For how long has as Facebook been hijacking the back-button?

When I followed this link from another HN post, I noticed that the back-button was not active, as if I typed the URL directly, or opened the page in another tab. This was on Firefox. Is this new. I don't visit FB that often, so I may just not have noticed it. Is everyone all right with this? I'm not.

2 points | by CHsurfer 1935 days ago


  • 0xBE5A 1934 days ago
    Do you have the Facebook Container extension activated in Firefox? It automatically opens all fb links in a new session as if you opened a new tab, so the back button won't work. You might be able to get back to the previous page by re-opening it with ctrl+shift+t.
  • sidhantgandhi 1934 days ago
    Being able to hijack the back button like that would be either a browser bug, or feature like 0xBE5A describes.