Conway's Life and generative music (1997)


9 points | by benbreen 1250 days ago


  • Syzygies 1248 days ago
    The last time I saw John Conway, he was giving a talk on games at a donor dinner for MSRI. I was there because I'd worked a math movie. John needed a volunteer to play against him, one of those stick games on a sheet of paper. He'd already indicated a winning strategy no one else in the room had mastered, so of course there were no takers. The director David Eisenbud gave me one of those "this is why you're here" looks, and I joined John at the podium. He swiftly destroyed me, though some claim I won a game that wasn't credited to me. I drew my best laugh expanding the game board to renew my chances. Alcohol was a factor for all concerned.

    John loved math more than anyone I've met. After large lectures, he'd make the most time for random non-mathematicians drawn to the talk because his work had attained cult status.