Ask HN: What are the drawbacks of releasing my language under GPLv3+link exc?


I was going to publish the source of my language under GPLv3 with the linking exception.

To me it looks like an ideal option: it protects the project and its contributors, and it doesn't result in any inconveniences for companies, since a compiler is not a library that has to be linked. And of course it can be used to develop proprietary software.

But several people are confident [1] that if I don't go for a copyfree license like MIT or Apache 2, lots of developers and companies will be scared off from contributing.

I'd understand if it were a library, then most simply wouldn't be able to link it. But you don't link a compiler, and the linking exception allows to use the stdlib without any limitations.

If they want to modify the compiler, it's easier for companies to contribute rather than support their own fork any way.

And if someone really needs a copyfree license, I could always have a separate license for them.

What are the drawbacks I'm not seeing?



6 points | by amedvednikov 1876 days ago


  • rurban 1876 days ago
    GPLv3 is one the most used SW licenses on github. => 934,174

    gpl-2: 377,640

    mit: 3,719,721

    mpl-2.0: 37,146

    I believe it's by far the best license, even if evil companies like apple, microsoft, facebook or google will not touch it with a 10foot pole. They would need to open source their services using it then.

    • SamReidHughes 1875 days ago
      It’s the AGPLv3 they really won’t touch. Companies still use gcc.
      • rurban 1874 days ago
        GPL3 took the service part from Affero, that's why the GPL3 is also strictly forbidden there.
  • NonEUCitizen 1876 days ago
    Nobody will use it -- you need to reduce, not add friction to people trying out your language. Nobody wants to read the license, or negotiate a special license for a new language.
    • amedvednikov 1876 days ago
      But why, what's the friction?
      • oaw-bct-ar-bamf 1876 days ago
        Spending time to read the license + exceptions

        More importantly: Trying to convince upper management that this license will be ok to use.

        • amedvednikov 1876 days ago
          Agreed, GPL is complicated.

          I'm now considering MPL. It allow static linking without complicated technical requirements.

  • amedvednikov 1876 days ago
    I'm now considering MPL 2.0. Seems to be easier.
    • CalChris 1876 days ago
      BSD is easier still.
      • amedvednikov 1876 days ago
        Yeah I decided to go for MIT in the end :)