Stripe acquires Lemon Squeezy


214 points | by drecoe 43 days ago


  • mska 43 days ago
    What will happen to the Merchant of Record feature now? Hopefully they still keep it. That was the best part of lemon squeezy
    • pc 43 days ago
      We will definitely keep it.
      • thelittleone 43 days ago
        Stripe has a history of shutting down legit businesses and blocking payouts of their rightfully earned income, whilst also profiting off those frozen funds by investing it.

        Sad to see lemon squeezy acquired by stripe.

        • danielmarkbruce 43 days ago
          Stripe has a history of cutting off payments to businesses which are violating the TOS. Stripe's TOS is largely a result of rules in place by banks and credit card companies. If Stripe don't shut them off, they get shut off.

          To the extent they've made errors, I'd like to see you do better. The scale is enormous, there are fraudsters coming at you left and right. It's not an easy game to play.

          • djbusby 43 days ago
            Stripe is selective about which cannabis ancillary businesses they work with. Selective/preferential usage of the TOS.
            • danielmarkbruce 43 days ago
              Just like any contract, every single possible circumstance cannot be enumerated and at some point a judgement call is required.
          • tonynator 43 days ago
            The number one justification for cryptocurrency in my book, even if it's less safe or convenient or even has small fees. Your business being subject to the whims of payment processors is ludicrous.

            Even with this being the justification, they could just say they won't be working with the customer in the future, not literally steal their customer's already earned money.

            • sanswork 43 days ago
              All you're doing is moving the risk from the business to the consumer with crypto which is why it will never succeed. Consumers like all the things businesses hate about credit cards because they can get their money back if something goes wrong and when it comes to payments the customer decides who wins.
              • carlosjobim 43 days ago
                Well said. We've offered for many years to our customers to pay by CC, bank transfer or Bitcoin. Exactly 0 people wanted to pay by Bitcoin, while the other two options are at about 50/50.
                • nwienert 43 days ago
                  What are you selling?
                  • carlosjobim 43 days ago
                    I don't want to go into details here, but it is something very traditional and unexciting that all kinds of people buy. We offered Bitcoin payment just as prominent as other forms of payment, but nobody was interested.
                    • qingcharles 42 days ago
                      How are you taking Bitcoin payments? Every time I'm forced to pay for something using crypto it ends up making me want to self-harm and I've been a dev for 40 years. When I have to try and talk friends and relatives through crypto payments it is insanely painful.

                      Just the other day I was buying an NFT and I realized I bought the currency on Ethereum instead of Polygon. Coinbase didn't differentiate. Imagine trying to explain all this shit to your grandma.

            • galdosdi 43 days ago
              LOL. Being able to reverse transactions and freeze funds is a feature not a bug. With crypto you have no recourse when a criminal does criminal things or you make a mistake. Ransomware only started being a thing thanks to crypto, but governments could easily ban it (serious governments like US, China, Germany, that is)

              Crypto is useless for anyone but criminals. If you can't use the real, state controlled financial system, then you also can't use the real, state controlled property rights system. Who cares about being able to prove you own some bits if you are not protected by the law when you buy any actual tangible goods with those bits, like a house or a car or a business?

              Crypto is only useful when it's not needed (ie, you can use the state to enforce your physical property rights) and becomes useless once it's needed (you live in a corrupt or anarchist state that won't enforce your property rights over anything you can actually buy with the crypto)

              Crypto is becoming a form of government blind-eye-turned corruption, for carrying out corrupt financial practices with less immediate oversight and more ways to overcomplicate the logistics. It will probably cause a financial crisis one day, like in 2008, for the exact same reason complex derivatives did.

              I never take crypto jobs so my resume will stay clean when the house of cards falls down.

              • carlosjobim 43 days ago
                How does your comment read if you replace "crypto" with "foreign currency"?
            • arcticbull 42 days ago
              Instead you should advocate for payment network neutrality. Visa and MasterCard should be required by US law not to discriminate against transactions, and enforcement should move from the private sector to, well, law enforcement. Like with ACH/FedNow. That might actually get us somewhere productive.
            • nailer 42 days ago
              current generation blockchain networks will absolutely have lower fees than traditional finance
            • danielmarkbruce 43 days ago
              Find me a single example of where Stripe kept the money themselves.

              In some cases they are legally obliged to hold onto funds. The don't get to keep them.

              You are putting yourself at risk of a lawsuit.

        • alphabettsy 43 days ago
          I haven’t seen this happen to a legit business yet. Each time I’ve read about the business has been shady and violates the TOS.

          I don’t care for so much consolidation though.

          • BoorishBears 43 days ago
            At least half the times I've seen it someone "super apologetic" comes out and fixes the issue, so not sure how that tracks.
          • tonynator 43 days ago
        • gjsman-1000 43 days ago
          > Stripe has a history of shutting down legit businesses and blocking payouts of their rightfully earned income, whilst also profiting off those frozen funds by investing it.

          Almost every case I've seen, it's almost always because they were dabbling with NSFW, Cannabis, or another card-network-restricted category. And when you confront them about their story, they almost always respond with weasel wording: "It wasn't really NSFW, or it was only a little NSFW, or it's not my responsibility if my users use it for NSFW..."

          It's also not like this is buried in the Terms of Service with ambiguous legalese. Stripe has a pretty beautifully-formatted page clearly saying what they are not OK with.

          • jiggawatts 42 days ago
            Most of it I get, but... "Genital prosthetics"!? What on Earth?
          • tonynator 42 days ago
      • ssijak 43 days ago
        Please remove random add-on costs from lemon squeezy. There are fees on top of fees that can accumulate to almost 10% which is outrageous.
      • rvnx 43 days ago
        It's in fact the reason people love LemonSqueezy (though it uses Stripe under), due to simplifying a lot the VAT remittance.
        • handelaar 42 days ago
          I mean, OK, but by the time it's called VAT in their universe they're already treating you as 'overseas' and your total payment processor fee is pushing 10% because "not in the US" apparently carries a 100% surcharge
      • emadda 43 days ago
        Will the MOR feature be merged into regular Stripe, or will they remain separate?
        • HyprMusic 43 days ago
          Also wondering this. I was planning on making the jump to LS soon but if Stripe will be offering MoR services then I'd rather stay within Stripe's stack.

          I suspect (hope) Stripe Tax will soon offer a MoR service. I imagine this acquisition is mostly for their tax expertise & perhaps internal tools that do all the hard work behind the scenes.

      • tmanager2021 43 days ago
      • purple_ferret 43 days ago
      • localfirst 43 days ago
        "We will definitely keep it." - PC

        Empty words.

    • moneywoes 42 days ago
      how did this feature work?
  • xyst 43 days ago
    It’s scary how big stripe is becoming. Instead of competing just buy up other companies. Might be another company that will require regulatory intervention and break them up (same as when the govt broke up the railroads)
    • input_sh 43 days ago
      As someone from a country not supported by Stripe, it is annoying how frequently I find some tool that I might want to use, only to discover Stripe's the only payout option.
      • wubrr 43 days ago
        Out of curiosity - which country?
    • baq 43 days ago
      > Instead of competing just buy up other companies.

      Zuck has shown the way.

      • ghufran_syed 43 days ago
        And before them, Cisco
        • mypalmike 43 days ago
          And the Dutch East India Company before that.
          • cushpush 42 days ago
            The original DEI
          • breck 43 days ago
            And the Hanseatic League before that.
  • l5870uoo9y 43 days ago
    > Nine months after our public launch in 2021, we surpassed $1M in ARR and never looked back.

    Stripe is buying a lucrative business, but more importantly it is buying the complex knowhow of running an international tax-compliant merchant of record. They can then integrate this into their product. I switched to LemonSqueezy primarily out of concern for EU-wide tax ramifications (EU strikes again). Is there a reason to choose LemonSqueezy over Stripe if you are located in the US? There hasn't been a single VAT-compliance case to my knowledge and the need for MoR is unclear.

    • HyprMusic 43 days ago
      I've never understood the notion that US based companies have it easier. They still to pay applicable tax in every country/state that their customers reside.

      If anything, EU companies have it slightly easier because they can file all of their EU-based taxes using One Stop Shop.

      • xzel 43 days ago
        You can do Non-Union OSS as a US company as well. I’d say the most annoying thing about the EU is their minimum transaction to start filing is very low compared to US Nexus rules.
        • emptysongglass 42 days ago
          Why don't they then? I've been trying to tell US merchants they can literally get free EU customers by registering for IOSS and the most I've gotten is a shrug.

          Many of us are willing to pay for shipping and taxes up front just so their products don't get caught in the "free money for us" exploitation racket that is EU customs.

    • johneth 43 days ago
      > Is there a reason to choose LemonSqueezy over Stripe if you are located in the US? There hasn't been a single VAT-compliance case to my knowledge and the need for MoR is unclear.

      It's not just the EU that charges VAT (or VAT-like taxes).

      Most countries (and in the US's case, subregions within) charge some form of sales tax that's a pain to manage yourself if you're not a huge operation.

      Always good to comply with tax laws (if not for the obviously good moral/ethical reasons, then definitely for legal reasons!)

      • drewda 43 days ago
        In addition to the overall benefits of not having non-compete agreements, California's software startup ecosystem also benefits from not having to deal with charging sales tax when selling SaaS[1][2]

        [1] [2]

        • lotsofpulp 43 days ago
          If they are selling SaaS to an entity in California. Which is the same for anyone selling SaaS to an entity in California, regardless of where the seller is located. I do not see why this would give California a competitive advantage in where a business's employees are located.
      • l5870uoo9y 43 days ago
        US states have a minimum threshold of $100,000 and upwards so you can be compliant without having to worry about it until you start making larger revenue. Most startups never reach these generous thresholds in the first place.
        • nodamage 43 days ago
          As I understand it the threshold is usually $100,000 in revenue or 200 transactions (following the Wayfair decision), the latter of which is easily reached...
  • thallavajhula 43 days ago
    >Nine months after our public launch in 2021, we surpassed $1M in ARR and never looked back.

    >Along the way, we received many acquisition offers and (Series A) term sheets from investors. But despite the allure of these opportunities, we knew that what we had built was truly special and needed the right partner to take it to the next level.

    Wow. This is quite the smart and ballsy move. Congrats to the team. Looks like y'all knew what you were doing.

    • maronato 42 days ago
      It does feel like being bought by stripe was the plan all along
  • wilg 42 days ago
    Currently using Paddle, and would love to switch to Stripe. I'm concerned about the additional hidden fees mentioned elsewhere in this thread, as well as lack of B2B invoicing features. Though Paddle's invoicing features are pretty barebones (like you can't easily send someone an estimate/pricing before a purchase, only an invoice after one.)
  • nerder92 43 days ago
    This company screams “Stripe please buy me” so so much.

    From branding to the all UVP, it was a fast exit because it was meant to be.

    Still a massive achievement

    • julianeon 43 days ago
      Is that right? I hadn't noticed. I'm guessing that the design was such that it looked like Stripe, even if it wasn't officially a part of it (yet).
    • ilrwbwrkhv 43 days ago
      Totally and this is the problem with startup founders of today. Their minds are filled with liquidity and an exit event. Steve Jobs had famously said how pathetic that is. And Zuckerberg, love or hate him, turned down billion dollars.

      Selling your startup is not a good plan. Make it big, change the world, and swim in money.

      • crossroadsguy 42 days ago
        > swim in money

        If you have a swimming pool worth of money, or a pond, or a canal, or a river, or maybe an ocean - you can swim in all these. Some founders maybe don't want to turn 58 trying to reach that perfect cubic m. volume of water to be able to swim. They might rather want to start swimming when they are kinda younger (30s maybe?). Who knows. And while already swimming they might want to get another pool, maybe an olympic size later and so on, instead of keep waiting for that "perfectly sized water body for them".

        > change the world

        Oh ffs. Really? Is that even a thought on the distant horizon of startup founders? Haha.

      • intelVISA 42 days ago
        Damn, what a cringe 'company'. Jobs was right, founders who act like this are embarrassing.
      • mcmcmc 43 days ago
        Ok Scrooge McDuck
      • localfirst 43 days ago
        Your comment being downvoted is quite telling of the founders that are joining YC

        they are looking at quick exits especially in this high interest rate environments and so are the backers

        Very few entrepreneurs are looking to create companies that will provide its workers with forever jobs

        It's sad but those few that are grinding it out and creating jobs, helping economies in those countries run proper are the unsung heroes.

        Time will tell where this American greed will take Americans but so far, its not looking good.

  • seanwilson 43 days ago
    Are there any plans to adjust the extra % fees that get added to international, PayPal, and subscription payments, and payouts? (

    I found these surprising as I didn't see them mentioned on the pricing page near "Transaction fees ... 5% + 50¢" (

    • vsl 43 days ago
      Yes, that was a surprise. It was nice to learn about another MoR offering, but this makes them uncompetitive with Paddle, who uses flat 5% + $0.50.
      • Onavo 43 days ago
        Yes, Lemon Squeezy was not competitive with Paddle at all. They try to upsell users by offering more "nice to haves" like newsletter builders and ecommerce tools but for most SaaS founders Paddle is a much better deal.
    • wilg 42 days ago
      Yeah these fees are really weird, and very suspiciously hidden.
  • erulabs 43 days ago
    Good to see M&A get back on track -- PC, whom I would trust much more than any living economist, must be somewhat positive about the near future? Congrats to the lemon squeezy team!
    • ajkjk 43 days ago
      Why do you prefer M&A happening?
      • erulabs 43 days ago
        Lots of reasons, but three big ones:

        I like to root for the home team (tech entrepreneurs like my former self getting paid out for taking a risk makes me happy)

        M&A activity is a positive sign for the economy. Stripe wouldn’t be buying companies if they thought the economy was about to fall off a cliff, and Stripe is full of smart people (disclosure: I am a former Stripe).

        If there were no acquisitions happening, starting (another) company would be much tougher to justify to my wife and my self.

      • marrone12 43 days ago
        It's nice for start ups to have liquidity events.
        • 383toast 43 days ago
          also nice for customers to have less choice and presumably worse pricing?
          • mattboardman 43 days ago
            Devil's advocate: more acquisitions creates more incentive to launch a start-up. More startups create more competition.
            • paxys 43 days ago
              It's not a simple "acquisitions are good" or "acquisitions are bad" discussion. There is an ideal amount of M&A activity in an economy which is more than "no startup ever gets acquired" and less than "every startup is bought out by big tech". In recent years we have been closer to the first extreme, and very few startups have had exits of any kind.
              • mattboardman 43 days ago
                Arguing good or bad on a single data point is reductive. I'm raising awareness that there is a counter argument for assuming excessive M&As is "bad."
            • mrguyorama 43 days ago
              A startup made for the purpose of acquisition was never a competitor. If you are willing to sell to the big player in your industry you are not competing, you are an opportunist. A startup that wants to compete will run very differently from a startup that wants to be purchased.

              A big whale company that gobbles up some of the fifty startups that only have like 2% of the market total is not a competitive market at all.

              • mattboardman 43 days ago
                >A startup made for the purpose of acquisition was never a competitor

                You cannot get acquired unless you represent a percentage of market share, have IP which will lead to greater market share, and/or have employees who can expand market share for a product.

                >A big whale company that gobbles up some of the fifty startups that only have like 2% of the market total is not a competitive market at all.

                A big whale company performing that many M&As to little startups is essentially fueling future competitors. If I was an investor I would see that market as valuable for the unicorn breakthrough possibility or at least an eventual acquisition exit event.

                • mcmcmc 43 days ago
                  > A big whale company performing that many M&As to little startups is essentially fueling future competitors.

                  What an absolute load. They are stamping out competition, concentrating market power, and making red oceans even redder. If you were an investor I wouldn’t give you my money to gamble with.

  • anilshanbhag 43 days ago
    Merchant of record can be really big - the biggest issue today is price. 5% + 50c doesn't make sense if you are selling $5 per month subscriptions.

    Reduce the price to Stripe pricing + 1%, and this will be the default for everyone!

    • saaaaaam 43 days ago
      It does make sense if and if the following apply: (a) you have touched the brand and trust it over other offerings (b) are tech-literate but semi-technical or non-technical or simply don’t want to do anything more than a couple of clicks implementation (c) you are early enough in your journey that sales and revenue matter more than cost of revenue (d) any of the above originally but you solved those problems and now intertia/tech debt somewhere more urgent.

      That’s a huge number of aspirational digital product vendors.

      5 + 50 vs stripe’s lower direct take (for me 1.5 + 20). I just did a quick calculation on a really basic/modest digital product business. Sell something at €25 and sell €50k - 2000 customers. That’s going to be €7k with LSqz over a year, and with Stripe it’s going to be €1.15k

      The difference is €16 a day.

      The business makes you €137 a day.

      If you spend a day each month sorting out admin and taxes because of stripe direct plus a few days paying a developer (you’re non-technical remember!) then that could easily be a cost of €5500 a year. Total cost including card processing is €6150 and it’s only €850 less than LemonSqueezy.

      Why would you move?

      And in particular why would you move sooner than 3 years if you are predicting similar revenue each year.

    • Crier1002 42 days ago
      this! im selling a subscription with this pricing model and it’s quite painful to swallow. having that said i really enjoy using lemon as my payment processor
      • moneywoes 42 days ago
        Are there no alternatives
  • th3w3bmast3r 43 days ago
    I am always nervous about acquisition. Only time will tell if this is going to be good or bad.
    • com 43 days ago
      Based on prior experience: almost certainly bad.
      • fragmede 43 days ago
        Which experience specific to Stripe is that?
        • wesselbindt 43 days ago
          It's not specific to stripe, it's acquisitions in general. It's consolidation. It's a move towards monopoly. It's a step away from a competitive market. Even the most hardened capitalist cannot claim with a straight face that this is a good thing.
        • com 43 days ago
          Every single product company acquisition, ever.
  • mbStavola 43 days ago
    Merchant of Record is a cool feature to have-- Stripe Tax works well but the pricing structure is horrible. Paying a flat fee for dedicated tax handling would be considerably better!

    Now if only we could somehow get MoR for marketplaces...

    • gls2ro 42 days ago
      How does Stripe Tax compare with MoR?

      I would love to use only Stripe, but MoR provides for me more than calculating how much tax I need to report per country. It takes a couple of days per month to prepare documents for my country's fiscal authority to report VAT and other taxes from customers inside and outside the EU. This is because in case of MoR I only have a couple of invoices per month but from a single company (the MoR) that is from one country. So there is little reporting done.

    • igeligel_dev 43 days ago
      We have introduced flat fee pricing recently:

      MoR for marketplaces basically means merchant of record for Stripe Connect and you, as the platform, take the tax liability via the MoR functionality automatically for your sellers (connected accounts), right?

      Mind sending me an email at kevinpeters at stripe dot com? Would love to hear about the use case.

    • gaadd33 43 days ago
      Does Avalara handle MoR? I know they handle complex taxation in the US for the alcohol industry pretty well but I don't know their other features.
    • Silhouette 43 days ago
      MoR has become a definitive advantage at least here in the UK - to the point where I'm not sure any other arrangement currently makes sense for the kind of tech startups we often discuss here on HN.

      For one thing we have the Making Tax Digital VAT reporting rules as soon as we cross our domestic VAT registration threshold (which is lower than £100k of annualised revenue within the scope of UK VAT so something a high growth startup is going to want to cross pretty quickly). To comply with those rules we need a 100% automated system for transferring VAT records from any services we use to collect payments into our MTD-compliant VAT reporting software. I'm still waiting for anyone to show me an easy and cost-effective way to do that properly with any non-MoR payment service provider. AFAIK none of the PSPs I've ever used has any documentation on how to do this, nor do any of the VAT reporting systems I've used since MTD came in. I'm not sure all of the approved reporting systems have the kind of API available that you'd need to implement this kind of data transfer even with significant programming/integration effort.

      And that's only the easy case of domestic collection and reporting. Internationally there are several services that will accurately calculate the required tax for you based on whatever rules apply wherever your customer is and whatever they are buying (you hope) but again that's only the relatively easy part. You also need to handle all the registration, tax reporting, possibly specific customer invoicing requirements, and tax remittance obligations everywhere they might apply. Obviously that's completely impractical for any SME that isn't a tax specialist because no business at that scale has lawyers and accountants in every relevant part of the world to advise them and manage those relationships with the local tax authorities. In sensible places there are again thresholds for local sales where you don't have to do anything about tax until you're also doing a significant amount of business there that isn't going to happen overnight but who wants to try to work out everywhere in the world that isn't sensible like that?

      Merchants of record usually charge pretty hefty fees compared to vanilla payment service providers but they're essentially a combination of automating a lot of pain and an insurance policy. Apparently the global tax system is now sufficiently opaque and risky that the market estimates the compliance overhead to be around 6-7% of all relevant trade worldwide.

  • mtlynch 43 days ago
    I find this pretty disappointing.

    There's so little competition in the payments space, and this acquisition means that there's even less. I know LemonSqueezy already relied on Stripe, but before the acquisition, there was still a potential path for them to break that dependency.

    I tried out LemonSqueezy a bit last year and had a mediocre experience, but it was at least nice to see a payment provider focused on simple, straightforward use cases. Stripe and Paddle have so many different customers and flows that it's hard to use them for simple, standard things. I was hoping to see LemonSqueezy fill that niche, but now Stripe is folding LemonSqueezy into the rest of their complex systems.

  • purple_ferret 43 days ago
    • alberth 43 days ago
      My guess, it’s not.

      And probably just a great compliant to their TaxJar acquisition from 2021 (+ entry into Paddles space).

    • _heimdall 43 days ago
      I'd be a little suprised. No one should take Guillermo's claims on things like performance as an unbiased fact. They do make some very impressive things at Vercel, but G is a salesman first and foremost.
      • moralestapia 43 days ago
        I disagree, Guillermo is a (great) developer at heart and spirit.

        He also happens to have found ways to profit from that.

        • _heimdall 43 days ago
          I don't mean to say he isn't a skilled developer at all, I phrased my comment poorly if it read that way.

          He played a big role in early NextJS development and did great work. My comment was meant as a remark on his public persona, he is very willing to over promise and embelish on how something actually works.

        • ilrwbwrkhv 43 days ago
          > Their most recent funding round was a $150m Series D at a whopping $2.5b valuation back in 2021, to give you a sense of the size of the company.

          How much are they worth now? I can only imagine their valuation has dropped. Does anyone use Vercel beyond free / low plans?

          • _heimdall 43 days ago
            Valuing a VC backed company like Vercel really is a bit of a crap shoot. Even major, publicly held companies aren't valued based on things like annual revenue, profits, or anything that shows up on a P&L.

            Vercel is worth exactly what the last person paid for it. There's no real way to come up with another valuation until there's another liquidity event.

            Another way to look at it, the last round of investors are valuing in-predictions for future value and have access to potentially private information and financials. From the outside it's not really possible to come up with a valuation to compare to there's, we'd be working with a totally different set of data.

  • xena 43 days ago
    I wanted to build something on top of Lemon Squeezy because stripe banned patreon-like services. Are you gonna extend that to Lemon Squeezy?
    • paulryanrogers 43 days ago
      > stripe banned patreon-like services

      When did this happen?

  • jaundicedave 43 days ago
    merchant of record was one of the few things that stripe was missing. i'd be pretty worried if i worked at paddle.
    • ezero 43 days ago
      I would actually be less worried. The support at paddle is much better than what I've seen from both stripe and LS. LS had decent support a year ago, but has really dropped off. Moving to stripe makes me excited about their product, but more worried about the support.
    • ArturZhdanN 43 days ago
      I agree, it is the only feature paddle has over stripe IMO. While having only monthly payouts, high fee, lower conversion
  • TechDebtDevin 43 days ago
    This is depressing.
  • the_mitsuhiko 43 days ago
    > Rest assured, we’ll continue delivering the same fantastic product and reliability you’ve come to trust. We’ll be in touch as we work through this process with any updates as they come along. We’re excited about finding the best ways to combine Lemon Squeezy and Stripe.

    That sounds somewhat promising but not entirely committed.

    • pc 43 days ago
      Not a lack of commitment -- we just don't want to pre-announce the specifics.
      • ezero 43 days ago
        Can you comment on if LS marketplace is still happening?
    • paxys 43 days ago
      It's a good PR statement, but founders who get acquired have zero authority to make such guarantees. You have a boss now, and they can change their mind whenever they want. They will do what's best for their business and customers, not yours.
    • 9dev 43 days ago
      That sounds like just about every single post-acquisition statement ever made.
      • com 43 days ago
        And one year later, the product promise is dead, buried and rotten.

        I hope not, this time, but if I were a betting man…

    • purple_ferret 43 days ago
      Founder just recently was thinking out loudly about how they could walk away with a big payday:

      I don't sticking with a product you've been working on for only 3 years is a big priority

    • jjeaff 43 days ago
      I would much rather Stripe had bought it than PayPal. I'm still mad that they purchased Braintree and ruined it.
      • com 43 days ago
        Same old pattern, M&A’s are normally destructive of the acquired firm’s value, but remove risk from the acquirer that something new and good is active in the market…
    • declan_roberts 43 days ago
      Just set a 1 year timer.
    • LtWorf 43 days ago
      They might entirely change everything completely.
  • b20000 42 days ago
    selling digital products online… what is new? how did they get to 1MM ARR with all the competition?
  • alberth 43 days ago
    I'm hoping this means Stripe Tax will finally get the capability of actually filing the appropriate paperwork & taxes in the geographies it's required.
  • supportengineer 43 days ago
    Instead of calling Stripe directly, customers call Lemon Squeezy directly - it’s an abstraction layer around the Stripe API.

    What’s the barrier to entry for starting up a similar business?

    • igeligel_dev 43 days ago
      I am working on Stripe Tax, but do not know Lemon Squeezy so well yet. But something Lemon Squeezy does different are the following: the KYC works different and is more restrictive. One of the differences to Stripe considering we still give you as a merchant the responsibility to be tax-compliant after all (you need to add tax registrations into stripe explicitly). Also think about maybe fraudulent cases, LS must be much more restrictive otherwise their payment provider is blocking them.

      One thing which is weird about tax is physical presences in some cases. In some countries, you actually might need a representative to file your taxes. Plus you need to learn how to register in those countries and how to file taxes.

      There are probably more things that you need to look up, but that’s what I remember.

    • alberth 43 days ago
      Stripe itself, is an abstraction layer onto of payment network and banking APIs.

      What's the barrier to entry for starting up a similar business?

    • konha 43 days ago
      > What’s the barrier to entry for starting up a similar business?

      The merchant of record model.

  • mmckelvy 43 days ago
    Is there a version of Lemon Squeezy for SaaS companies?
    • __natty__ 43 days ago
      LemonSqueezy itself or Paddle. Both are merchants of records. At least paddle (maybe LS too) allows reverse invoice which is important for some home grown startup saas as they simplify taxes to single customer (paddle), one invoice and one tax jurisdiction usually.
    • leros 43 days ago
      That's what LemonSqueezy already is. You can setup subscriptions and disable their storefront, then it's perfect for SaaS.
    • martinkostov 43 days ago
  • nikolay 43 days ago
    Acquires the customers and the team?
  • sidcool 43 days ago
    Stripe could easily replicate the features that lemon squeezy has. It's not about technology, it's about the clientele, brand and talent
    • com 43 days ago
      And about Stripes internal inability to deliver on the actual product. Lemon Squeezy is laser focussed - Stripe is not.

      Smart founders will be looking carefully and observing how Stripe fails to retain clientele and think about creating something that fits the Lemon Squeezy gap in the market.

  • arminiusreturns 43 days ago
    These ISV's are really squeezing the juice out of their customers with those rates aren't they? Even Stripe's rates are horrible, but 500 basis points and 50c/tx is really something... but to be fair ISV's are by definition vertical integrators and have more feature offerings.
  • FractalHQ 43 days ago
    Was nice when we had anti trust laws. This is gonna bite us all so hard as a society in the coming decades.
  • localfirst 43 days ago
    I find the whole aspect of having MoR a fear mongering tactic to get you to pay extra transaction fees

    99% of SaaS won't reach the MRR needed to justify MoR

    Of the 1% those breaking through 7 digit MRR can simply hire in house to manage tax remittance and not confuse their customers with invoices labelled with MoR's branding

    All in all this seems like the fear campaign has worked beautifully for Paddle and Lemonsqueezy but some of us saw right through it and never really felt the need to pay 5%~11% (!!)

    Looks like Stripe will shut down MoRs one by one

    • gls2ro 42 days ago
      Maybe this works well for anyone outside EU or maybe it is country specific, but in my country I have to report the invoices and if they are from inside EU or outside EU.

      In case of invoices from EU as I am living in an EU country and the business is registered in an EU country I have to take into account collecting or not VAT and what percentage of VAT needs to be collected. There is OSS VAT and some other facilities, but all this takes days per month from my time to handle. And I prefer to spend those days coding something.

      Moreso if they are inside EU there is a mechanism to cross-check if the other side reported the invoice (either sent or received) so to be compliant if you sell to multiple countries you have to report invoices.

      The same goes for selling to US specially in case of ebooks - there are treaties in place that define royalty percent when the final customer is an US citizen.

      So maybe if you are small and have the business registered in EU, the fiscal authorities will not come for you, but if they come the penalty is big enough to get me out of business. Thus I use MoR where for the income I get one or two invoices per month from LS and that is the only thing to report. Better as they are registered in US the reporting is simpler :)

    • jen729w 43 days ago
      As an Australian, I kicked the tyres on a few of these products and quickly realised that I didn’t care.

      Didn’t care about my supposed tax liability in Saudi Arabia. I think I owe those guys $7. Come and get it.

      Or in Serbia. Or the EU, more broadly. Or in the province of Saskatchewan. All of which I theoretically owe sales tax.

      I’m registered for GST in Australia. I live in Australia. I will slavishly follow Australian law and submit my GST on time.

      The rest of it? For a one-person business? Utterly unfeasible.

      • Silhouette 43 days ago
        The problem with the ostrich argument is always that it works until it doesn't. Governments have talked about more international cooperation on tax reporting and collection forever. One of these days they're going to start including serious measures for these things as a routine part of trade deals or other big agreements. They have increasingly easy targets as so many online sales now go through a relatively small number of payment systems like Paypal and Stripe that are distributed enough that they could effectively be compelled to cooperate with any new reporting obligations. Then it's going to be a case of small businesses selling internationally commit an average of N offences per day somewhere in the world because it's impractical not to so if you're the unlucky one they decide to make an example out of then that's going to really spoil your day.

        As someone who wants to do the right thing but would also like their business to actually do something useful and not spend 95% of its time doing admin work this is the kind of thing that stops me sleeping well at night. It's also why I've become something of an advocate of MoRs and a critic of basically all other traditional payment service providers. I fear the reckoning is a matter of when and not if and so passing the buck to an organisation that actually has a fighting chance of complying may be the only reasonable survival strategy. Of course then I lie awake worrying about the lack of competition in the MoR space - not helped by today's announcement in all honesty - and the dangers of being so heavily integrated with a specific third party service that can't easily be replaced and yet is critical to the sales process. What a time to be running a business in a world where this kind of international sales should be thriving.

    • moneywoes 42 days ago
      what is the threshold
  • ertucetin 43 days ago
    Now someone can create the new Lemon Squeezy, there will be a gap in the market.
  • guax 43 days ago
    Easy peasy
  • BoorishBears 43 days ago
    Now I need to find a new payment provider. Stripe has burned too many people with too little remorse to ever risk something as critical as payments on them again.
  • saltserv 43 days ago
  • rvz 43 days ago
    Now that's what I call horizontal integration, i.e. reducing competition.
    • lolinder 43 days ago
      From TFA:

      > Lemon Squeezy has been processing payments on Stripe since our inception.

      They're not your competition if you are already their most important supplier.

      • mattmaroon 43 days ago
        Yeah it’s clearly vertical integration.
      • janmo 43 days ago
        And now for sure they wont change that supplier. So yes it is suppressing competition.
    • th3w3bmast3r 43 days ago
  • mgrandl 43 days ago