• jetti 1430 days ago
    I'm relatively new to Clojure and have been interested in writing something like this. I have a few questions/comments:

    - What made you decide to write CacheBustHelper in Java? I believe something like:

      (defn bust-cache
        (with-open [rdr (clojure.java.io/reader input-stream)]
          (doseq [b (.read rdr)
                  :when (not= -1 b)]
    I'm not sure the performance difference between the two though.

    - Does it work with any web backend framework? Could I use something like Luminus or Fulcro? Does the request just have to follow the Ring request format?

    - Looks like lines 183 through 198 on core.clj could be when instead of if

    - what about making update-if-present:

      (defn update-if-present
        [m & v]
          (reduce (fn [acc [k f]] 
                    (if (contains? acc k) 
                      (update acc k f)
                  (partition 2 v)))
    That would allow you to do the following:

      (update-if-present page-data :twitter-image cache-bust-one
                                   :og-image cache-bust-one
                                   :favicon cache-bust-one
                                   :link-apple-icon cache-bust-one
                                   :link-apple-startup-image cache-bust-one
                                   :link-image-src cache-bust-one
                                   :script cache-bust
                                   :script-sync cache-bust
                                   :js-module cache-bust
                                   :stylesheet cache-bust
                                   :stylesheet-async cache-bust
                                   :manifest cache-bust-one)
    Those are just some things I noticed on first glance.


    • spacegangster 1429 days ago
      whoa, thanks a lot for the comment! I'll add it to my todo list, and will look into it when I'll be doing the next iteration!
      • jetti 1429 days ago
        I haven't tested any of that code so it may not work perfectly.

        I have another question: did you model this on any existing html generating solution (such as reagent/om/rum)? I am looking at those projects for inspiration and a guide on how to do this kind of generation

        • spacegangster 1429 days ago
          Well, HTML is generated by Hiccup, it's a solid veteran library
          • jetti 1429 days ago
            Yea, I totally missed that. I'm working on a ClojureScript library so there is no Hiccup and I'm planning on targeting Vue instead of React which means reagent and sablono are both out too.
            • spacegangster 1428 days ago
              freaking cool! have you seen recent React take on atoms? I haven't dived into that, but from the surface it sounded like they're playing with Vue's approach. Perhaps Vue is more developed in its own approach though :-)
              • jetti 1427 days ago
                I have not seen that. I'm not very familiar with standard React, I've only briefly worked on a React codebase and the rest of the time I've used React via Reagent
  • spacegangster 1432 days ago
    My lib for Clojure, using it in a real project. Currently planning next iteration, probably will include prefetch links and streamline cache-busting. Most brutal critique is welcome as well as other forms of feedback.
