Show HN: must be one of the oldest sites on the Internet, and quite likely the oldest site that has continuously advocated for economic justice.

A few years ago, I took it over and gave it a new facelift (thanks, Webflow!)

So today, it’s my great pleasure to announce a next chapter for Earlier today I transferred stewardship of into the capable hands of Floyd Marinescu, a man whom I deeply respect and admire. Floyd is a successful entrepreneur and the founder of UBI Works (, Canada’s preeminent basic income advocacy organization.

While basic income was the start of Floyd’s journey of economic discovery, his journey didn’t end there, but continued to develop once Floyd discovered the inequities created through our contemporary system of property ownership. His interests have grown to encompass the teachings of JM Keynes, Henry George, and other economic giants. In their spirit, he intends to continue’s legacy as a source of information and inspiration on economic and social justice.

7 points | by heymartinadams 830 days ago


  • floydm 830 days ago
    It is an honor to take on and bring an understanding of how our relationship to land, natural and socially created wealth affects our lives and our futures. A younger generation can get the resources needed to see clearly the impact of how the incentive structures around us are making life harder and preventing our well being, and hopefully organize a movement.

    The heart of the understanding of Henry George, Guy Standing, Thomas Paine and others is that that which we received as a gift must be commonly owned, the rental value of these common assets can be used to pay us all renal income in the form of Common Wealth Dividends, reduced taxes on our earned income, greater funding for local public infrastructure, and expanding of all forms of Commons.

    Capitalism that preserves and expands common wealth is neither rentier capitalism nor socialism, it is real capitalism as envisioned by the classical economists. Once that respects the stewardship of our environment, and one where the incentives that create entrepreneurs are no longer confused with extractive incentives that create rentiers or monopolies. In this new economy, entrepreneurs are celebrated, rentiers made obsolete.

    Owning common wealth together is how we can ensure that as humanity progresses, we all progress together. Connecting human progress to the direct upliftment of us all.