Ask HN: What should be next step if IT company is laying off?

6 points | by psham81 1488 days ago


  • sloaken 1487 days ago
    Get a group a friends (who are also laid off) together (4 or 5 total people is best), virtually of course, set a meeting schedule, like once or twice a week. At the meeting discuss what you are doing. This is a team meeting. You discuss what you have done, what you are trying, what you are going to do. These people, as a team, keep each other honest on your efforts.

    If you find a hot job, you tell your team, because it is your team against the world. You are not so much competing with each other as the 100K other people looking at the job.

    Step 2: Make a schedule, hold to it. Discuss it at your team meeting. Schedule in down time, exercise, etc. It is common to want to spend all day looking for a job. Key tool is to work your network.

    Step 3: Create multiple resumes. I would have a folder for each job I applied to, even if I reused the resume. I would keep in the folder the information about the job listing.

    Step 4: Document - keep track of what you do and how often. When did you apply for a job, when did you have an interview. You know being unemployed is a job, you just do not get paid for it.

    Step 5: Develop a strategy. Include list your job criteria / expectations. I had it where I refused to move for a job.

    Step 6: Set a date when you need to change strategy. Usually it is like 3 months, but depending you could do it shorter. Myself after 3 months, I stopped looking real hard and attended class to get certified. 3 months after that I dropped the 'no move' requirement, a month later I had a job.

    Step 7: Remember it is not your fault, things will get better.

    Step 8: well really one, apply for unemployment, and COBRA (health insurance).

  • samfisher83 1488 days ago
    1. Apply for unemployment as soon as possible. 2. Update Resume 3. Contact you network. 4. Start Applying for jobs. Can't be too picky right now.
    • phakding 1488 days ago
      I vouch for this. That's exactly what I ended up doing, in the same order even.