The Design Graph


29 points | by hardmaru 1532 days ago


  • dharma1 1530 days ago
    I've worked on a few design systems. Thinking about future interoperability and themeability is hard when creating a design system, and it really would make sense to have some conventions that help foster an ecosystem - that can also outlive specific frameworks.

    Will be checking out UI Themes and Blocks UI mentioned here for new projects. Designer tooling (Figma plugins or something for Hadron) for these would help significantly with designer/design team adoption and creation/maintenance of high quality themes and UI components - which in turn would feed popularity of the whole ecosystem.

  • colinjoy 1530 days ago

    1. Let's agree on a common set of standard theme variables and their names to get "interoperability for free".

    2. Nest these abstractions and call it a graph.


    If this comes across as slightly negative, this might be down to me being a bit annoyed by the recent trend of putting fancy labels on everything new-old in the UI design space.

  • klysm 1529 days ago
    I was hoping for some kind of mathematical formalism for a design scheme - this is not that.