Ask HN: What is it like working for Mozilla Labs these days?

After all the layoffs, and Firefox not really gaining much traction - How is the current culture? I am seeing a few open positions and wonder if people left and they have to hire new ones, or what is it like still being there? Would you recommend Mozilla?

7 points | by trail477 15 days ago


  • incomingpain 14 days ago
    I have not worked for Mozilla but for quite a long time their organization has been on life support. I would never ever consider a job with them. Unless the job was CEO and my goal was to fix their toxicity.

    This toxic work environment and political positions of the CEOs are pushing engineers out of their organization. Worse yet this has been ongoing for at least a decade across several CEOs.

    >Firefox not really gaining much traction

    They are headed toward 0. How unfortunate because I used to love Firefox before they decided to censor their political opponents.

    My browser is never allowed to choose what content I get to see.

    • vik0 13 days ago
      I wonder what browser you're using. Some fork of Firefox, I assume?