• TekMol 1716 days ago
    The batch looks like it's full of established companies with polished products and big clients.

    Wasn't YC about funding people before they even have a product?

    • pgt 1716 days ago
      Now that YC has deal flow from more established companies, it no longer needs to take the same kind of risk.
      • w1ntermute 1716 days ago
        Also, it’s gotten substantially easier for a team of 1-2 to build a polished product on a shoestring budget than it was when YC originally started.

        The claims of big customers are likely mostly exaggerated—product-market fit is as difficult to achieve as ever.

  • nraford 1716 days ago
    How is this different from AirTable or any other of the dozen of online spreadsheet tools? Just looks like an auto-aggregated table.

    Serious question: Where's the "research" here? Sorry, not trying to be antagonistic, just not seeing what's new here.

  • andrewstuart 1716 days ago
    YC is really operating at scale now!!
  • glennon 1716 days ago
    Thanks, Jude! From a quick scan, it seems there are quite a few companies in direct competition--particularly in: 1) incoming sharing education, 2) bespoke computer processors, 3) medical billing, and 4) recruiting software.
    • tylermenezes 1716 days ago
      Good observation! I don't think any of the ISA companies were direct competitors, but the number of companies that planned to earn revenue with ISAs this batch was super interesting to me.
      • glennon 1716 days ago
        In this batch, Juno College of Technology and Microverse both teach coding using income sharing agreements. Of course, from previous batches, Lambda School and Modern Labor are coding schools that charge via income sharing.
    • anirudhmurali 1714 days ago
      off-topic, @glennon, I remember you compiled a list of all YC companies under github/investor-school before their official launches on demo days. Was expecting similar for YC S19. Not doing it this time?
    • lend000 1716 days ago
      Where are you seeing the YC companies building computer processors?
      • glennon 1716 days ago
        Tensil.ai and Vorticity.xyz. If they are not both on Golden's list (I'm on mobile right now so cannot easily check), they can be found on YC's companies page. Ycombinator.com/companies
      • Kpourdeilami 1716 days ago
        This is one that I came across in that list: https://www.tensil.ai/ there are probably more judging by parent comment