Apollo in Real Time – A journey through the Apollo missions


112 points | by bane 1156 days ago


  • CraigJPerry 1155 days ago
    This is incredible!

    If you like this, there's a great podcast series that goes through the final 13 minutes of Apollo 11's descent to the lunar surface https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p083t547

    A few few years back there was a kickstarter for a reconstruction of one of the Apollo 11 manuals, the flight manual - https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/apollo-11-flight-plan-re-... - i bought one and the quality is incredible, i always wished that group would do more of this ilk, their execution was fantastic.

  • 86____ 1155 days ago
    The author of this site was on the No Dumb Questions podcast earlier this month, and gives a great background of the site. Well worth a listen. Here's a PocketCast link for anyone interested. https://pca.st/episode/6c543b4d-fe29-41be-a826-d3ad52bbfaa6
  • bfeist 1155 days ago
    Thanks for the post. I'm the author of this tool and am happy to answer any questions.
    • xtiansimon 1155 days ago
      @bfeist. For the 50th Anniversary I turned to this website, and synchronized to the anniversary (as best a possible) and listened to the whole program all the way from launch to splash down.

      It's the absolute epitome of a 'fly on the wall' experience. Bravo. Thank you for saying hello here so I can thank you for your work.

    • tunnuz 1155 days ago
      No questions, but just wanted to let you know that sometimes when I need to focus I play this along lo-fi hip hop tunes and it’s just beautiful.
      • bfeist 1155 days ago
        Much appreciated. I'm partial to streaming soma.fm next to it
    • MoonJamValets 1155 days ago
      Would it be possible to do something like this for current and future missions?
      • bfeist 1155 days ago
        100% I've been hired at NASA to do just that. I'm currently working on a similar system for flight controllers to use internally for ISS spacewalks (like the one happening right now). Ultimately I'll be creating a system that supports our return to the moon with the Artemis program.
        • MoonJamValets 1155 days ago
          The Apollo site is created by people outside NASA, right? Is that possible for ISS and Artemis?
          • bfeist 1155 days ago
            Possibly, long after the fact when the historical material is in the National Archives. But I'm within NASA now, and I have optimistically already registered artemisinrealtime.org. I'll be making something.
  • gspr 1155 days ago
    This site is such a treasure. Imagine if all of humanity's heritage was copyable/mashable in the same way that the Apollo videos and telemetry are!
  • ozim 1155 days ago
    I love how in the videos they have ashtrays and are smoking cigarettes by their desks.

    I am happy that smoking is not the norm anymore.

  • hermitcrab 1155 days ago
    See also https://twitter.com/apollo_50th , live tweeting the Apollo space program as it happened 50 years ago.
  • progman32 1155 days ago
    There's also http://apollo13realtime.org/ with fully synced transcripts.
  • feydaykyn 1155 days ago
    This is excellent work congrats!
  • wscott 1155 days ago
    Not working for me. Do they need more donations for servers?
  • lalabert 1155 days ago
    Awesome piece of work! Well done
  • hum 1155 days ago
    So neat! Wonderful UI