Ask HN: Where to put AI summary and filter in custom RSS feed

Hi folks,

I am working on an AI newsfeed app. It uses LLM to summarize and filter stories on any website or RSS. When exporting this custom AI feed to custom RSS (so that users on RSS readers can subscribe them), I am wondering which RSS field should I use for AI summary, the summary prompt or AI filter. Namely:

1. AI summary per top feed links (AI will summarize the page pointed by the link URL) - I am thinking of adding a new namespace within item: `channel > item > ai:summary`

2. User's summary prompt (.e.g "What are key points it covers" or "What are the key financial metrics") - What about `channel > item > ai:summaryPrompt`

3. Handle AI filtered feed and user's filter prompt (e.g. "Anything about open source") - I am thinking of including only the filtered feed items in RSS and adding a per channel tag like `channel > ai:filterPrompt`. Or alternatively include all the feed items but add `channel > item > ai:filterPrompt` only for the items filtered by AI (but I doubt RSS readers can handle it properly).

(I want to preserve existing RSS fields if possible, like item description `channel > item > description`)

Any feedback is welcome!

4 points | by andrew_zhong 13 days ago


  • andrew_zhong 13 days ago
    I got reply from someone in Reddit who mentioned that feed readers will just ignore the custom namespaces. SO I think the best option (but hacky) will be to put the summary into the item description HTML...

    Hope there are cleaner ways