Ask HN: What do you use as a scratchpad for your notes?

To my fellow engineers, what do you use to jot down and organize your note/thoughts/learnings? I see a lot of people using Google Docs, Evernote, or Sublime, but I've never liked any of them. Do any of these work for you all? Is there a better option out there?

2 points | by MediumD 1928 days ago


  • ricktdotorg 1925 days ago
    Standard Notes. great iOS app, on the web at, or you can self host. a serious recommend.
  • zzo38computer 1925 days ago
    I mostly use paper and pencil. Sometimes I write plain files placed in a directory on my computer, though.
  • johns 1928 days ago
    Notion is getting popular fast
  • techslave 1928 days ago
    a scratchpad.

    ie a physical notebook. the act of writing reinforces memory.

  • CtrlAltEngage 1928 days ago