Show HN: Serverless VPN for Lifetime


12 points | by gigapotential 93 days ago


  • joshstrange 90 days ago
    Not a single mention of how much it will cost you to run on whichever cloud you use. Obviously prices change over time and if they are using spot instances that happens even more so but you could at least ballpark it.

    It sure seems like they purposefully not calling that out so they keep parroting “lifetime”. So will this software get updates to support new API versions or other changes these clouds might make? Will it automatically support new regions/instance types? It looks like you have to run the control panel somewhere (not serverless) so that will cost money or require setup to expose it running on local hardware.

    I’m having a really hard time not seeing this as borderline scammy.

    • gigapotential 89 days ago
      Your comment is just for internet points.

      Other than that I'll answer the questions some of which already have information on website or the installation or product walk-through videos.

      how much it will cost you to run on whichever cloud you use: Hetzner being the chepeast at the moment ~$4/mo. Ofcourse your own hardware $0/mo

      will this software get updates to support new API versions or other changes these clouds might make?: So far I haven't seen a cloud provide deprecate their APIs (please do provide real example if so) but this would be handled as software update

      Will it automatically support new regions?: Via software updates

      Will it automatically support new instance types?: Yes already supported, more info on website and product walk-through video

      If you'd like to have civil discussion other than calling "scam", futher questions are welcome

      • chevy90 88 days ago
        Rightfully so it is a valid point. None of serious business can stay in "lifetime" plan being their lone selling point.

        The site is well setup and the service known however what are your plans in the long term?

        • gigapotential 83 days ago
          Because the software is owned by the user - it is same as buying a music or movie CD. How long would the CD work? Here a similar question to ask is how long would the Cloud Providers be available for "lifetime"? The current supported cloud providers are Hetzner, AWS Lightsail, DigitalOcean, Akamai Linode and Vultr. They all seem to be around for quite a while and so I expect product to keep working for forseeable future by which time a user can easily get the value for the price they paid for the product.

          For sake of argument for "lifetime": even if some of these cloud providers go out of business the probablity of all of going out of business is low, and so software will keep on working.

          I'm also expecting new cloud providers to appear over long period of time worth adding support for.