• jayd16 1527 days ago
    I'm not sure this is particularly novel or even desirable. Games have streamed from optical drives to ram for decades. Page files are quite old. Consoles and Blizzard games, and others have partial install/background download support in the wild.

    Paging files over an internet connection works. It sucks on mobile because you just might not have internet access for an extended period of time but it works well on home devices.

    • missosoup 1526 days ago
      The only real use case for this is applications where the data is physically too large to keep on the device. Microsoft's upcoming flight simulator comes to mind.
    • londons_explore 1526 days ago
      There are plenty of games where a particular level won't be accessed for many hours.

      It really just takes the game dev to decide "this data is needed now", "this data will be needed in 15 mins" and "this data won't be needed for 8 hours"

  • riyakhanna1983 1526 days ago
    They monitor read system calls, and therefore cannot deal with memory mapped IO. Concept of caching data is very old. Not sure if this is practical. Not sure how is this better than Apple app thinning?