• pvsukale3 1052 days ago
    Hello HN, maker of this tool here.

    I have always thought that we could do a better job of helping out job candidates with job applications. So I have created a special kanban board focused on job hunting. It has the following features:

    - A browser extension with which you can add jobs from anywhere with a single click.

    - We will remind you of your pending applications via email every weekend. So this way you never miss the deadline to apply.

    - Adding job-related info for each job such as deadline, company, apply links.

    - Taking notes, adding contacts, adding to-do items, and tracking events for each job application.

    Profilehunt has been built using/uses the following technologies.

    Ruby on Rails - Web framework

    StimulusJS - Javascript

    TailwindCSS - CSS

    Redis - Memory store

    Postgres - Database

    Nginx - Reverse proxy

    AWS Cloudfront - CDN

    AWS lightsail - VPS

    If you are interested head out to https://profilehunt.net/ and let me know what you think. Thank you.

    • robofanatic 1052 days ago
      looks neat! but I guess tracking tool like this may be useful for recruiters than candidates.
      • pvsukale3 1052 days ago

        Yes. My future plan for Profilehunt is to build a fully-featured recruiting solution for employers which updates the application status for candidates in real-time. I think there is room for improvement for both sides of the application process.