Ask HN: Is it ok for Lyft/Uber drivers to solicit unrelated businesses?

Yesterday I ordered a Lyft to meet up with a friend, the ride started out normal enough with some small chit chat where the driver told me about a camping trip he went on with his church, and then asked me what I did for a living.

He then launched into what I could tell immediately was a pitch for some kind of pyramid scheme where he testified that his friend (the guy a level above him) had made "hundreds of thousands of dollars per year." I knew he was about to sell me on something I was not interested in. Not wanting to engage, I just sort of listened while he carried on for the duration of our 15 minute ride. I never asked him exactly what the nature of this business was, but from the sounds of it, it seemed like a network of people who click each other's google/amazon ads.

He went on at length talking about how ethical it was before I even asked anything about the nature of the business. After saying nothing for most of the ride, he finally said "This sounds like you might be a perfect candidate for something like this." I politely declined and told him I was satisfied with my current career.

Is this kind of thing considered OK? Normally my Uber and Lyft drivers have been very friendly, but on occasion I have gotten sales pitches from drivers with side businesses.

I gave him 1 star and moved on, but frequently encountering this kind of behavior would make me hesitant to continue using the service.

5 points | by zinkem 2175 days ago


  • cjbprime 2174 days ago
    I think a better solution would be a user setting for whether or not you're interested in conversation during the ride.

    If you are interested in conversation, I don't think solicitation is that inappropriate, as long as it stops at the first moment you say you're not interested. Like you say, it's common for small business owners to be driving to supplement their income, because driving doesn't pay a living wage by itself. I don't think they should have to hide that fact from you.

    • dbielik 2173 days ago
      This was an idea from the show "Nathan For You"!
  • rkho 2174 days ago
    I've had an MLM salesperson try and pitch me in an Uber before. He was driving a BMW and claimed that his company gave it to him for being a top salesperson for them. Kept trying to give me his business card. Wasn't a fan of that experience. Also one-starred.
  • caleblloyd 2174 days ago
    I think it's just part of the gig economy. UberX and Lyft drivers are not typically professionals, they are people with jobs looking for part time income. If you want professional service go for Uber Black or your local limousine service. (not necessarily a lemo, they have smaller cars too)

    I usually converse in an agreeable manner with my UberX and Lyft drivers to get a feel for different markets in the area and learn about other lifestyles. I think it is quite interesting!

  • gesman 2174 days ago
    If you think conversation is not going to the direction you enjoy - you may leverage something between ignoring silence up to firm "I am not interested in this conversation" to curb someone's unsolicited enthusiasm.

    On a side note - last time i took Lyft - I had very pleasant conversation with lady who is also part time art teacher and artist.

    It also fun to exchange passions - but of course - as long as it's mutually enjoyable.

  • gburt 2174 days ago
    Giving him 1 star is part of the "economy" here, he won't be allowed to drive if people don't like this process.
  • rajacombinator 2174 days ago
    I’d much rather get an MLM pitch than a “build my app” idea pitch. Either one is not offensive though. Slow phones with slow gps leading to missed directions, and dumb passengers who don’t know how to use pool are much bigger problems.
  • ksherlock 2174 days ago
    They're not employees; they're independent contractors.
  • cm2012 2174 days ago
    No. But one star them and it will stop soon enough. Same thing with Jehovah's witness type situations.
  • samfisher83 2174 days ago
    If you don't like the conversation you can tell him that, but how do you think some of these startups made it. They were hustling. Airbnb sold obama o's. I can't blame people for trying. I am not a fan of MLM, but a lot of times people get breaks by hustling.