Tell HN: Google censors positive reviews for a local police station in Poland/EU

Tried to post a postive 5 star review "profesjonalna pomoc[pl] "professional help[en]" (tongue in cheek) review for a local abusive police station in Sanok/Poland/EU.

"Co się stało W tym miejscu często pojawiają się treści naruszające zasady Google. Aby temu zapobiec, wyłączyliśmy możliwość publikowania. " "What happened This is where content that violates Google policies often appears. To prevent this, we have disabled publishing." [],22.2140464,16z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x473c727df3861959:0x532b133b8ee2114d!8m2!3d49.5590532!4d22.219452!16s%2Fg%2F1tlbshcc?entry=ttu

9 points | by iamnotsure 362 days ago


  • SenAnder 362 days ago
    More insidiously, they also hide that censorship is even taking place. If they were honest, the review section would be closed, stating "This is where content that violates Google policies often appears. To prevent this, we have disabled publishing."

    Instead it's open, tricking you into thinking reviews are allowed. You are only told they're not after you try to post, and they can no longer maintain the deception.

    Call it shadow-censorship. It's everywhere, and the most common form. The censor isn't happy just censoring information - he wants people to believe he's not even there:

    Not only did Occupation censorship forbid criticism of the United States or other Allied nations, but the mention of censorship itself was forbidden. -

  • NoZebra120vClip 362 days ago
    Why are you trying to post a fake review? It sounds like Google is one step ahead of you and the brigade.
  • gniv 362 days ago
    How is that review tongue in cheek?