How the XZ Backdoor Works


200 points | by chmaynard 115 days ago


  • smitelli 114 days ago
    > The file, supposedly a corrupted XZ file, is actually a valid XZ stream with some bytes swapped — for example, 0x20 is swapped with occurrences of 0x09 and vice versa.

    My under-caffeinated brain can't unsee that as a silly reference to the old tabs vs. spaces squabble. Maybe it's simply a rational obfuscation choice, or maybe it's indeed a masterstroke of satire.

    • acdha 114 days ago
      I think it’s a very shrewd use of that history: their goal was to get a potential reviewer to ignore it and pretty everyone qualified to look at that code has seen those specific values enough to likely tune it out as more tabs vs. spaces noise or perhaps think the original test case started with a file corrupted by some whitespace conversion process, which would be a very easy explanation since very similar things have legitimately happened to other projects.

      Whoever did this shows signs of being very familiar with programming culture and I’d bet that this was another deliberate attempt to hide in the background noise.

    • bonyt 114 days ago
      Wait, you're right, 0x20 is space and 0x09 is ht/tab... they've swapped spaces for tabs...
      • pdpi 114 days ago
        The payload is supposedly a corrupted xz file. An overzealous "replace spaces with tabs" formatter could easily cause this sort of corruption, so it seems like a perfectly reasonable test case.
  • y_xc 114 days ago
    "The exploit was caught promptly, so almost no users were affected. Debian sid, Fedora Rawhide, the Fedora 40 beta, openSUSE Tumbleweed, and Kali Linux all briefly shipped the compromised package."

    One thing that is noteworthy is that Kali Linux integrated the backdoor briefly.

    So we should have a discussion about security of distros packaging speed. Is it more secure to integrate all patches as fast as possible or is it more secure to wait a bit until it is being tested elsewehere. The "elsewhere" would catch the bad effects then. Integrating security patches as fast as possible could be very costy.

    • ajross 114 days ago
      > Is it more secure to integrate all patches as fast as possible or is it more secure to wait a bit until it is being tested elsewehere.

      That's a chicken/egg argument. Someone needs to be "elsewhere". Integration testing is absolutely part of security defense in depth architecture. In point of fact this was caught by running Debian testing. Delaying inclusion would have delayed discovery.

      • y_xc 114 days ago
        Exactly that is my fear, too. It's like zero trust in everything. - Don't trust that any other party do the security testing for you - Don't trust any developer, it could have malicious intents - Don't trust the patches, they could introduce bugs/backdoors/...

        So we're straight going in the direction of protectionism and isolation. Wouldn't that be a big step back for the whole OSS/FOSS community?

        One thing I read the xc-writeups last days (I think it was here was that we at least shouldnt trust any devs/maintainers that have no online identity. Though the argument that you could create a fake ID is possible. So I'm still obsessed from the question, what are the lessons learned for the community from this and how restrictive the participation in OSS will become.

        • ajross 114 days ago
          I don't think that's quite right: Trust the community. Trust the process. Sure, any one actor might be compromised, but that will be rare and exceptional. So build layers such that their bad actions get detected and corrected.

          Some parts of that aparatus worked poorly in this case, it's true: xz had a single maintainer who turned out to be susceptible to a deliberate human engineering attack, and yet was trusted to be linked into the some of the highest-trust parts of the system. That's bad, and we should work to avoid that kind of situation in the future.

          But other bits worked very well: multiple downstreams detected the flaw (though only Andres saw it for the attack it really was), and it was corrected before it reached any production releases. The community as a whole is set up in the right way and doing the right things.

    • hypeatei 114 days ago
      It probably depends on what's being updated in the new version. If it's a vulnerability fix, then fast is good. If not, then waiting a little bit is ideal.

      Not sure how that would work in an automatic way without some sort of tagging system marking it as "critical" but that could be abused by bad actors too.

      • greggsy 114 days ago
        Most major distros include mechanisms to install packages not security updates, either via the package manager, or through specific repositories.
    • jeltz 114 days ago
      Wasn't Debian testing also affected? That should have affected some people's PCs.
      • deng 114 days ago
        Yes, it was. And by that, for instance also all docker images that derive from debian:testing, which is not that uncommon.
      • plg94 113 days ago
        that was the whole reason this was caught this early, because Andres Freund was runnig Debian Testing (or Unstable)
  • Topfi 114 days ago
    Great summary, especially since I missed this yesterday. To be honest, it's far above my knowledge, so I'd just like to thank Andres Freund and everyone else for investing their time, effort, and knowledge into keeping all of us secure.
    • bsmartt 114 days ago
      > To be honest, it's far above my knowledge

      Just means it's an even better opportunity to learn!

  • coleca 114 days ago
    This may be a dumb question, but is law enforcement investigating this? Is it even technically a crime?
    • H8crilA 114 days ago
      Of course it is a crime. This is in fact more than a crime, it's a counter-intelligence problem, even if done by a non-state actor.
      • brookst 114 days ago
        I’m not sure that all counter-espionage problems are necessarily crimes, in the sense that a specific law was violated.
      • alickz 114 days ago
        What would the crime be? Misuse of computers? Espionage?

        Curious as to the legal angle of it

        • PennRobotics 114 days ago
          just a guess: Illegal Electronic Surveillance

          more of a guess from the below link?

          18 U.S.C. § 2512, which prohibits the manufacture, possession, advertisement, sale, and transportation in interstate or foreign commerce of devices that are primarily useful for the surreptitious interception of communications

          (although is this a hardware-specific prohibition?)

        • H8crilA 114 days ago
          This is a ChatGPT-level question :) . Pasting GPT-4 response:

          If someone is caught installing a backdoor into a software library such as libxz, particularly one that interacts with a secure communication protocol like OpenSSH, they could be charged with several offenses under United States law. The specific charges would depend on the details of the case, but here are some possibilities:

          1. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) Violations: The CFAA is the primary federal law in the U.S. for computer crime. It prohibits a variety of different types of computer-related activities, including unauthorized access to a computer system, causing damage to a computer system, trafficking in passwords or similar information, and more. A person who installs a backdoor could be charged with unauthorized access and/or causing damage.

          2. Wire Fraud: If the backdoor was used to obtain sensitive information or to cause harm, the person could be charged with wire fraud. This is a federal crime that involves using interstate wire communications to carry out a fraudulent scheme.

          3. Identity Theft: If the backdoor was used to steal personal identifying information, the person could be charged with identity theft.

          4. Economic Espionage Act (EEA) Violations: If the backdoor was used to steal trade secrets, the person could be charged under the EEA.

          5. National Stolen Property Act (NSPA) Violations: If the backdoor was used to steal data or other "property," the person could be charged under the NSPA.

          6. The USA PATRIOT Act: If the backdoor was used in a way that could be considered "cyberterrorism," such as causing harm to a critical infrastructure system, the person could be charged under the USA PATRIOT Act.

          It's also worth noting that if the person was working on behalf of a foreign government or organization, they could be charged with additional crimes, such as espionage.

          Keep in mind that this is a complex legal issue, and the specific charges would depend on the details of the case. If you're dealing with a situation like this in real life, you should consult with a legal professional.

      • magic_hamster 114 days ago
        This is 100% a state actor. We can also kind of narrow down who.
        • greggsy 114 days ago
          Based on the Chinese-sounding name alone? They also used two other sock puppet accounts that sound Indian and Anglo:

          • VHRanger 114 days ago
            The chinese name may be a red herring, as it's mixing mandarin and cantonese namtes.
          • jeltz 114 days ago
            And a Scandinavian and a Russian sock puppet too.
        • shaky-carrousel 114 days ago
          The author's name may be a decoy. I'd have done that.
          • coffeeaddicted 114 days ago
            As someone on reddit mentioned yesterday "Jia Cheong Tan" is an anagram of "CIA Agent John". Which may be accidental or a funny pun by the backdoor coder.
        • fl7305 114 days ago
          That would be far from unlikely.

          But have we seen anything that would require more than a very smart individual with some time on his hands?

          • jeltz 114 days ago
            No, but the patience is quite amazing which makes me think it is someone who is employed to do this either by an intelligence agency or by a major ransomware company.

            Of course it could just be a very patient person.

            • SV_BubbleTime 114 days ago
              I think the undersold part with the patience/timeline taking years is that “Jia” surely has more identities and scams in play.

              Everyone making products used as supply chain components for someone else should be looking at the timeline and considering which of their developers might match the same pattern.

              I do not believe that “Jia” had only one iron in the fire.

            • fl7305 114 days ago
              I wouldn't make a Pikachu face if it was proven to be a major actor.

              But the "amazing patience" is not at all unusual among people who work on open source projects for fun, right?

              And what would the payday have been for a single individual who managed to get this backdoor deployed in all major distributions? How much is something like that worth on the black market? Tens of millions of dollars?

        • saagarjha 114 days ago
          • irobeth 114 days ago
            most people now will say something about the commit timestamps indicating this is an Eastern European actor, but it seems like any sufficiently dedicated intelligence service could script their commits or even assign a person to keep certain sleep/wake hours just to falsify that data
            • fl7305 114 days ago
              And what do office hours mean to a dedicated hacker?
    • lambersley 114 days ago
      In Canada, it would fall into a number of federal laws (Criminal Code)

      Unauthorized use - 342(1) Mischief in Relation to Data - 430(1.1) Interception private communications - 184(1) Deceit/fraud - 380(1)

      1. 2. 3. 4.

    • EasyMark 114 days ago
      Doubtful if law enforcement is, you can bet that the CIA and NSA and SS are looking into it though hoping to find a thread to pull on the sweater.
  • throwaway4good 114 days ago
    Is the original git repository still available somewhere?
  • somemisopaste 114 days ago
    > (...) the backdoor adds an audit hook. The dynamic linker calls all the registered audit hooks when it is resolving a symbol.

    How was this possible without also modifying the LD_AUDIT var? Haven't seen that mentioned yet, or perhaps I'm missing something.

    • rwmj 114 days ago
      When you're running inside the binary you can do mostly whatever you want. Especially in this case where the back door could run before mprotect(2) has been used to write-protect critical structures like the GOT and PLT (not that that is watertight either).
    • nwellnhof 114 days ago
      It's probably as easy as modifying "extern struct rtld_global_ro _rtld_global_ro", exported from ld-linux, the dynamic linker/loader. During IFUNC resolution this struct seems to be writable.
      • somemisopaste 114 days ago
        So in other words LD_AUDIT is useless? If it's that easy to overwrite the GOT I fail to see the purpose in audit functionality.
    • tgv 114 days ago
      I guess this is the answer (from

      > Symbols of type STT_GNU_IFUNC (GNU-specific extension) are treated differently from normal symbols. Such IFUNC symbols point to the resolver function, and all calls to such functions are delayed until runtime.

  • H8crilA 114 days ago
    Do we have any idea at all who has done it? From what I've read there's no credible attribution in public sources.
  • INTPenis 114 days ago
    OpenWRT also uploaded backdoored packages.
    • 1oooqooq 114 days ago
      • INTPenis 114 days ago
        I think they know seeing as they renamed the files with the .backdoored suffix.

        But I think you're referring to the fact that it was dormant code.

        I still thought it worth mentioning in the context of a website that seemed to list all distros affected.

        >Debian sid, Fedora Rawhide, the Fedora 40 beta, openSUSE Tumbleweed, and Kali Linux all briefly shipped the compromised package. NixOS unstable also shipped the compromised version, but was not vulnerable because it does not patch OpenSSH to link libsystemd.

        • pxc 114 days ago
          > NixOS unstable also shipped the compromised version, but was not vulnerable because it does not patch OpenSSH to link libsystemd

          In addition to not including those patches to build OpenSSH against systemd, Nixpkgs builds liblzma from the GitHub snapshots, not the dist tarballs, so the source Nixpkgs builds from never contained the malicious m4 scripts that actually inject the backdoor code in the liblzma binaries. Plus those scripts explicitly and exclusively target DEB and RPM builds, so they wouldn't have run on Nix or Arch builds.

    • zekica 114 days ago
      Not really, they updated to 5.6.x but used code from the git tag, not from the tarball, and only in their snapshot (not stable) version. The git repository never contained <i>build-to-host.m4</i>, so the injected build step was never executed and not backdoored library was produced.
  • miraculixx 110 days ago
    Next attack will create a CVE and provide a "solution". Nothing spreads faster.
  • 1vuio0pswjnm7 109 days ago
    The backdoor relies on IFUNC which means it does not work on distributions using musl. Like the one I use. Always amusing when HN commenters try to belittle use of musl and promote use of glibc. I like musl. I like choice.
  • 1oooqooq 114 days ago
    • Jgrubb 114 days ago
      First summary I’ve bothered to click on so mission accomplished, and I learned a lot.
      • 1oooqooq 114 days ago
        still click bait title
  • 1vuio0pswjnm7 114 days ago
    If the backdoor relies on IFUNC then it would not work on distributions using musl. Like the one I use. Always amusing when HN commenters try to belittle use of musl and promote use of glibc. I like musl. I like choice.
    • fl0ki 114 days ago
      A lot of people who don't like musl just prefer not to have the slowest memory allocator on the planet, especially when multiple threads are involved which they usually are in modern code.

      I've watched release-optimized builds with musl run orders of magnitude slower than unoptimized builds with mimalloc, and this was on only 20 cores, it wasn't exactly pushing the envelope of big iron scaling.

      Even after waiting years for its mallocng, which is better, it is still the slowest. It's no longer just that it wasn't a priority, it's inherent fallout from musl's practice of reinventing everything without learning nearly enough about why other implementations were built that way in the first place.

      With memory allocators there were several legendary implementations to learn from. My pick would be mimalloc because it's not just fast, it's also hardened, which seems relevant in a thread about security.

      At least once you know this, you can substitute the allocator for your program even if you otherwise use musl. That's common practice when producing static binaries from Rust code.

      The problem remains that far too many people just use musl without actually benchmarking their program under a real workload to see just how much they've sacrificed in return for, well, what exactly, because it also wasn't hardening.

      • _joel 114 days ago
        Agreed, it's not an insignificant addition to the time of a pipeline run (in our use case) and adds up if you're running a good number. Spent a bit of time porting some images to alpine and it wasn't really worth the effort. If you're restricted by device resource, which what it was created for I guess, then fine.
    • probably_wrong 114 days ago
      If you really want to bait HN you should point out instead that this backdoor exclusively affected distros using systemd.
      • dist-epoch 114 days ago
        Hey, you should put a trigger-warning on that
    • lifthrasiir 114 days ago
      IFUNC was probably chosen because most systems run glibc anyway so that is enough for the widespread vulnerability. The exploit would have used other mechanism tailored for musl if it was a majority instead.
    • adql 114 days ago
      Backdoor relied more on compromising supply chain than on particular glibc feature. And the fact the notify support in sshd wasn't implemented directly but via libsystemd that is the one that dragged the lzma dependency into SSH
    • realusername 114 days ago
      xz is bundled in millions of combination of OS/architecture/tooling/config, even the attacker had to make a choice.
      • SV_BubbleTime 114 days ago
        Lends some credit to the idea that they had a target or series of targets in mind when deploying this seemingly general attack vector.
    • 1vuio0pswjnm7 114 days ago
      Linux is not the only system I use. It is just one option. I compile sshd from source. It's not always OpenSSH, but when it is, it does not include any patches for systemd.
    • deng 114 days ago
      Yes, using a niche system is a good way to not getting hacked, but then, why would you use Linux at all? Looks like you'd be happier with OpenBSD, or maybe Plan9?
    • 1vuio0pswjnm7 114 days ago
      What HN commenters fail to grasp about what might drive one's choice to use musl: It's not that musl is so good, it's that glibc is so bad. At least this is what drives the choice for me.
      • fl0ki 113 days ago
        I'll take this bait in good faith: What about glibc is so bad that you'd rather use the slower, buggier, less compatible, less throughly reviewed musl in production?

        If I had to pick something, it'd be that glibc is behind musl on supporting 64-bit timestamps on 32-bit targets; and at least for my targets, that's a stretch.

        In return, musl's (past?) problems with domain resolution alone seem like more than enough of a downside to avoid it on all targets. vs

        Disclaimer: I'm targeting these from Rust, not C or C++ directly.

        • 1vuio0pswjnm7 107 days ago
          "I'll take this bait in good faith: What about glibc is so bad that you'd rather use the slower, buggier, less compatible, less throughly reviewed musl in production?"

          One might conclude from reading this question that someone has already made up their mind. Why would someone framing a question in this way have any interest in what I prefer and why. I am not a "developer". I am an "end user" that compiles programs for own use. Is this a "good faith" question.

          "Bait" indeed.

          The difficulty with compiling static binaries using glibc is the deal-killer for me. Coming to Linux from NetBSD, I never experienced any difficulty compiling static binaries using NetSBD's libc.

          Rarely do I encounter software I want to use that does not compile easily with musl. Instead I encounter software authors that have made the effort, if any is required, to be musl-compatible or that use musl exclusively (see spitbol), including Linux distributions that have adopted musl as their libc (see Alpine Linux) or offer a musl option (see VoidLinux). If others prefer glibc, then I have no problem with that. What I do not understand is why HN commenters want to jump on every comment where I mention using musl myself and try to disparage it. Why would they care what libc I use.

          If anything, these snarky comments only make me more skeptical of glibc.

  • dmitrygr 114 days ago
    I do now wonder if systemd itself is part of a similar long game by someone. It is part of everything. One compromise there and it is game over.

    It has all the signs:

    - Replaces old perfectly working systems? Check

    - Large and inscrutable? Check

    - Touches a lot of things an init system has no business touching? Check

    - Pushed in rather suddenly, in a coordinated fashion, and against much reasonable opposition? Check

    • andrewshadura 114 days ago
      Same old arguments debunked many times already.

      1. Old systems it replaced were difficult to use and maintain.

      2. It is in fact modular and the code is actually easy to understand. When I ran into a bug, I managed to find and fix it.

      3. Systemd itself replaces the init and service management (initscripts etc), that's quite in the scope. Other bits and pieces like timers and resource management, are also in the scope. Other things like network management, are separate things that are only developed under the umbrella of the systemd project.

      4. Systemd was not pushed suddenly, it was many years in brewing, and it became gradually adopted when it was actually ready for production use.

      • swader999 114 days ago
        Real time sophisticated astro turfing system in place to stifle any criticism - Check.

        Just kidding, I think the defense given holds up.

    • npteljes 114 days ago
      >One compromise there and it is game over.

      Consider that every agency like the NSA, and private groups like the NSO Group (authors of the Pegasus spyware) already sit on a pile of unpatched vulnerabilities, for various systems. If one vuln in systemd is game over, then the game is already over. And if what we currently experience is the game over state, then it's manageable.

      • fl0ki 114 days ago
        It looks manageable to most of us because we don't know who was targeted and what would have happened if they weren't.

        We don't even know what whistleblowers were caught before they could publish their information, and we don't know what information that would have been.

        Imagine if nobody ever leaked what Edward Snowden did. Imagine that something similarly important, anywhere in the world, has not been leaked because of successfully exploited vulnerabilities.

        • npteljes 114 days ago
          I'd rather have a safer world for the software, and for the people especially. What I wanted to reflect on is just OP's assertion that if bad thing X happens, it's game over. It's not, I think, because if it would, then it were game over long ago. So now, if we find a vulnerability in systemd, we'll just fix it and put it with the rest of the fire.