• diegomacario 1566 days ago
    Hi everyone!

    After 4 months of effort, I can finally show you my first game!

    I decided to work on this project to gain a deeper understanding of some fundamental concepts of computer graphics and real-time rendering in particular.

    In a way, this game is built on top of my own tiny game engine, but I don't like to call it that because it's not very flexible. It's more of a set of classes that can be reused to build other games.

    There are many things that I'm proud of, but also many things that I know were big mistakes.

    My goal was to write a game without using any global variables, where each game state (e.g. menu, play, pause, win, etc.) would be fully independent and encapsulated.

    And while you won't find any global variables in the code, and while you'll see that each game state is represented by its own class, I did not foresee how sharing components (e.g. the camera, the 3D objects, etc.) between the different game states would essentially make those components global.

    This lead to game states that depend on each other tightly, which is precisely what I wanted to avoid.

    Regardless of that failure (or perhaps because of it), building this game was an amazing learning experience, and the end result is surprisingly beautiful.

    The code is fully open source in case anyone wants to learn from my mistakes.

    I hope you enjoy my first game! :-)

    • prestonh 1565 days ago
      Given your learnings, how are you going to redesign your engine to have less tightly coupled components?
      • diegomacario 1565 days ago
        That's a question that I'm still asking myself :P

        Here's an example of what's wrong with my state management system:

        - Let's say that state A places the teapot at position X.

        - Now let's say that we need to transition to state B, where the teapot needs to be placed at position Y.

        - Since both states share the same teapot, and since the teapot stores its own position, it's as if its position is a global variable, so both states needs to maintain variables external to the teapot where they store its position.

        Now imagine the same situation, but with dozens of different variables. It makes the code difficult to understand and maintain.

        One way to fix that problem is to give each state its own teapot. By not sharing certain objects between the different states, the code is simplified enormously. But I made the decision to share things to reduce memory usage.

        When I come up with a solution that I'm satisfied with, I'll leave a comment here!

    • travbrack 1565 days ago
      With the benefit of hindsight, is the implementation you used actually better than using globals?
      • diegomacario 1565 days ago
        I would say that it is.

        I think that the idea of having each state be its own class is very natural, and that it helps organize the code very effectively.

        My failure was in how I made those classes share many components that they shouldn't be sharing, thinking that this would make things more efficient without any proof to support that.

        So even though my code uses global variables implicitly, I still think the pattern I used for game state management makes it more organized than an implementation where everything is global.

        I hope this answer your question :-)

  • jwilber 1565 days ago
    I think a great way to generate both usage and stars (if that matters to you) is to add a gif to the readme showing some gameplay. Looks awesome!
  • im3w1l 1565 days ago
    Does the angular momentum affect gameplay or is it just for show? I never saw the direction change to clockwise.
    • diegomacario 1565 days ago
      Hehehe it's just for show! A simple equation that uses the incident angle of a collision to produce a visually appealing result.

      I felt I could get away with this because the physics in the original Pong are also made up: the further the ball hits the center of the paddle, the larger the angle of reflection.

      You have a good eye!

      • fit2rule 1565 days ago
        This looks like you just took pong and glommed some 3D models on it, and the physics isn't really that interesting - especially when you consider all the different reflections and angles that the spout and handle of the teapot could provide, were you actually doing surface collisions rather than a bounding circle ..
        • setr 1565 days ago
          Since the author mentions that his goal was "deeper understanding of some fundamental concepts of computer graphics and real-time rendering in particular."...

          > you just took pong and glommed some 3D models on it

          that's probably exactly what he did, and was probably exactly all that was intended to be done

          • fit2rule 1564 days ago
            Fair enough. Shouldn't be too much harder to use the actual surface physics next, then ..