Ask HN: Would you like to read “Perspectives on Projective Geometry” with me?

I became very obsessed with hyperbolic geometry and from there, projective geometry, and finally complex projective geometry (& Cayley Klein geometry).

I've bought dozens of books on the subject, but one in particular has been working for me: "Perspectives on Projective Geometry: A Guided Tour Through Real and Complex Geometry" by Jürgen Richter-Gebert. In my opinion, it's an exceptionally clear book and it should be accessible to anyone with a basic understanding of high school trigonometry and high school algebra, and basic linear algebra (no calculus seems to be required). It would also be helpful to know what a complex number is and why they are useful.

I'm trying to read it cover to cover, and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading it along with me and doing a weekly video call to discuss.


Hard copy:

If you're interested, please maybe add a comment saying what interests you about this subject. My email address is in my profile as well.

2 points | by jqgatsby 1434 days ago


  • hackdroid 1434 days ago
    Hey man, I am interested in doing this. Can't see your email in profile.
    • jqgatsby 1433 days ago
      sorry, fixed that! Here it is here as well: johnafries

      (At gmail)