Show HN: WebAssembly Calling Card – visual creativity with WASM


42 points | by follower 1368 days ago


  • follower 1368 days ago
    If you've been interested in playing around with WebAssembly you might like to create a WebAssembly Calling Card (WACC). A WACC is like an avatar but WASM!

    I've been developing an add-on for the Godot game engine that wraps the libwasmtime WebAssembly runtime so desktop Godot games/apps can call functions in WebAssembly modules.

    As I suspect is common when integrating a WASM runtime, one of the first function calls I got working returned a 32-bit integer and I thought: "32-bit ints are kinda boring, what if defined a standard for turning them into triangles & make getting WebAssembly runtimes working more enjoyable." And thus, WACC was born. :)

    The specification defines how three 32-bit ints get turned into triangles:

    * 256x256 coord system.

    * 15 bit color + 1 bit alpha per vertex triangles.

    * 1 FPS!

    The site linked includes details on the:

    * web-based viewer;

    * desktop app WACC Viewer (for Linux, Mac & Windows) that displays a WACC in both 2D & on 3D softbody;

    * examples (source+binary); and,

    * the specification itself (WIP--some coding reading still necessary).

    One of the reasons I'm creating the underlying project (WASM Engine for Godot) is an interest in exploring the use of WebAssembly for providing sandboxed customisation opportunities for players in games that go beyond what's currently possible.

    Thanks for your interest!

    Obligatory available to hire postscript: Yes, I'm currently available to do weird stuff like this for you--or, even, less weird stuff, that still gets developers engaged with your product/tool/service with that all important minimal time-to-first-dopamine-hit. :)