Ask HN: Flutter or React Native?

8 points | by th3proph3t 30 days ago


  • 999900000999 30 days ago
    Flutter if only since you don't have to struggle with decades of legacy JavaScript code.

    It's going to depend on what your comfortable with. I prefer Flutter, and I've used JavaScript for a very long time. But Dart is easy and straightforward.

  • skydhash 30 days ago
    They're both OK. Think basic stuff you could do with a PWA but just a tad faster as they relies on a better layout engine than the DOM. Also they've got most of the things for a cross platform experience already done. But after that, it's the same. Just look at your requirements if you don't need a particular capability of one platform.

    I myself would go with native options if I'm dealing with more than a few screens. They offer better upgradability and you have less difficulty integrating with native frameworks.

  • RadixDLT 30 days ago
    Choosing between Flutter and React Native is like deciding between a pizza with pineapple or a pizza without pineapple. It's a controversial topic that can divide even the closest of friends. Flutter, like pineapple on pizza, is colorful, vibrant, and might leave you wondering if it's a bit too much. React Native, on the other hand, is like a classic cheese pizza - simple, reliable, and loved by many. So, whether you want to take a risk with the tropical flavors of Flutter or stick to the tried and true goodness of React Native, just remember that in the end, it's all about satisfying your app development cravings. Bon appétit!
    • syndicatedjelly 30 days ago
      Are there really no technical merits of choosing one over another?
  • solardev 30 days ago
    For what it's worth, my last company chose React Native over Flutter not necessarily for its technical merits, but because the React ecosystem is so huge. You can find and hire React (web) programmers anywhere, and even if they have zero native experience, it's less of a transition for them than learning Google's stack.

    There are also some React web components that can be reused for native (but not all, and probably not even the majority). This can be SOME time savings if you're doing a pretty standard business app.

  • apex86 30 days ago
    They both are just fine. I hear people just go with which one they have the most experience in. Since I am starting from scratch, I'm trying Quasar/Vue. Since Flutter is Google's baby and React is kinda like Facebook's baby, I feel more independent with Quasar/Vue. If you made me choose between the Flutter or React native, I might choose flutter and try flutterflow(nocode).
  • munbun 30 days ago
    If you choose React Native, you’ll save your team significant time and effort by using the Expo framework instead of the base CLI.
  • gardenhedge 30 days ago
    If you have a team that knows react, then react native. If you have a team that knows neither, do a small project in each.
  • sgt_bilko 29 days ago
    Backend in Dart, front-end in Dart/Flutter. Save on the training and maintenance. You can also do the backend in TypeScript but Dart has better safety features. This is what I am planning to propose to my manager for a large project at work.
  • petabyt 30 days ago
    Both suck in their own unique way, I would choose whatever you are most familiar with
  • BilalBudhani 30 days ago
    I'm curious about this topic as well.

    I would also add NativeScript in the comparison.

  • meiraleal 30 days ago
    You can also give PWA Builder a try
  • bobbytang 29 days ago
    RN just has so many packages available that it just makes building faster, even despite its flaws.
  • max_ 30 days ago
    React Native is horrible. Go with Flutter.
  • JohnSSS1978 29 days ago
    Choose one that you are better at.
  • Elizabeth0147 29 days ago