Show HN: Use Chrome Headless in the Cloud from the Browser


16 points | by deepstream 1933 days ago


  • deepstream 1933 days ago
    Some known issues:

    - A screenshot of the remote page is not triggered on app load, so you may have tabs open that appear empty. Remedy: click the tab head / click or scroll the blank page to trigger a screenshot.

    - Scrolling by mousewheel, and some typing does NOT work in FF. Remedy: Scroll by touch / click on the scrollbar.

    - If not tabs are open, using the omnibox / addressbar is not intuitive. Remedy: open a tab (the + sign at top left), then type a URI or search query.

    - The headless instance you connect to is cookie-linked, and there's only 15 of them, so you may collide with someone else's session. Remedy: open incognito tabs to connect to different sessions.

    Also, invite you to criticise, give feedback and share bugs for this prototype realtime web interface for Chrome headless.