS CAR”. Same with Victor. Must have been made in New England (northeastern US).
    • tialaramex 50 minutes ago
      These pronounciations are for the International radiotelephonic spelling alphabet, often referred to as a "NATO Phonetic alphabet". For numerals procedures vary slightly, and they've chosen IMO. The sounds are chosen to try to maximize the chance that two people who know this system, even if they don't speak any shared languages, will successfully communicate the symbols intended, so they're not about how you might pronounce these words in any particular place, but rather a plausible pronunciation everybody can approximate and understand.
    • brickers 4 hours ago
      Or… England?
      • cbsks 3 hours ago
        Ouch. My stereotypically-American US-centric bias is showing :)
      • pc86 3 hours ago
        Old England.
  • nnf 5 hours ago
    This is a neat style, and I was pleased to see that the author included accessible text since the visible text on the page is all in images.
  • foo42 5 hours ago
    I never knew anything about this. I love discovering this sort of thing!