Debugging Your Startup


176 points | by kmax12 1768 days ago


  • srameshc 1767 days ago
    There is so much truth in what Justin Kan said. A CEO at an early stage startup has to worry about so many things and each worry feels arising from a different unconnected problem. But this article boils down the most common causes of it. I would bookmark it and read it often as a reminder.
  • jamalrashid 1767 days ago
    Justin has been on a phenomenal run of sharing valuable insights (personal, professional, entrepreneurial). Very grateful!
  • alecco 1768 days ago
    Funny, I got a database error on that page. It went away on refresh.
    • sid- 1768 days ago
      Maybe you should have debugged that :)
      • the_common_man 1768 days ago
        He tried to. Case now closed as works for me/not reproducible.
  • taytus 1768 days ago
    The word "shit" is used at least three times in that article.

    Why would anyone listen to advise from someone who cannot communicate ideas without using curse words?

    Once, it's OK. Three is just too much for me.

    • csallen 1768 days ago
      > Why would anyone listen to advise from someone who cannot communicate ideas without using curse words?

      You do realize that choosing to be offended by the use of profanity is an entirely optional cultural quirk, right?

      Asking why anyone would listen to this is like asking why anyone would eat beans because you don't like beans.

    • dheera 1767 days ago
      It's a cultural thing. In a lot of places I grew up, that would be unacceptable and unprofessional. When I went through Y Combinator, I heard a good fraction of the partners cuss their way through most of their sentences. It can be jarring at first to some, but it's also a certain aura they cast upon the room of speaking unadulterated and unfiltered truth, which is also good in its own way.
    • cylon13 1768 days ago
      What is it about using the word "shit" that makes the article's contents not worth parsing to you? The tone of the article is very casual, and in casual English dialogue plenty of very intelligent people say "curse words" all the time. It sounds like you have a less than friendly bias towards people for little more than a variation in dialect.
      • taytus 1768 days ago
        One shit is ok, one fuck is ok. The abuse of these words doesn't make sense to me.

        English is my second language and even I could use other words to express a similar sentiment.

        • dheera 1767 days ago
          Separate observation but in my experience people who speak English as a second language tend to speak much more properly, and use curse words much less than native speakers.
          • helloindia 1767 days ago
            Personal experience here. I've observed that non-native english speakers say "shit" more often than the equivalent word in their own language.
    • throwaway5752 1768 days ago
      I think your observation is a bit off topic. That being said I agree with you. I thought it made the article less effective.
      • whymauri 1767 days ago
        Really? The entire article is now less effective?
