• navjack27 42 days ago
    This makes sense to me. I always pictured existence itself like this:

    There's an ever-expanding point and from that point there is a bubble which is time and then inside of that bubble there are the rest of the layers that make up existence. Outside of these bubbles is non-existence which isn't necessarily dark matter or any sort of anything. And you can't access outside of this bubble even if you were able to freeze time because there is no outside of time, you could only access all of the other layers inside of time if you were a point existence observer of some sort a theoretical entity.

    But no matter how you cut it it always starts with time, everything is encapsulated within that.

  • PhysicsNews 42 days ago
    Time as a Prerequisite for Existence and Change:

    The Active Time Theory (ATT) posits that time is not merely a dimension in which events occur, but a fundamental and active aspect of reality. This perspective is supported by several key scientific principles:

    - Change and Physical Laws: In physics, change is fundamentally linked to time through the concept of rate of change. Fundamental equations in classical mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics all presuppose the existence of time as a parameter against which change can be measured.

    - Causality: The concept of causality, which is fundamental to our understanding of the universe, requires time. For one event to cause another, the cause must precede the effect in time.

    - Thermodynamics: The Second Law of Thermodynamics, which gives us the arrow of time, requires the existence of time to be meaningful.

    Time Preceding the Big Bang: The ATT proposes that time must logically and physically precede the Big Bang, contrary to the conventional view that time began with the Big Bang. This proposition is supported by several scientific considerations:

    - Singularity Problem: The classical Big Bang theory's prediction of a singularity at t=0 is likely an artifact of applying classical general relativity beyond its domain of validity.

    - Quantum Effects: Quantum mechanics and quantum gravity theories suggest that the classical notion of a singularity may be replaced by quantum fluctuations in a pre-existing temporal framework.

    - Inflationary Models: Many models of cosmic inflation propose that our observable universe emerged from a pre-existing spacetime fabric.

    - Cyclic Models: Some cosmological models propose that our Big Bang was just one event in an eternal series of cycles.

    - Logical Necessity: For the Big Bang to occur as an event, time must already exist as a framework in which this event can take place.

    The Active Time Theory not only redefines our understanding of time but also offers a novel perspective on gravity and the fundamental nature of the universe. Through computational simulations and theoretical analysis, this groundbreaking theory demonstrates time's active role in shaping the cosmos, providing potential pathways to unify quantum mechanics and classical physics. For those interested in exploring the computational models and simulations, the code is available on GitHub. This exciting new theory invites further research and discussion within the scientific community.

    Abdelsamie, Maher, Bridging Quantum Mechanics and Classical Physics: The Active Time Theory (March 12, 2024). Available at SSRN: [http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4762792]