• lsh0 45 days ago
  • type0 46 days ago
    similar project https://pugjs.org
    • thu 45 days ago
      (OP here.) Indeed, Slab is a templating language, just like Pug or Haml are. Slab was initially a reimplementation of Pug, but it evolved a bit.

      In particular, I tried to respect a principle often found in programming languages: user-defined elements (fragments) are no different than builtin ones. For example notice how `page` (which is user-defined) is used in the same way as as `body` (which is builtin) in the first code snippet of the introduction[1].

      (In the future, I hope that instead of providing builtins, Slab will instead use libraries of elements. There is an undocumented feature to define elements[2].)

      In Pug, to reuse bits of HTML, you can define mixins, but they are called with a `+` sign in front of their name. I also believe mixins can have expression arguments, but not other blocks of HTML. To pass blocks of HTML as "arguments", Pug provides the `extends` keyword, but I think it can only be used at the toplevel of a template. In Slab, the concept of fragments is a bit more uniform: a fragment can be used with expression arguments, and block arguments.

      [1]: https://slab-lang.org/reference.html#introduction

      [2]: https://github.com/hypered/slab/blob/main/examples/el.slab

    • bitpush 45 days ago
      From GitHub -

      Slab was initially a port to Haskell of the Pug.js templating language.

    • pyinstallwoes 45 days ago
      reminds me of haml too https://haml.info