Show HN: ML Model Recognizes Sketch as you draw it


9 points | by aliabd 1362 days ago


  • hardnametoread 1362 days ago
    Mostly everything multiple people have drawn is recognized as "rain".

    - about 10 attempts at drawing some human parts have all been detected as rain

    - a large X is detected 64% as rain

    - the sun is detected 47% as rain

    - the writing "Not Rain" is 95% rain

    - a radio is 18% beach and 8% rain

    - a light bulb is 31% ear, 9% strawberry and 3% cookie

    I assure you that the lightbulb and radio are well drawn.

  • jscheel 1361 days ago
    Filling in the entire area results in 7% camouflage, 3% tractor, and 2% yoga. Does this reveal any explicit shaping or bias in the data?
  • scottlawson 1360 days ago
    Hmm it doesn't seem to recognize numbers very well. If the first stroke of 7 is slightly upwards it thinks it is a 3. Example
  • quickthrower2 1362 days ago
    It knows it’s elbow. Not it’s ass