Ask HN: Where is my server-side rendering?

So its been 20 years since I last did web-dev.

My memory of the old days was that pretty much any programmer could go write server-side code in any scripting language to generate pages and tables and things and build UIs pretty much instantly. HTML was a language that was obvious and easy to generate with for-loops and such, and Javascript was something you could add for fancy things. Templates came along and made things even easier, and the biggest pain point was the back-button.

Fast forward to 2021, and I am in need of a simple editor for a GRPC API and I am finding myself flummoxed and unsure where to start on how to even make a UI for it! Everything seems to one server that serves Javascript single-page app that uses graphql to interrogate some middleware that in turn calls whatever backends are needed etc.

Where went the quick and dirty results of server-side generation of HTML tables and such?

It feels like modern web-dev is more cogs and more massaging and a much steeper learning curve and everything.

How can old-timers quickly and easily get a modern-feeling but simple-to-make UI?

17 points | by willvarfar 1094 days ago


  • the__alchemist 1092 days ago
    Here's my approach - I think it will work for you, but you can use different tooling:

    -Django server framework to handle templates, auth, routing, DB etc

    - HTML templates and CSS (inline for one-offs, and CSS files for multi-use and defaults)

    - Targeted JS without dependencies for UI manipulation and fetching data from the server as required.

    I think you'll find the improvements in modern JS and CSS very nice. Flex, Grid, JS DOM apis etc. Ignore the bloated frontend frameworks etc.

  • pantulis 1094 days ago
    If this is a personal project and if you are not very JS fluent, you can absolutely stay away from all the SPA bruhaha. Rails is still very well alive and kicking, same thing going on for Django, Symphony and so on.

    I say "if this is a personal project" because in the case of a professional engagement there are possibly other considerations.

    • stephenr 1093 days ago
      You could remove the first 14 words and the entire last sentence and this would be even more accurate.
      • pantulis 1092 days ago
        I preferred to err on the side of caution, just in case.
  • cblconfederate 1093 days ago
    PHP , jquery with maybe bootstrap for the mobile compatibility and some mysql. It all works as it always had and you won't have to learn a lot of new stuff you won't use again.
  • sprobertson 1091 days ago
    Nothing's stopping you from generating HTML with plain old strings. If you like Python, Bottle [1] is a great example of how simple it can be. This isn't actually what I use these days (I'm a victim of the fancy client-side JS libraries) but it's much easier to get running from zero than any other setup.


  • aristofun 1093 days ago
    Rails + bootstrap ui. The fastest lane to up & running website.
  • Jiocus 1094 days ago
    It's been only 6 months since I made a quick and dirty DBMS web explorer, with for-loop tables and columns with sensible user-actions, dropdown menus what have you, depending on data types and requirements reported by the database. All server-side generated.

    Stack that solved my problem:

    - Python Flask, with the bundled Jinja templating,

    - Spectre CSS.

    This setup could produce some seriously large, functional and attractive tables. PHP is also an option, with Twig templating (which is a Jinja copycat).

  • nonsapreiche 1094 days ago
    > Where went the quick and dirty results of server-side generation of HTML tables and such?

    Still here in the 20 years old technology you know, only changed in some paradigm, words, tools, but the core is always the same hyper text metaphor.

    > How can old-timers quickly and easily get a modern-feeling but simple-to-make UI?

    There are a lot of frameworks available todays, but if you have been ibernated for 20 years, I bet you'll like to try do it by yourself.

  • davismwfl 1094 days ago
    Depends on the stack you are sitting on or familiar with. Plenty of ways to still create a server side rendered site.

    PHP has been around for quite the long time and is a quick and easy way to do it if you are familiar (or even if you aren't usually). Sure people shit on PHP all the time, but it can be a quick way to do it. Node also has template systems for server side. .NET & Python too.

  • rajacombinator 1093 days ago
    Try looking harder? Basically every webserver framework comes with server side rendering out of the box and as de facto.
  • ecesena 1092 days ago
  • PaulHoule 1094 days ago
    Use React and keep all state in MobX, find one widget set you like, stick with it and don't get hung up on fine requirements of how it looks and behaves.
  • codegeek 1093 days ago
    PHP: Symfony/Laravel Blade Templates

    Python: Django/Flask/Jinja Templates

    Ruby: Rails ?

    NodeJS: Express ?

    Basically a popular framework for a popular language. Almost all are server side by default.

  • tomcam 1091 days ago
    May I ask what’s wrong with vanilla PHP?
    • yamellasmallela 1091 days ago
      The fact that it's PHP lol. Its 2021 use a better language
      • tomcam 1091 days ago
        OP requested some thing with a more traditional feel. Also, can you tell me what PHP 8 lacks?
  • lioeters 1093 days ago
    With Node.js and Express, you can generate HTML as a string in response to HTTP requests, as barebones as it gets.
  • midrus 1093 days ago
    Ruby on Rails.
  • simon_acca 1092 days ago
    Plotly dash is the modern version of what you describe

  • yamellasmallela 1091 days ago
    Django templates will be your fastest option

    Rails and PHP are a nightmare and legacy. Don't even bother

    Next.js is pretty good

    • gls2ro 1091 days ago
      Can you please explain your opinion?

      I am curious of two things:

      1. How come Django is not legacy but Rails is?

      2. How come Rails in itself it legacy for SSR?

      I am curious and I think it worth explaining as it might be that people read the comments here and do not understand what criteria did you considered when deciding which is which.

      • yamellasmallela 1090 days ago
        Django uses a modern language and is simple

        Rails is not sanely organized, very complicated, and ruby is just a crazy language

        • midrus 1090 days ago
          This is your purely subjective opinion.

          I've worked with both profesionally, and my also purely subjective opinion is that while Ruby is better than Python, Rails is thousands of miles ahead of Django.

          On the Ruby side, the standard library is a lot more consistent, the language itself is more powerful, the tooling is better (bundler + gems + rake vs pip..oh, wait its poetry.. or was it pipenv), puma is objetively better than uWSGI (no releases in years) and gunicorn (can't serve static files! wtf!).

          Rails provides an opinionated and clear way to do frontend too (better templates, stimulus, hotwire, etc) and a way to do websockets, an official one. Translations in rails are a lot better too, based on keys instead of on 80's gettext funkyness. Routing is a lot easier too, just map urls to controllers... in django do you do function views? or class based views? now that's a mess. The "asyncification" going on in django is CRAZY, the complexity they're adding is React level insane.

          Also, ruby didn't break the ecosystem and f*d half the community like python did from 2->3 (that's when I gave up on it) and nor is doing it with all the async madness in python splitting again the ecosystem on things that support it vs things that don't.

          The only thing I miss from django is the migrations system, which I think are better than in rails, and maybe django-rest-framework.

          So, there you go... your subjective opinion vs mine, everyone has one.

  • ironmagma 1093 days ago
    > HTML was a language that was obvious and easy to generate

    It was never so. This attitude in fact is the cause of many bugs and security vulnerabilities, most popularly XSS. There's a reason infrastructure was built around these technologies, one of which is that they are not really safe.

    • krapp 1093 days ago
      There's nothing unsafe about HTML as a language. You'll never get an XSS issue from pure HTML. All of those "bugs" and "security vulnerabilities" come from mis-configured frameworks not properly sanitizing external data, or from (mostly PHP) ad-hoc code written by people unaware of the issue. But even then, any mainstream templating language escapes by default.
      • ironmagma 1093 days ago
        The parent comment was specifically about generating HTML, which by definition is not pure. And the templating languages are part of the complexity people are talking about.