Show HN: WebMIDI Enabled Editors and Tools


5 points | by rajangdavis 1160 days ago


  • tweetle_beetle 1160 days ago
    This is really impressive, I wish I had some compatible hardware to test with. I once tried to throw together a small personal project for saving configurations on an analog device visually, but couldn't find any nice knob/pot libraries to use - the components page alone is worth a bookmark to me. Thanks!

    It's a pity that there is such a disparity between Chrome and Firefox on Web MIDI - Chrome steaming ahead and Firefox not even started due to security concerns around SysEx. I don't know enough about it in truth, but it seems like there ought to be a sensible compromise available.

    • rajangdavis 1156 days ago
      I started making my own editors with React/next.js and settled on this library for the knobs:

      I like it mostly because I want to be very specific with the knob design (trying to match the pedals as much as I can) but it also handles the data side brilliantly.