Ask HN: I can’t pass tech screens, Should I change careers?

I have a CS degree and about 2 years of experience but even with practice have failed 10 tech screens, even one interview with a take-home I supposedly “did well on”.

I’m starting to think I should just do something else other than software dev for my career. I used to like this stuff, but now algo questions just make me feel dumb and stressed out.

I felt like I was at least average in college and had solid internships, finding I sort of hate this stuff post college - feeling lost?

Any advice is appreciated.

27 points | by _q1cj 1664 days ago


  • sosilkj 1664 days ago
    This is an important question I think, and it's too bad that it's not getting more traction here.

    If you are doubting your capability ... don't. You are capable of this, period. You know the drill: study Sedgewick/whomever, do LC problems, make sure you understand graphs and DP, etc., etc. The interview process these days is bullshit, it just is. Build those interview muscles.

    Also, make sure you properly are managing the usual life stuff: diet, exercise, sleep, meditation, etc. Don't discount those factors.

    Now, that said, if you are questioning whether spending the next 6 months of your life studying algorithms -- or, for that matter, the next 30 years of your life doing the software engineering hustle -- is the best way to spend your time/life/energy, that's a very important question, and I can relate. Time spent doing one thing is time you won't spend doing something else. You have one life to live and you have to get real with yourself how you want to live it. If you eventually pivot, OK, but pivot thoughtfully, and for the right reasons. But I don't think you should make the mistake of thinking lack of capability is a factor here.

  • jppope 1664 days ago
    I may be reading through the lines, but given how pressed private industry is for devs you're probably doing poorly on the non-technical part of the interview and they're leveraging the tech screen as an easy out for a decision that they already wanted to make.

    How much time do you spend preparing for non-technical phone screens & behavioral interviews?

    • algaeontoast 1664 days ago
      Not all too much - I think I’m pretty personable but what kinds of things should I maybe watch for or try to prepare for?
      • byoung2 1664 days ago
        Former director of engineering here...

        When I interview a candidate what I'm looking for is creative thinking, ability to solve problems. I like to hear about programming challenges you have faced, and how you solved them, or creative ways you've found to make processes more efficient. I'll ask you to describe some complex system you built in simple terms. I'll ask about ways you've found to save the company money, or use fewer resources.

        Even if your interviewers don't ask you these, you can work them into your answers and really set yourself apart from other candidates who only know algo and nothing else. An easy way to word these if you're no Shakespeare is to use the SAR (situation, action, result) format. For example:

        Interviewer: Tell me about a major project you led [that saved the company money|made operations more efficient]

        You: At my last company, we had a series of 100 web crawlers running on EC2 at a cost of $5000 per month. I realized that they sat idle 80% of the time since requests were unpredictable. I changed the architecture to make use of AWS Lambda instead, and reduced overall compute costs by 40%, while reducing a potential security risk.

        • jppope 1664 days ago
          well said. good advice
      • jppope 1664 days ago
        *Agree w/ using the SAR format... particularly the outcomes are a big deal.

        First, if you aren't looking up what questions they are going to ask on the internet you're doing it wrong. Obv, not every company has had people post the questions online, but if they're up you should read through them.

        When you tell your stories, make sure each story has a beginning, middle, and end... too often people lose track of their point towards the end and just keep on going on.

        Depends on the company, but dropping the names of packages and frameworks gives companies some familiar ground to evaluate you. The guy that hired me at my last company actually referenced that as a deciding factor for him. I think we can all admit there is a trendiness to our work sometimes.

        It's also really important to force the interview into a conversation... you need to be asking questions throughout the process as well, and making them have to think about how they should be impressing you too. You should be "Interviewing the Interviewer"... This is important because talented people are more worried where they will end up for a few years. It's also a signal that you aren't desperate.

  • andymoe 1664 days ago
    Keep at it and try to distinguish what kind of culture the company has in the first call with the recruiter. Don’t even bother with a tech screen until you know that.

    These are good places to start:

    • dvtrn 1664 days ago
      Don’t even bother with a tech screen until you know that.

      I’m actually a bit relieved to read this, a few weeks back a third-party recruiter submitted me to a pretty well paying Senior DevOps role at a massive fintech company. Their overview and write up of the role was pretty minimal, so I agreed to be submitted hoping to learn more.

      The very first interaction from them was a no-reply@ email from HackerRank. I didn’t even know who the internal recruiter was, not even a “Hi my name is blah you, we got your resume from agency” email from a warm blooded human being. Straight to coding test.

      If it weren’t for an email address in the HackerRank invitation to contact their recruiting team if the test failed to load or some other issue taking said test, I would have had no means of contacting them.

      I sent a polite email thanking them for considering me, and that I’d be happy to help them assess my skills but only after learning more about the company, the team I’d be hired into and having at least a nice to meet you conversation.

      They declined, I removed myself from consideration.

      Wondered off and on if that was the right call, eventually got over it...but that practice just didn’t sit well with me at the time.

      • mhdhn 1664 days ago
        of course it was right
    • algaeontoast 1664 days ago
      Thanks for the thoughtful advice.

      I do genuinely enjoy building things, just had a run of bad luck with my team at a FAANG being gutted and losing my job without a year under my belt. Algo was never a strong suit - still trying to figure out better ways to improve solely to make it through interviews.

      Fortunately I can get interviews and make it through provisional screens. Most of my let downs have been in second round screens or on-sites.

    • undefined_user6 1664 days ago
      thanks for those links. I didn't know that so many other people thought the big tech companies' hiring processes were broken, too.
  • hackermailman 1664 days ago
    Apply to a university and do research programming. You get paid less but nobody will want to do your job, they want to chase startup money. You will have a degree and easily get in because you aren't talking to a recruiter, you're talking to a PhD who prob went to the same school you did. It's the most satisfying work too, writing algorithms for a cancer lab or whatever they're doing at your university. Anyway that's my advice, I too couldn't get any jobs in the beginning
    • non-entity 1664 days ago
      Wont that be incredibly expensive? Or do you not have to be in a degree program to do research programming?
  • auslegung 1664 days ago
    If you enjoy coding and are at least ok for your experience level, the problem isn't you, it's the interviewing process. I'm sorry you've had so many poor experiences, but stick with it, especially since you enjoy building things.

    There's an enormous github repo <> dedicated to highlighting companies that don't do "whiteboarding", which means "the kinds of CS trivia questions that are associated with bad interview practices."

    I didn't read through this reddit post but it might also have some good resources: <

    I don't have a CS degree, I did some self-teaching off-and-on for about 5 years, did a bootcamp 3 years ago, and have had a decent career since then. I say that to say this: you're probably better than me at this stuff, so to repeat, the problem isn't you, it's the interview process.

  • gnusty_gnurc 1664 days ago
    I find my brain shuts down during interviews. There's also a bunch of misdirection, multiple times I've been told "we're not going to do any whiteboarding" only to be handed a whiteboard marker.

    Don't be discouraged, stick with it and make sure you push back against this screwed up culture when you gain experience and have the opportunity to make hiring decisions.

    • omar_a1 1664 days ago
      I've had this happen too. Also, lots of vagueness about what the technical interview entails, whether in terms of tech stack, format (Q&A? Coding exercises? Discussion-based?), or domain of questions (Pure algorithms? Specific applications to role? Both?).

      And even when they are specific, it's not very accurate since there's a game of telephone from the person administering the test and the recuriter.

      I study hard, I learn new languages and skills, only to get a completely different test. If I'm studying for the LSAT and am handed the MCAT, it's not a realistic indication of performance.

    • ScottFree 1663 days ago
      > I find my brain shuts down during interviews.

      Same here. Anytime I'm put on the spot in any context, whether it's interviews or when a teacher calls on me in class, my brain goes blank. Fight or flight? Or just panic? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • eanthy 1662 days ago
    I have experienced exactly the same and have faced a lot of recruitment nonsense over the years. In my opinion it's all a numbers game, some interviews I absolutely smash both the tech and hr part, others I fail miserably even on easy questions because of various circumstances.

    Some companies (for example Apple) won't even give you any hr interview they just call and say "let's go through some tech questions" and some guy starts asking you everything you've learnt in uni over 30mins. Others ask you to do a project at home and present it to them. Most commonly they send you a hackerrank which even if you smash there is always the chance you won't hear from them.

    Last bit brings me to my next point, recruiters don't see you as anything more than a resource and will change their mind at any point during the process. Recently I had a call with a company's HR they were super impressed and wanted to invite me in for face-to-face and said they will inform me their availability asap... well that was 3 weeks ago and haven't heard back.

    My advice is don't get discouraged or believe anything a recruiter tells you. Once I asked for a very reasonable salary for my experience and the recruiter got pissed off telling me even seniors don't make this in their company. Well guess what the next recruiter that called I got offered position for this exact money I asked for with no questions asked.

    Just keep applying and slowly improve your problem solving skills and eventually you will land the right position. Most Interviews are extremely unrealistic anyway and even if you fail it doesn't mean anything about your skills, just means they found someone who would work for them for less money... Keep trying and best of luck!

  • CameronBarre 1664 days ago
    Maybe you should try to find an opportunity that isn't dependent on what you're bumping up against repeatedly.
  • omar_a1 1664 days ago
    I'm in the same boat. I know I would do the job well, but I'm not a good test-taker. And even when I manage to perform really well on the tech screen, I still get rejected.

    Stay strong, OP.

  • dyeje 1663 days ago
    Interviewing just sucks sometimes. You got this, keep practicing and interviewing, you'll land something eventually.
  • sharma_pradeep 1664 days ago
    Show me what you have built