Networking explained with a horse and carriage


20 points | by swagasaurus-rex 311 days ago


  • tamimio 311 days ago
    I think a simple diagram is much better than that.
  • nicholasbraker 309 days ago
    I like the analogy, but explaining TCP and UDP is just a small subset of what I would consider 'networking'. Now explain how the horses and messengers find their way across the realm. Which roads are used and why? What happens when a road is closed and how can the closure of one road be propagated to the other roads.
  • 1970-01-01 310 days ago
    SCTP: We made horses that somewhat queue themselves, but nobody around here remembers how to handle them.
  • infocollector 310 days ago
    Is there a good comic explanation for TCP/UDP like the "How https works comic" - perhaps someone knows?
  • HeyLaughingBoy 310 days ago
    Missed the very important point that UDP packets are not guaranteed to even arrive. Building a product that used Multicast UDP, we were painfully aware of this.
    • esquivalience 310 days ago
      "This would be analogous to sending UDP packets. Messages are sent without confirmation of delivery. After giving these instructions to the riders you realize you don't know when or if the letters arrived at their destination."
    • Bluecobra 310 days ago
      That is true but it can be really efficient for certain use cases. In the financial world, it is the de facto standard for receiving real time market data from the exchange. Because it’s important data there is some resiliency. Typically you receive multicast from “A feed” and “B feed” groups and the first packet (sequence number) wins. Also each exchange has its own TCP based mechanism for error recovery (message sequence gaps). Normally everything is pretty reliable as in general most trading is done at the local exchange venue/data center and it’s just local cross connects.