The Ghidra Book


89 points | by muldvarp 1285 days ago


  • tptacek 1284 days ago
    It's good, but wow is it a lot of detail; it's like reading a book on MS Word that explains every option. It's what you want in a Ghidra reference, but it is not a breezy read.
  • helloSam43 1284 days ago
    So, for those not in the know? Ghidra is software/ software language for reverse-engineering? So I feed it the .exe file and it will try to tell me the original C++ code?
    • molticrystal 1284 days ago
      Sort of. Modern Compilers convert your code to an intermediate language which is similar to a generalized type of assembly language, that is then converted into opcodes of your cpu architecture.

      This program goes in the opposite direction. But the problem is often not a one-to-one function so it has to pick at each stage what to produce based on heuristics. Thus you can get anything ranging from really close to the original source code to way off or nothing at all.

      Thus the assembly listing that it produces is invaluable in deciphering what is going on and you can give many hints along the way to assist both the disassembly where that fails and decompiling to figure out how things work.

  • ganoushoreilly 1285 days ago
    I snagged this pre release. Solid book.
    • jki275 1284 days ago
      I did as well, and it's one of my prime references now. Great book, great tool. Lifesaver.