Using floating-point numbers for money


77 points | by ingve 1555 days ago


  • antonyme 1555 days ago
    Sorry, but I remain skeptical. The same people who use `float` for financial calculations are probably the same people who don't understand how/why to do the rounding described to avoid these problems. Way too many programmers think that they are working in base 10 when using float. Why not just make them use it, and keep them out of trouble.

    Also, I wonder what the overhead of rounding every operation is? Comparable to the cost of using a proper Decimal class?

    "if you are doing some financial math that does not need to be accurate to the penny, just use floating point numbers."

    I would argue that financial math by definition needs to be accurate to the penny. Where is "pretty close" financial calculations considered acceptable? Having worked at a bank, I know how seriously this sort of thing is taken.

    From experience, working in scientific applications and numerical computing, summing large numbers of floats is fraught with accuracy problems too.

    • dahart 1555 days ago
      > I wonder what the overhead of rounding every operation is? Comparable to the cost of using a proper Decimal class?

      For what it’s worth, for the major ICs (Intel, NVIDIA, etc.) there is zero extra overhead. A choice of rounding modes is part of the floating point operation’s instruction. And keep in mind that a floating point op is always rounding no matter what you do, the question is whether it’s always using the same rounding strategy consistently, whether you can control it, and whether it has what you need.

      > I remain skeptical

      You are correct.

      There are good reasons not to use float for money that the article didn’t discuss, and perhaps the author isn’t aware of. You run out of integer precision at 2^24, which is only 16 million. If you process a 20 million dollar payment in units of dollars, you might be off by at least a dollar. That error will multiply with every floating point op done on the result. If your units are pennies, the largest safe value is only 160,000 dollars. If you ever subtract floats, like say make a payment or withdrawal, you can run into catastrophic cancellation without knowing it. Deposit $200k and then withdraw $199k, suddenly you have a small balance with large error that could remain in your account and continue to grow until the balance is zero.

      • jbay808 1555 days ago
        It has great benefits to the user, though. Once you have $20 million in the bank, you can continue to withdraw $1 at a time as often as you like without spending any of your principal!
        • zitterbewegung 1555 days ago
          By benefits to the user which would mean the bank made a mistake and now the IT department has a production P0 issue that will probably have everyone working to fix that yesterday then sure.
      • pcwalton 1555 days ago
        > You run out of integer precision at 2^24, which is only 16 million

        To be fair, the author seems to be suggesting using double-precision floating point. If you use integer numbers of pennies, signed 32-bit integers cap out at a similar value of $21M. 32 bits is just too small for financial calculations.

        • dahart 1555 days ago
          You’re absolutely right; he did say 64 bit. I just wouldn’t do that blindly either, and the author admitted to not being fluent in error analysis. The issue with even doubles is that the magnitude of your error in a running total calculation is a sum of all the errors of your largest intermediate results (the results of multiplies you don’t see or store explicitly). That means with a bank account, the error of your calculations continues to grow forever unless you are explicitly correcting the errors. Rounding does not solve that, so even using doubles for money is a sketchy proposition unless you really know what you’re doing.
          • jdashg 1554 days ago
            Isn't the proposal in the article is "round after every operation"? Since rounding to nearest cent values corrects each subtotal's error to zero, this should work up to 2^53 cents. ($90T)
            • dahart 1554 days ago
              Yes, that is the proposal. Rounding doesn’t correct errors though, it can make the error grow faster. Rounding just keeps you from dealing with sub-pennies.
    • jmwilson 1555 days ago
      > I would argue that financial math by definition needs to be accurate to the penny. Where is "pretty close" financial calculations considered acceptable?

      There is a difference between analysis and accounting. There are many financial models (e.g. Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing) that are analytic in nature and use transcendental functions, so the idea of getting an exact, arbitrary-precision answer is hopeless. Using a decimal type for this kind of computation would be an exercise in slowing down processing by a few orders of magnitude.

      • samatman 1555 days ago
        This is an excellent point.

        When computing around money, you're either working with magnitudes or units.

        If you don't know which, you're working with units; use a Decimal.

        • ncmncm 1555 days ago
          If you are working with units, ordinary binary integers are overwhelmingly better for almost every operation.
    • dragonwriter 1555 days ago
      > I would argue that financial math by definition needs to be accurate to the penny.

      It sometimes needs to be accurate beyond the penny; pennies may be the smallest unit of settlement, but they aren't the smallest tracked quantity in all financial matters.

    • tbabb 1555 days ago
      This thread seems to be unaware of DEC64, so this seems as good a place as any to point to this:

      The gist: It's efficient (adds and mults in a few instructions), and preserves the decimal representation.

      It's quite simple, really: Store a whole-number integer with a smaller one representing the number of shifts to the decimal point. This is probably a good choice for sensitive financial calculations.

      • jglathe 1554 days ago
        Thank you for this link. Sounds interesting and looks like a lesson learned from history.
    • msla 1555 days ago
      > I would argue that financial math by definition needs to be accurate to the penny. Where is "pretty close" financial calculations considered acceptable?

      Computing tips, from the standpoint of a customer paying the tip.

      Saying "pay 20%" isn't precise to begin with, in that you will not use fractional cents to make it precise, so having a tipping granularity a bit larger than a penny is also acceptable, particularly in jurisdictions where there is no one-cent coin (or equivalent) in any event.

    • guggle 1555 days ago
      > I would argue that financial math by definition needs to be accurate to the penny.

      Yes, indeed. There is no such thing as "financial math that does not need to be accurate to the penny". I wonder if OP has ever worked with a bookkeeper...

      • solveit 1555 days ago
        Bookkeeping needs to be accurate to the penny. Estimating growth for the next quarter or last years GDP doesn't.
        • guggle 1555 days ago
          Yes, but why switch systems though ?
          • geofft 1555 days ago
            How are you going to do linear interpolation, let alone exponential growth, without floating-point? On August 1 you made $1000, on August 7 you made $1100, assuming that growth is linear, how much are you going to make on August 20?

            If you have some routines for dividing fixed-point numbers, one, why do you believe they have more accuracy than floating point (especially if you're doing divisions by numbers that aren't divisible by 10, as in the example above - don't you have the same problem as with floating point?), and why do you believe they're more correct than floating point? Did you write a test suite? Do you know what needs to be tested? What prevented you from writing the test suite for the floating-point calculations you were originally doing to do?

            • dahart 1555 days ago
              > How are you going to do linear interpolation, let alone exponential growth, without floating-point?

              Fixed point is one answer, but I see you know that already. I don’t know what the banks use for interest, but I can guarantee that it’s not float32.

              > If you have some routines for dividing fixed-point numbers, one, why do you believe they have more accuracy than floating point

              Fixed point routines do not have more best-case accuracy than float, given the same number of bits ... but float32 definitely has a worst-case accuracy that is very very bad compared to a fixed point number.

              > why do you believe they’re more correct than floating point?

              Can’t speak for the GP, but I think asking about correctness is a straw man. The issue is really about safety, predictability, and controllability. Floating point can be very accurate, but guaranteeing that accuracy is notoriously difficult, and it depends very much on the unknown ranges of your intermediate calculations. Fixed point, on the other hand, never changes accuracy as you go, so you don’t get surprises.

              • e12e 1555 days ago
                > I think asking about correctness is a straw man. The issue is really about safety, predictability, and controllability.

                Uh, and compliance? (if you didn't mean to imply that under "controllability")

                • dahart 1555 days ago
                  Yeah, definitely. My list certainly isn’t exhaustive; just trying to express that use of floating point isn’t only a matter of correctness, there are lots of other factors. The dev time cost of using floats correctly for financial calculations is higher than the dev time cost of using ints or fixed point numbers.
      • semicolon_storm 1555 days ago
        That's not strictly true. Some of the work I do involves software to do premium calculations for insurance. While pennies do matter for intermediate values during calculation, virtually everyone rounds the final premium to a dollar amount or the closest 10 cent increment. Nobody cares about pennies when each transaction is hundreds or thousands of dollars.
        • ComputerGuru 1555 days ago
          Rounding at the last step is very different from rounding at each step.
    • e12e 1555 days ago
      It's hard to consider float anything, but a hack - and certainly something to keep away from discrete domains (countables).

      I'm a little more curious on the suitability of using integers for money though (integer number of pennies). I suppose there are cases (and rules) concerning fractional pennies? Like in the case of percents of interests, often given by the year, accumulated[1] by the month?

      [1] that's probably not the correct term in English.

      • MaxBarraclough 1555 days ago
        > It's hard to consider float anything, but a hack

        GPU engineers might have something to say about that. Depending on the context, trading off on precision can be a valid engineering choice.

    • Scarbutt 1555 days ago
      In some countries, cents are a very insignificant number(they have the additional three zeros for whole numbers) and businesses are allow to round to the nearest hundredth, most small to medium businesses round to an integer.
  • kstenerud 1555 days ago
    No, do not do financial calculations in binary floating point. Converting between base 2 and base 10 fractions can do funny things (including during the rounding step, which is also 99% guaranteed to be inaccurate because base 10 fractions can't be exactly represented as base 2 fractions).

    Most professional financial packages use fixed point decimal, which can easily be implemented by specifying a fractional unit (such as thousandths of cents). The computations will be faster (because they're ints) and at 64 bits you get a min/max value of +- 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 units (90 quadrillion if you're using thousandths of cents), and rounding functions will always be exact (provided you have enough digits of scratch precision).

    There's also the 2008 addition of decimal floating point types to ieee754 [1], which have been implemented in gcc and clang (software emulation only).

    So no, don't use binary floats for financial calculations. You're 99.9% guaranteed to get it wrong and introduce bugs.


    • ComputerGuru 1555 days ago
      A notable exception to the general lack of floating decimal support is C#, which has had floating decimal (System.Decimal) support in the CLR from the start (128 bits with a scale of 0 to 28).

    • dragonwriter 1555 days ago
      > No, do not do financial calculations in floating point.

      Floating point is fine, so long as it is big enough for the application and decimal (not binary) floating point. Fixed point decimal is easier to get right, and, really, arbitrary precision decimal (or, for even more generality, arbitrary precision rational) is even easier to get right.

      • kstenerud 1555 days ago
        Updated my comment, thanks. I meant binary float. Decimal float is rather unknown (unfortunately), so most people imply binary when they say "float", and most languages don't even have decimal float, so the warning is necessary.

        PSA: If your favorite language doesn't support ieee754 decimal float, start badgering them to add it! This has gone on long enough, and the inertia against change is strong.

        • dragonwriter 1555 days ago
          > If your favorite language doesn't support ieee754 decimal float, start badgering them to add it! This has gone on long enough, and the inertia against change is strong.

          Without hardware support (which makes decimal float a good choice for performance), I'm not sure I've ever run into a use case where decimal float is a compelling choice if I already have arbitrary precision decimal and hardware-backed binary float types available.

          • ncmncm 1555 days ago
            Superstitions about decimal floating point are far more prevalent, even, than superstitions about binary floating point.

            Generally, whatever you think you are getting from decimal floating point, you very, very likely are not.

            There is exactly one place where decimal floating point is the Right Thing: when interoperating with another system that is already using it. Those exist because others' superstitions have been locked in, sometimes even into regulatory frameworks. Decimal floating point is inherently less accurate, on any lossy computation, than binary, so you need a lot more digits to maintain the same result accuracy. This is why 128-bit decimal is common.

            It is generally pointless to argue with anybody who thinks decimal computations are better. If reason mattered to them, they wouldn't be stuck on the idea. So, just roll your eyes and, if they have any authority, use a library. Performance will suck, but not so badly as you might guess, and you can spend the time until release circulating your CV without panic.

  • sixstringtheory 1555 days ago
    The author links to an article about how Excel does all its computations in 64-bit floating point, in a way that seems to bolster their point. The actual title of that article? “Floating-point arithmetic may give inaccurate results in Excel” (

    How coincidental that this should show up on the front page at the same time as the thread on normalization of deviance in software:

    What is wrong with using a currency library?

    • chrisseaton 1555 days ago
      > What is wrong with using a currency library?

      Do currency libraries exist for example for GPUs? (Maybe they do.)

      • raverbashing 1555 days ago
        If you need your financial code to run in the GPU either you don't need fixed point number (simulations) or your code is extremely inefficient.
        • chrisseaton 1555 days ago
          > you don't need fixed point number

          That was my point.

  • OskarS 1555 days ago
    Of course you can, but for the vast majority of cases, you shouldn’t. Floating points aren’t designed to solve the problems financial calculations bring, they’re designed for general purpose math and efficiency.

    If you’re programming a point-of-sale system, or a ecommerce site or something, using IEEE-754 floats would be madness. The increase in performance compared to decimal types is absolutely infinitesimal, and the cost of getting it wrong is MASSIVE. Just don’t do it!

    Of course, if you really do need the performance advantage floats offer (e.g. high-frequency trading or machine learning), then by all means, use floats. But that’s a tiny minority of those programmers who have to deal with money.

    • fyfy18 1555 days ago
      How would you suggest to store and calculate things like taxes? For example in NYC the retail sales tax is 8.735%. Obviously the final amount could be stored as an integer in cents, but I'm talking about the tax rate and the calculations of it. I guess you need to calculate the tax for each item, round it to cents (and I assume the rules on how you round can vary by jurisdiction, so it's not just calling your language's round function), multiply that by the quantity of that item (good luck if the quantity can be a decimal value), then sum each line item to get the total tax.
      • dragonwriter 1555 days ago
        > Obviously the final amount could be stored as an integer in cents, but I'm talking about the tax rate and the calculations of it.

        The tax rate (like most things associated with money) should be stored as an exact decimal (fixed point decimal, decimal floating point, or arbitrary precision decimal all work.)

        > I guess you need to calculate the tax for each item, round it to cents (and I assume the rules on how you round can vary by jurisdiction, so it's not just calling your language's round function), multiply that by the quantity of that item (good luck if the quantity can be a decimal value), then sum each line item.

        Usually taxes are required to be calculated by summing the pre-tax cost of all line items, applying the tax rate, rounding by the applicable rules, and then adding that to the pre-tax subtotal to get the final total. But having decimal unit prices (even decimal cents, e.g., gas is usually priced in mils, not cents), decimal quantities, and decimal tax rates are all non-problems (so no "good luck" needed) as long as you are using an exact decimal representation rather than binary floating point.

        • jaclaz 1555 days ago
          To be fair, there are a range of little issues when applying tax rates, not connected to the representation of the numbers involved.

          In Italy the generic VAT rate is 22%.

          When you expose a price (to the final customer) it is always included VAT, but VAT needs to be explicited on fiscal documents (receipt and/or invoices).

          So you have an article priced to the public Euro 2,69 (included 22% VAT), what is the net price and how much is the VAT? 2,69/1,22=2,204918...

          So, let's try rounding it to 2,20: 2,20x0,22=0,484=0,48 no, wait, 2,20+0,48=2,68

          Ok, let's try rounding it to 2,21: 2,21x0,22=0,4862=0,49 no, wait, 2,21+0,49=2,70

          You have to use the first and add 0,01 to the VAT to have it work:

          2,20+(0,48+0,01)= 2,69

      • Yaa101 1555 days ago
        Easy, either implement a decimal type (4 fractional digits) as most programming languages have them implemented by users. or multiply by 10000 then do your calculation and then divide by 10000 again. I used a decimal type for the administration program I coded.
        • dragonwriter 1555 days ago
          > Easy, either implement a decimal type (4 fractional digits) as most programming languages have them implemented by users.

          C#, Ruby, Python, and Java, at least, among industrially popular languages all provide a fixed and/or arbitrary precision decimal type in either the core language or stdlib. Lower level languages sometimes don't, and JavaScript, among higher-level popular languages, notably does not.

        • geofft 1555 days ago
          > Easy, either implement a decimal type

          Great, how do you become confident that your hand-rolled decimal type is less buggy than the known hazards of using floating-point?

          • jdlshore 1555 days ago
            If you’ve never done something like this, you might want to try it. It’s a nice simple programming exercise and the basic version, with tests, will take less than an evening.
      • tzs 1555 days ago
        For that tax rate, or in general tax rates that range from 0.001% to 99.999% in increments of 0.001%, and amounts in dollars to 2 decimal places, you can safely calculate the tax in cents using floating point, but it is not necessarily obvious how to do it so unless you must do it in floating point, I'd not.

        In C:

          unsigned long tax_in_cents(double amt, double rate)
            /* requirement: amt is an integer multiple of 0.01
                 and rate is an integer multiple of 0.00001 */
            const unsigned long M = 10000000;
            return (unsigned long)round((round(amt * rate * M) / (M/100)));
        That should work, at least for amt that isn't too high.

        Here is how I would do it, using integers:

          unsigned long tax_in_cents(unsigned long amt2, unsigned long rate5)
            /* amt2 is the amount in cents, rate5 is tax rate * 10000 */
            return (amt2 * rate5 + 50000) / 100000;
        (My convention in this kind of code is that if an underlying thing is represented as an integer by multiplying it by a power of 10, I put that power as a suffix on the integer variable name. So amt2 means the real amount x 100, and rate5 means the tax rate x 100000. A ...2 x ...5 gives something that is ...7, which is why we divide by 10^5 to get the tax in cents (a ...2). Half of the divisor, or 10^5/2, is what you add for rounding).

        I've not proven the above floating point code, but I have brute force tested it with every combination of rates from 0.00001 to 0.99999, price from $0.01 to $10000.00, and floating rounding modes FE_UPWARD, FE_TONEAREST, and FE_DOWNWARD.

        Most initial attempts to write such a function make the mistake of doing the rounding at the wrong place. They just try something like amt x rate then round that to the nearest cent.

        The problem with that can be seen by a very simple example: 10% of $21.15. It should be $2.12. It comes out before rounding as 2.1149999999999998, so rounding to the nearest 0.01 comes out as $2.11. Various "obvious" ways you might do this might work for that case, but they fail in others. For example, here are three ways in Python that readily come to mind:

          def tax_f1(amt, rate):
            tax = round(amt * rate,2)
            return round(tax * 100)
          def tax_f2(amt, rate):
            return round(amt*rate*100)
          def tax_f3(amt, rate):
            return round(amt*rate*100+.5)
        but try all of those on these:

           1% of $21.50
           3% of $21.50
           6% of $21.50
          10% of $21.15
        and every one of them fails at least once. The correct answers 22, 65, 129, and 212. Here is what they give, with the wrong ones prefixed with !:

          tax_f1:  !21   65  129 !211
          tax_f2:   22  !64  129 !211
          tax_f3:   22   65 !130  212
        There was a discussion of this here a couple months ago [1]. In that discussion, someone who knows considerably more about floating point that I do (kccqzy) suggested how to fix it, and even his first try failed when I run it through my brute force testing. He then suggested a method that worked (at least according to my brute force testing).


  • anonytrary 1555 days ago
    This is not great advice, and he defeats his own argument without realizing it. The main problem with this article is the damn title, which is absolutely awful advice. The body of the article ultimately contradicts the title. Anyone who didn't read the article but read the title might be more likely to use floating point numbers for money now.

    > One piece of popular programming wisdom is "never using floating-point numbers for money." This has never made sense to me.

    He then goes on to explain why it absolutely does and must make sense. It honestly seems like the author's entire point is about not accepting blanket statements.

    > My summary: if you are doing some financial math that does not need to be accurate to the penny, just use floating point numbers.

    Arguably all financial math needs to be accurate to the penny. I can't help but think he is maliciously trolling, trying to convince people of something that isn't true.

  • mongol 1555 days ago
    From the summary: "if you are doing some financial math that does not need to be accurate to the penny"...

    Of course, if you can accept rounding errors, it is fine. But in many monetary applications, that is not OK. The article is quite pointless.

    Edit. For example, when doing budget forecasts, the result will never be accurate to the penny. It is then OK. But when doing accounting, you need to account for every penny. Not OK.

  • fit2rule 1555 days ago
    Disclaimer: 30+ year veteran at fixing these fucking bugs.

    My opinion: just NO.

    MULTIPLE failures to understand the problem have occurred in this article, and they deal with representation.

    A) It is never acceptable to 'round up' on interest payments/loans/debts/balances, without having an explicit line item for why. "Because compiler decision made by programmer" is indefensible.

    B) Representation is EVERYTHING. Case in point:

    >>>>0.1 + 0.2: Produces 0.30000000000000004 but should be exactly 0.3.

    This statement can kill.

    C) Standards are there to keep everyone, and everything, 'honest', and by honest it means: everyone understands things implicitly. Explain to grandma why a rounding error has resulted in her teeth falling out, or GTFO.

    D) Fixed point is a standard representation. Its not about the precision-fail, its about if everyone gets exactly the same results, every time, in doing the math.

    E) Lots and lots of these bugs yet to be fixed.

    • logicallee 1555 days ago
      Generally, is the penny indivisible in finance? (So is using integers fine for everything, as long as you remember you you are dealing with cents, not dollars)?
  • arcticbull 1555 days ago
    > Solution: Round after every operation

    No, the solution is not to use floating point numbers to store money.

    I worked on an iOS app in fintech for years, and let me assure you, using floating point numbers to calculate currency is an exercise in frustration and lack of correctness. When balances are wrong you're losing your customers money, which in turn loses trust in your product. You know it's inexact, an approximation, and your customers want an exact answer.

    Just do it with a fixed-precision decimal number, and represent it as a string.

    • Supermancho 1555 days ago
      > Just do it with a fixed-precision decimal number, and represent it as a string.

      Why? If you are going to do that, might as well use an integer of cents. It's more compact and if you're worried about these calculations and storing this kind of information, it's likely you are storing lots of it (or it wouldn't be a problem).

      • arcticbull 1555 days ago
        It’d need to be integer cents plus a scale factor which determines the smallest unit of currency. Japan has a scale factor of 0 as compared to the US 2. A string incorporates this conveniently. Either is fine.
    • analog31 1555 days ago
      Indeed, I think the underlying issue is that people use the last decimal as a kind of primitive error checking code that worked before the computer age. So it's a social matter. The legal implications stem from the social ones.
    • jdashg 1554 days ago
      How do the balances get incorrect with 2^53 cents of precisely-roundable range?
      • arcticbull 1554 days ago
        In part it's defense against mistakes. You've got a big org, lots of people contributing and your cultural enforcement of the fact everything has to be rounded after every single step falls down. If you're going to create wrappers to automate that part why not just use fixed-precision? There's not really a good reason to use floating point and a few good reasons not to.
  • EastLondonCoder 1555 days ago
    Yes you can but that's how you get bugs.

    I used to work in the online gambling industry for 15 years and there are a large number of use cases on a gambling front end where you do financial arithmetic.

    I have seen equality between 2 floats being used as setting the end condition for a count up win animation. I don't think I have to explain what horrible thing that lead to.

  • jdlshore 1555 days ago
    There’s more to money than what happens in the checkout line, and that’s where the problems with floating-point math arises. For example, one codebase I’m aware of ran into serious problems with line item refunds when currency conversion was involved, IIRC. (“Serious” as in “couldn’t generate a refund that exactly matched the charge on the customer’s original invoice.”)
    • gdm85 1555 days ago
      Exactly, the results are not reversible if you apply rounding.
  • andreareina 1555 days ago
    The funny thing is that if you're dealing with (US Treasury) bonds, (EDIT: binary) floats are actually kind-of the right thing, since they trade in 32nds of a dollar (and binary fractions thereof)[1][2]

    > Unlike U.S. equity markets, which switched to decimal pricing in 2001, U.S. Treasury securities still trade in fractions. In particular, prices are quoted in 32nds of a point, where a point equals one percent of par, with the 32nds themselves split into fractions. On the BrokerTec platform, for example, 3- and 5-year notes trade in quarters of 32nds, whereas 7-, 10-, and 30-year securities trade in halves of 32nds. The quoted price for a 5-year note might be 98-15¼, for example, indicating a price in decimal form of 98.4765625 (that is, 98 + 15⁄32 + ¼⁄32).



    • jleahy 1555 days ago
      Unfortunately it's 32nds of a 100th, so they still don't work in floats (because floats are stored normalised, as 1.x in binary).

      Eg. 117.125

      • andreareina 1555 days ago
        Is it? The NY Fed site says it's 32nds of a dollar:

        > • Prices are quoted in 32nds of a dollar.

        > [...] Note and bond prices are quoted in dollars and fractions of a dollar. By market convention, the normal fraction used for Treasury security prices is 1/32.

        • jleahy 1555 days ago
          Right, but the price is about 100, not 1.

          If you had a price of 1.25 then you could represent this as a float as (binary) 1.01. However if you have 117.25 then that's (decimal) 1.83203125 * 2^-6. You can see how you quickly run out of bits.

    • dragonwriter 1555 days ago
      Arbitrary precision rationals are the general solution for when some aspects of the calculation work better are in binary (power-of-two denominator) fractions and some are in decimal fractions.
  • andrewaylett 1555 days ago
    From the article: "I am not a theoretician and have not proven that this is actually correct."

    So, yes, you might get away with floating point values for financials -- and I have even seen banking code that did -- but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. Especially when libraries providing fixed point and arbitrary precision decimal representations are widely available and easy to use.

    The biggest problem with using IEE 754 for currencies is that IEE 754 defines a domain and a set of operations that don't match the domain and set of operations required for currency calculations. The discrepancies between the "right" answers and the answers given by IEE 754 aren't because IEE 754 is in some way "wrong", it's because it's not calculating what you think it's calculating.

    • projektfu 1555 days ago
      I once had to send a bug report to a big bank, like Bank of America, because their JavaScript front end wasn’t rounding and got the typical 0.1+0.2>0.3 error (or whatever). This meant that I couldn’t submit a dispute online and had to do it on the phone. Like most companies, they don’t bother thanking you, or letting you know if it’s fixed.

      It’s great how coding style books rarely address these important things and focus only on bookshedding. Anyone know of a good presubmit checklist for semantic issues?

  • mackman 1555 days ago
    I think this is kind of funny. Using floats and rounding at some fixed precision before rounding to penny precision is basically exactly the same as using integer multiples of whatever you're first rounding the float to. So you're basically not using floating point anymore, you're just using a float type to represent fixed point integers. The problem as I see it here is that you need to be careful to round to the fixed precision at the right places. The easiest way to not miss a place is to do it after every operation, and the best way to do that is to abstract your money type as a class. So now what we're comparing is a fixed point class holding a float vs an int. In my opinion, holding an int is the better option, because it's slightly more obvious when the values overflow the maximum range of that integer than when the precision of the float drops below your fixed point rounding delta. In either case you need to add some error handling and I also prefer branching on ints than floats (mostly because of a big perf difference on the CPU I used to work on).
  • wmu 1555 days ago
    You can, but you shouldn't. Use of fixed-point numbers is way more reliable, often faster as it's implemented with integer numbers, you can easily detect overflow, you can increase/decrease precision if you need, etc.
  • ajnin 1555 days ago
    So this article's advice is to use rounding, just after he showed an example where rounding didn't work. Also if you forget to round once you can let errors accumulate.

    > if you are doing some financial math that does not need to be accurate to the penny

    There is no such thing. I worked with applications that dealt with tens of billions of Euros, and if the bottom line was off by even 1 cent, the users would come to us to figure out what went wrong. Suggesting that this is acceptable to knowingly introduce errors, when there is a pretty well-established practice that allows to avoid them entirely, is baffling.

  • Hackbraten 1555 days ago
    > Since we "know" the exact answers have a finite number of decimal digits, we can just round off the lower part of the numbers, which will produce the nearest float with that number of digits.

    What does that even mean, “produce the nearest float with that number of digits?”

    If my float representation says e. g., 2.6749999999999998, and I “tell” it to round to three digits, the result is still 2.6749999999999998 in floating point representation, isn’t it?

    A floating point number doesn’t care about the number of significant decimal digits you want it to have.

    • yorwba 1555 days ago
      Good floating-point printing functions output the shortest possible representation. So if 2.675 and 2.6749999999999998 are indistinguishable, print(2.6749999999999998) will show 2.675
      • Hackbraten 1555 days ago
        My impression was that the article is about intermediate rounding between calculation steps, rather than about printing a number to the screen.
        • andreareina 1555 days ago
          As far as (64-bit binary) floats are concerned, 2.675 and 2.6749999999999998 are in fact the same thing:

              $ python3
              Python 3.7.3 (default, Jun 16 2019, 16:10:46) 
              [Clang 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)] on darwin
              Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
              >>> 2.675 == 2.6749999999999998
          So IF you have enough excess precision at every step, and IF you do the rounding right at each step, then you can get the same results using binary fractions as with decimal.

          Of course, correct rounding is still an issue when using a decimal type, since round(sum(n for n in ns)) ≠ sum(round(n) for n in ns).

  • zxcvbn4038 1555 days ago
    Disagree with this one - problem is that floating point errors tend to be cumulative and doing something simple like summing a year of sales records the errors start to reflect in pennies surprising quickly. But luckily this has been a solved problem for decades - fixed point and binary coded decimal.

  • jspash 1555 days ago
    I ran into a weird problem this week trying to convert a string "8.95" to an integer (8.95) that made me question if even Int is good enough and as suggested in the comments here, use BigInt or equivalent for anything to do with numbers.

    This also happens with Javascript and Elixir, not just Ruby. So perhaps it has something to do with how the cpu stores the numbers?

    I know this isn't StackOverflow, but could someone shed some light on to what's happening here?

    • arh68 1555 days ago
      This is pretty standard for IEEE-754 floats/doubles. Try entering 8.95 into Float Toy [0]. It's about 1 * 2^3 * 1.11875. If you look at the red part, you see there's a "repeating decimal" 00011(1100)(1100).. that gets truncated, just like I can "recognize" 0.33 as "one-third" but if you want to multiply it by 10 I'll (probably) give you 3.30, and it's no longer special. There is always a lossy "compression" when you move across co-prime bases (pretty sure) and truncate the repeating decimals.

      What's really hard is printing a floating-point number. Since you have to print "8.95" when all you really have is a base-2 rational very close to it, you want to be sure you don't actually need to print 8.94999998. If you miss the last couple bits in the red part in Float Toy, you'll see the print algorithm shifts away from the 8.95 answer.


    • tzs 1555 days ago
      After converting the string to float and then multiplying by 100, round to the nearest integer.

      Assuming that the underlying implementation of Ruby uses sscanf for the conversion (I'm assuming Ruby is in C or C++?), that should work.

      I had some concerns about this general issue, and did some brute force testing. The following program constructs strings "0.1", "0.2", ..., "0.9", "0.01", "0.02", ..., "0.99", ..., "0.99999999", uses sscanf to turn them into doubles, multiplies by the appropriate power of 10, rounds to the nearest integer, and checks if that is right.

        #include <stdio.h>
        #include <math.h>
        int main(void)
            int len = 1;
            unsigned long div = 10;
            char num[30];
            while (len < 9)
                for (unsigned long i = 1; i < div; ++i)
                    sprintf(num, "%.20lu", i);
                    num[19-len] = '.';
                    char * dp = num + 18 - len;
                    double d;
                    sscanf(dp, "%lf", &d);
                    unsigned long ci = round(d * div);
                    if (i != ci)
                        printf("%s, %lf, %lu\n", dp, d, ci);
                div *= 10;
                fprintf(stderr, "LEN=%d, DIV=%ld\n", len, div);
            return 0;
    • sixstringtheory 1555 days ago
      The problem here isn’t integers at all, as 8.95 is not an integer but an integer (8) plus a fraction (0.95 or 95/100==19/20). That’s in decimal, but since computers use binary, your decimal fraction must be converted to a binary fraction. This is what floating point is used for, although it’s important to know that floating point is an approximation of the real number line, and also that fractions that are rational in decimal may be irrational in binary, namely if the decimal denominator is not a power of two.

      Looks like that’s what’s going on with your example. Floating point approximation of an otherwise unrepresentable irrational binary which resulted in that repeating sequence when converted back to decimal again. I don’t know how BigDecimal works but I guess just by the name it is not floating point but rationals represented by arbitrary precision integer numerators and denominators.

      Definitely read up on how floating point representation works, with binary mantissas and exponents, normalization, and converting decimal fractions to binary fractions.

      • dragonwriter 1555 days ago
        > That’s in decimal, but since computers use binary

        Well, if you tell them to, e.g., by using a binary floating point type instead of a decimal type.

        • sixstringtheory 1555 days ago
          No, we aren’t using computers with logic gates that have 10 discrete states. Even if you’re programming to decimal, the underlying representation is still binary. But there are numerical differences between using decimals represented by rationals with binary integer numerators and denominators, vs floating point with binary mantissa and exponent.
          • dragonwriter 1555 days ago
            > No, we aren’t using computers with logic gates that have 10 discrete states. Even if you’re programming to decimal, the underlying representation is still binary.

            That is not the sense of "computers use binary" that justifies the conclusions in the sentence in which the phrase was used in the post being responded to, so while true on its own, in context it is an example of the fallacy of equivocation.

            • sixstringtheory 1555 days ago
              Could you help me understand where I’ve gone wrong here? I think there’s some miscommunication going on.
              • dllthomas 1554 days ago
                Are you familiar with binary coded decimal? Decimal format floats are in somewhat the same vein.

                See, for instance,

                • sixstringtheory 1552 days ago
                  This is basically what I meant when I said "computers use binary"
                  • dllthomas 1552 days ago
                    That sense is trivially true, but it doesn't follow that you have binary fractions.
                    • sixstringtheory 1552 days ago
                      Sorry, but I'm not parsing this sentence:

                      > it doesn't follow that you have binary fractions

                      Is that in reference to something I said earlier, or are we just falling deeper down a rabbit hole of hair splitting?

                      The point I was driving at is that a given number we think about in decimal like 12.3456 can be represented in binary in more than one way, one of which are rationals backed by integers for num/den, another is floating point with mantissa and exponent. Which way is chosen ultimately affects the outcomes of computations. I was trying to explain why OP was seeing unexpected results. I don't think I've been mistaken in the explanations...

                      • dllthomas 1551 days ago
                        The issue is that you are missing the possibility of decimal floating point, which is also defined in IEEE 754 but which is typically not exposed as a primitive in programming languages. Imagine a BCD mantissa. That can encode 12.3456 exactly.

                        So it's not "since computers use binary", but "since we use binary floating point". There are fair arguments that we made that choice because of efficiency concerns driven by the fact that "computers use binary", but I don't think that really helps the explanation.

                        Note that the original objection was picking at a nit that I am not sure I would have picked at, I am just seeking to clarify.

    • seppel 1555 days ago
      > I know this isn't StackOverflow, but could someone shed some light on to what's happening here?

      You cannot store 8.95 in a binary float (independent of precision). It is basically the same problem that you cannot store 1/3 as a decimal number.

  • seanalltogether 1555 days ago
    Why do so many languages not have a decimal type as a primitive value? Is it legacy? Is it because a decimal type must fundamentally be an object that wraps some other primitive values?
    • gdm85 1555 days ago
      Looks like Go v2 might get decimal floating point numbers support:
    • garyclarke27 1555 days ago
      Postgresql has an accurate decimal type that can handle any size or precision. Slower than Float or Integer but works fine in practice.
  • Osiris 1555 days ago
    > My summary: if you are doing some financial math that does not need to be accurate to the penny, just use floating point numbers.

    So... Don't use floats where accuracy is important? I agree.

  • zAy0LfpBZLC8mAC 1555 days ago
    > 0.1 + 0.2: Produces 0.30000000000000004

    No, it doesn't. It produces 0.3000000000000000444089209850062616169452667236328125.

    > 1.40 * 165: produces 230.99999999999997

    No, it doesn't. It produces 230.999999999999971578290569595992565155029296875.

    > round(2.675, 2) produces 2.67

    No, it doesn't. It produces 2.6699999999999999289457264239899814128875732421875.

    > This is because 2.675 is actually 2.6749999999999998

    No, it isn't. For one, 2.675 obviously is not 2.6749999999999998, but it also isn't converted to 2.6749999999999998 to be stored as a floating point number, it is converted to 2.67499999999999982236431605997495353221893310546875.

    > round(2.665, 2) which produces 2.67

    No, it doesn't. It produces 2.6699999999999999289457264239899814128875732421875.

    > However, in floating-point numbers, it is above the halfway point (0.00500000000000000097)

    Well, it is above the halfway point, but it's actually 0.0050000000000000009714451465470119728706777095794677734375.

    > I am not a theoretician and have not proven that this is actually correct.

    So, all the numbers are wrong, you have no clue whether your wrong results generalize, but you use that as the basis for advice to other people? I only can hope that you don't write software for other people to use.

  • allard 1555 days ago
    Isn't it just the difference between measuring and counting?

    There's no occurrence of the word count here

    We can count things and know that number exactly. We cannot measure anything to exactness.

  • scott-smith_us 1555 days ago
    Another consideration:

    We've all probably read that “Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.”

    When another (maintenance) developer sees float/double being used to represent money, their first reaction is going to be "uh oh, this dev didn't know what s/he was doing". There's a big risk of someone reflexively refactoring this later on.

    You may ask, "What if I put in big comment blocks saying essentially 'I knew what I was doing here'?"

    Well, even if maintenance devs read that and believe you, they're still likely to introduce errors, since they aren't used to using floats for money, and don't know all the tricks to avoid errors...

    Unless there's some justifiable win in size / performance, this (although interesting) falls under my "Don't be too clever" rule.

  • ivanhoe 1555 days ago
    >We can solve these problems by rounding after every operation.

    In my experience one should do exactly the opposite, round/format only the very last result when you need to print it, otherwise always keep all the decimals in the intermediary results to avoid accumulating rounding errors as in a Superman 3 bank hack (aka "salami slicing"). I did a lot of affiliate and e-commerce software in my time and if you're careful you can use floats (sometimes you have to deal with old systems working that way), but fixed-point calculations with integers are way easier and safer. Just make sure to store enough extra decimal places, not just the 2 that you print and you can calculate interests, exchange currencies, charge 0.5% fee on $0.01 per click transactions, whatever - it works just fine.

  • erpellan 1555 days ago
    A lot of financial firms use an integer of the smallest indivisible unit of currency wherever possible (stripe is one). This has the handy property that string and numeric representations are identical so no risk of being flipped into scientific notation by some layer. That happens more often than you’d think.

    FX is a different world. Spot FX trading systems are fully automated and compute rates to 5 DP. That was 15 years ago, I don’t know if it’s more now. Large Yen amounts can come worryingly close to the limits of precision.

    I once watched a colleague trying to persuade a roomful of people to stop using floats. The demo showed what happens to 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1. The answer was not 0.3. I’m not sure they believed him. Some of them are probably still writing software for your bank!

    • mrunkel 1555 days ago
      For shits and giggles:

          $ python3
          Python 3.7.4 (default, Sep  7 2019, 18:27:02)
          [Clang 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4)] on darwin
          Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
          >>> print (0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1)
          $ irb
          2.5.1 :001 > print 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1
          0.30000000000000004 => nil
          Chrome browser console:
          > 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1
          < 0.30000000000000004
          $ php
          echo 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1;
      • samatman 1555 days ago
        Is this because PHP is correct, or is it because PHP rounds reprs at a different level of precision?
  • bluedino 1555 days ago
    I once worked at a place that had a third party vendor create a reporting front-end to the outdated minicomputer that the business ran on. After I was there a couple years, the CFO said "It's really weird, the numbers we get out of the reporting system are close, but never exactly right when we compare them by hand to the system."

    This person was seriously thinking "this is just how computers are", and after a day of looking into it I was able to determine all the issues they were facing were floating point problems when the Windows front-end did it's calculations. It was pulling all the data directly from the old system, after all. How could it be different?

  • gdm85 1555 days ago
    Aside from rounding I have 2 reasons to not use them where (financial) precision is necessary:

    - (it's the same in other languages)

    - if results are not exactly reversible then you cannot implement verification and that hinders defensive programming

  • thiagoharry 1555 days ago
    Floating point numbers are numbers in scientific notation for computers. I don't see people without computers doing finance calculations in scientific notation. It's not natural and error happens because of this.

    Floating point numbers were not created to represent numbers which could be non-integers. They were created to represent numbers in scientific notation. Very useful for physics and scientific calculations, but not in finance domains.

  • gok 1555 days ago
    > A 64-bit floating-point number can represent 15 decimal digits, which is all balances less than 10 trillion (9 999 999 999 999.99), with two digits after the decimal place

    There are real monetary quantities for which this is insufficient. The GDP of Indonesia is measured in 10s of quadrillions of Rupiah. In cases of hyperinflation this kind of overflow can happen even for human-level accounting.

    Use real fixed point decimal math.

  • tjalfi 1555 days ago
    Others have mentioned most of the pitfalls with the suggested approach.

    Another potential issue is that the floating point rounding mode can be modified by shared libraries or plugins.

    [0] has examples of application crashes caused by a change in the rounding mode.


  • every 1555 days ago
    The hidden "gotcha" in most spreadsheets is that formatting cells to currency or 2 decimals changes only the display, not the number itself. To do that and eliminate potential floating point errors, wrapping EVERY currency formula in one of the round functions is standard practice for bookkeeping...
  • ourmandave 1555 days ago
    We've already had this argument on stackoverflow 10 years ago.

  • protomyth 1555 days ago
    No, please don't. Often you have to combine money with quantities that also need unit of measure conversions and this just is one step too far. Frankly, chasing the error goes from a programming problem to a contract problem very quickly.

    Also, you are going to end up storing in decimal fields in the database anyway.

    • dionian 1555 days ago
      > Also, you are going to end up storing in decimal fields in the database anyway.

      why not use cents as the unit and store it without decimals?

      • protomyth 1555 days ago
        Because it is a massive pain in the butt for your report writers / business intelligence people whose tools expect decimal fields. Never mind all the existing code that expects an actual decimal and not an integer. Plus tax folks like like their mills.
        • Supermancho 1555 days ago
          > Because it is a massive pain in the butt for your report writers / business intelligence people whose tools expect decimal fields

          That's a matter for the ETL that dumps the data on their screens.

          • protomyth 1555 days ago
            Yeah, no. First, sometimes you actually don't get to use a ETL before doing the report, and massaging an integer or float to decimal in an ETL is just going to cause you trouble.
  • hanthar 1555 days ago
    $ python3 Python 3.7.3 (default, Jun 16 2019, 16:10:46) [Clang 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> 2.675 == 2.6749999999999998 True
  • camgunz 1555 days ago
    Yeah isn't this just a real bad idea? There's no 0.1 in half/single/double precision arithmetic for one. Is "speed of financial calculations" really the bottleneck for these apps? I kind of doubt it.
  • nabla9 1555 days ago
    Large financial calculations where errors accumulate are more often than not done in database queries, not in the application software.

    What is faster in Postgresql? Double floats and TRUNC after each operation or using NUMERIC(precision, scale)?

    • _wzsf 1553 days ago
      hey bro, where's your scholarly record of impactful publications?
  • rubicks 1554 days ago
    I worked for a large financal services institution. They cared about the vagaries of floating-point money only slightly more than they cared about numerical stability --- which is to say not at all.
  • eplanit 1555 days ago
    "if you are doing some financial math that does not need to be accurate to the penny, just use floating point numbers. If it is good enough for Excel, it will be good enough for most applications".

    Uh, no.

  • WalterBright 1555 days ago
    I just use longs with the value representing the number of pennies.
  • DonHopkins 1555 days ago
    You might get unexpectedly negative financial results if you don't use floored division and modulo properly:

    >JavaScript % (modulo) gives a negative result for negative numbers

    >Question: According to Google Calculator (-13) % 64 is 51. According to Javascript (see this JSBin) it is -13. How do I fix this?

    >Solution: ((i % n) + n) % n

    The Forth-83 standard word /MOD (or FM/MOD) implemented floored division properly, subtly breaking many old FORTH programs, but it was a step (or rather a truncation) in the right direction, towards negative infinity instead of zero.

    >Symmetric division considered harmful

    >Since its 1983 standard (Forth-83), Forth has implemented floored division as standard. Interestingly, almost all processor architectures natively implement symmetric division.

    >What is the difference between the two types? In floored division, the quotient is truncated toward minus infinity (remember, this is integer division we’re talking about). In symmetric division, the quotient is truncated toward zero, which means that depending on the sign of the dividend, the quotient can be truncated in different directions. This is the source of its evil.


    >By introducing the requirement for "floored" division, Forth 83 produced much controversy and concern on the part of those who preferred the more common practice followed in other languages of implementing division according to the behavior of the host CPU, which is most often symmetric (rounded toward zero). In attempting to find a compromise position, this standard provides primitives for both common varieties, floored and symmetric (see SM/REM). FM/MOD is the floored version.

    >The committee considered providing two complete sets of explicitly named division operators, and declined to do so on the grounds that this would unduly enlarge and complicate the standard. Instead, implementors may define the normal division words in terms of either FM/MOD or SM/REM providing they document their choice. People wishing to have explicitly named sets of operators are encouraged to do so. FM/MOD may be used, for example, to define:

        : /_MOD ( n1 n2 -- n3 n4) >R S>D R> FM/MOD ;
        : /_ ( n1 n2 -- n3) /_MOD SWAP DROP ;
        : _MOD ( n1 n2 -- n3) /_MOD DROP ;
        : */_MOD ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 n5) >R M* R> FM/MOD ;
        : */_ ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 ) */_MOD SWAP DROP ;