Tell HN: AdNauseam got my IP address blocked from HN for being a bot

A few days ago I started getting 403 errors when accessing some comment pages on Hacker News. Yesterday I sent an email to asking why those errors are happening. I was told that it was because someone was trying to submit the same article over and over again from my IP address. It was definitely not me.

I started looking for signs of malware on my machine - suspicious running processes or network activity, past logins, modified system files, and I even ran an antivirus scan. Then at some point Firefox connected to without the website being open. I saw the connection appear in `about:networking`, but I didn't know what made it (and didn't have time to learn how to find out). The HackerNews moderator I talked to earlier told me that there was another attempt to submit an article around that time and gave me its address.

My first thought was that it must be a compromised extension. I found the domain name and a significant portion of the URL of the article in a file belonging to AdNauseam (, an ad blocker based on uBlock Origin that also clicks on ads. There was no mention of it being compromised on the Internet.

The article was one I had read at some point, and had a "Share this on Hacker News" link pointing to the address generated by the bookmarklet ( One of the filter lists I had enabled tries to detect "Share this" links, so AdNauseam hid the link and clicked on it quite a few times. I still have to figure out why there were so many requests because I think I only visited that website once.

Luckily no submission was actually made because AdNauseam didn't click on the button on the submission page itself.

12 points | by hvenev 1607 days ago


  • ThePhysicist 1607 days ago
    I think using AdNauseam is not such a great idea in general as you’re surrendering your IP address and other information to every tracker on every webpage.