Sqlitefs: SQLite as a Filesystem


52 points | by thunderbong 42 days ago


  • tom1337 42 days ago
    Ok so if we take this repo and then the headline from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41085376, we could get an infinitely fast file system by just putting another SQLite filesystem on top.
    • bhaney 42 days ago
      There's a recursive CTE joke in here somewhere
  • alberth 42 days ago
    Reminds me of Microsoft WinFS.

    Which was essentially SQL Server as a filesystem.

    Project was ultimately cancelled.


  • punnerud 42 days ago
    If SQLite is faster than a normal file system, how fast is SQLite running on “SQLite as a filesystem”?
    • zoky 42 days ago
  • jefebromden 42 days ago
    Will anyone mention the repo hasn't been updated on 4 years?
  • greenthrow 42 days ago
    Why would you bother with this instead of just making an in memory drive? I remember mounting in memory drives even in MS-DOS back in the early 90s. I did it to move whatever game I wanted to play into the RAM Drive so my load times would be faster.
  • szundi 42 days ago
    Filesystems are DB like structures these days anyway.
    • chipdart 42 days ago
      > Filesystems are DB like structures these days anyway.

      I think you're confusing the fact that an application uses data structures with that application being like a database.

    • jeltz 42 days ago
      Are they? From my experience from databases and some limited from filesystems I would disagree. Sure, there are some similarities but not that much.
    • pdimitar 42 days ago
      Where do you get that from? In my practice this was never true and still is not.