• dhconnelly 1057 days ago
    Oh man, I read this article a few months back and it immediately resonated with me. I've never used Scala, but this advice has been applicable in every language, project, and team I've ever worked with, and I very much regret that I didn't already have this resource to cite in past code reviews.

    A lot of the worst tendencies that developers complain about in complex programming languages (i.e. all of them, they're all complex) could be addressed by this advice.

    • Cthulhu_ 1056 days ago
      They all CAN be complex, but I feel like Scala was designed to BE complex, to give a developer as many tools as possible to write complex code. Contrast this with Go which was designed to be simple, to give developers few options and few points of contentions. And it's not just the language, but the mindset of the developing community.

      I mean in a future release of Scala, they will add generics - that, combined with higher-order functions, will allow for functional programming constructs like Option and operations like map, filter, etc - those are already possible, but the function they operate on has to be declared for every type.

      But while that has really taken off in some languages and environments, it's heavily discouraged in Go - the runtime is not designed for it, it can't cleverly unroll and optimize it, and the function call overhead will make its performance terrible compared to a regular loop.

      TL;DR while it is or will be possible, it conflicts with the principle of least power described here, and a number of e.g. Go proverbs and other wisdoms.

      • dhconnelly 1056 days ago
        Yeah, no argument there. And I definitely like the Go community’s tendency towards straightforward code. But even there (among less Go philosophy-minded engineers, possibly) I’ve seen crazy abstractions built using interface{} that didn’t need that kind of generic code for the use case. Another one in Go is the nil/interface type interaction, for example. And this kind of thing can be hard to reason about, and that’s what I’m trying to say. All the languages have these complex and tricky bits and it’s best to stay away from them unless truly necessary.
      • nikitaga 1056 days ago
        > I mean in a future release of Scala, they will add generics

        This is a typo, the great old one meant to say Go, not Scala.

  • dang 1056 days ago
    Past related threads:

    Strategic Scala Style: Principle of Least Power - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11467339 - April 2016 (64 comments)

    Strategic Scala Style: Principle of Least Power - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11265424 - March 2016 (4 comments)

  • paulddraper 1056 days ago
    I worked in Scala for years, and it is no small irony that this article is based in that language.
    • valenterry 1056 days ago
      That's true. If you use a more restricted language, such as Go, then in does not happen so often that a developer chooses to (or even can) over-engineer something.

      Unfortunately, at the same time it also takes away the power in situations where it should be used and where the benefits of abstraction overweigh the drawbacks. This then leads to repetitive and bloated code, runtime errors and all the problems that come from it.

      Pick your poison...

      • Cthulhu_ 1056 days ago
        Repetitive yes, bloated, not sure what you mean by it. But it's readable and maintainable, and will be that for the next decade, both by the original authors and the potentially hundreds or thousands that will follow.

        With Scala, and I've worked with the language and some Scala oriented developers, I get the feeling that each individual developer styles themselves an artisan, and their code is not for the likes of mortals to comprehend.

        I mean I kinda get it, it makes them feel smart and empowered and above the common Java developers and will probably earn them more money. Hell, I've been at one and heard of at least one other place where they decided for Scala not so much because it was the best language for the job, but because if they went with Java they would have to weed out 95% of applicants because they're mediocre - if you nab a Scala developer you know you've got someone from the top 10% at least.

        I mean the one project failed and they went back to C# / .NET after a few years because they couldn't find developers and the other one probably muddles on because of sunk cost, but still.

        • nikitaga 1056 days ago
          Indeed, Scala code quality varies a lot based on developer / team / org. Code can be several different flavors of crap, but it can also be magnificently good in the hands of strong developers, and the quality is definitely scalable to team / org, with the right attitude and hiring practices.

          Thankfully the Scala teams I worked on have been great, and to be fair the issues we did encounter were mostly from developers having little Scala experience being lost without mentorship. I'm yet to encounter the stereotypical overengineers or FP nazis, I think the fashion for those attitudes might be more in the past these days.

        • valenterry 1056 days ago
          What I mean with bloated is that Golang has great limitations in how flexible the syntax is. This is not inherently bad, but it causes bloat. Scala on the other side is very flexible on the syntax side, but that causes a steeper learning curve to some degree, both in general for the language but also each time this flexibility is used.

          A simple example would be datetimes. Let's say you have a Datetime library and you have to write "currentTime.plusMinutes(1).plusSeconds(5)". In Scala you can adapt it to be able to write "currentTime + 1.minute + 1.second" without even changing the original library, for better or worse. In Golang you cannot, for better or worse.

          > But it's readable and maintainable, and will be that for the next decade

          Well, you could say the same about Scala. The thing is: each line of Golang-code might be easy to understand and readable. But in the end what matters is the understand the whole system or at least the part where you need to make a change. And while in Scala you pay the price of a much steeper learning curve, you also have the benefit of more concise code (see example above) which makes understanding the whole picture easy, even if every single line is harder.

          But as I said, not only does it not come for free because of the learning curve. The freedom and power also can cause problems when it used correctly, so it also requires greater discipline than, say, Java or Golang.

          > With Scala, and I've worked with the language and some Scala oriented developers, I get the feeling that each individual developer styles themselves an artisan, and their code is not for the likes of mortals to comprehend.

          Unfortunately it is hard to tell if that is because you were not experienced enough in Scala at that time, or if someone really just messed up and abused the language (it definitely happend, even more so in the past).

          > I mean the one project failed and they went back to C# / .NET after a few years because they couldn't find developers and the other one probably muddles on because of sunk cost, but still.

          Yeah, you can't scala a Scala project to the next Google. That's not gonna work. But then again, I think that it makes perfect sense to have multiple languages, even in the same company. People who start out might want to use go because it's easy to learn it and get started (and still has some strong points for certain concurrency problems etc.). Eventually you want to move on and go for Rust or Scala or others. And even then, some people just prefer dynamic typing, some prefer static typing, just like some prefer pizza and some prefer pasta.

  • bryanrasmussen 1056 days ago
    The W3C had a Tag Finding on the Rule of Least Power back in 2001 https://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/leastPower.html
  • AheadOfTime295 1056 days ago
    If this Principle of Least Power had been applied to sbt, what would have been the result? Compilation times depend on scalac and not so much sbt.

    Perhaps Scala adoption would be higher today. Assuming no competitors (Kotlin) had gained momentum.

  • MrBuddyCasino 1057 days ago
    A developer that is concerned (and rightfully so) with the Principle Of Least Power choosing Scala as his weapon of choice, in 2014, meaning before they partially saw the errors of their ways in Scala 3: a theoretical possibility, sure, but not one I have ever seen in the wild.
    • nikitaga 1057 days ago
      This principle as presented is not universal, it's built on a set of assumptions that are true for Scala but not for other environments.

      For example, it assumes that refactoring is easy, making it easy to switch your initially simple solution to something more complex if / when the need arises. That is true in Scala thanks to a rich and safe type system, but in other languages it may not be as easy, and it's certainly not easy to replace a python app with a Scala app.

  • 0x008 1056 days ago
    For me at least it sounds like another reiteration of KISS
    • Cthulhu_ 1056 days ago
      Yup, but it's a bit more actionable and concrete I think. I mean which is simpler? A single line (low LOC!) of some clever functional code, or 5-15 lines of iterative but dead simple code? But you can definitely state that the oneliner is powerful while the loop is low tech.
      • 0x008 1056 days ago
        The least possible complexity.
  • lincpa 1056 days ago